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Guest Dmann2000

I think after all is said and done

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Guest Dmann2000

The product is sub standard right now. And its true that if there was real competition the WWE would be better motivated. But I get the feeling that something, probably within the next 6 months to a year will click big with fans. Maybe it'll be as a result of fan feedback they've been listening too. Maybe some lesser writer will be given a shot and hit gold with it. But something's gonna happen. And I feel we won't see it coming

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Guest The Flying Dutchman



There's your gratuitous HHH joke for this thread.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Oh no doubt it'll get better. I'm not one of those doomsayers that think the WWE will go out of business. But I mean seriously....it's been shitty for a long time now. It started to get better before SS then got shitty again. I'm tired of waiting.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I dont think it will get any better in the next 6-12 months, but I dont think it will get any worse either.

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Guest DJ Jeff

The WWE will get better, there's no question about it. I'm hoping by the Survivor Series, the WWE starts improving somewhat.




I doubt that will ever happen. Seriously, maybe within a year, the WWE will show signs of improvement.

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Guest Dmann2000

Like I said guys, I really think it'll be something we didn't picture happening, like with Austin taking off or HHH 2000

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Guest DJ Jeff
Like I said guys, I really think it'll be something we didn't picture happening, like with Austin taking off or HHH 2000

Does that mean the Rock will leave the WWE for good? :unsure:


That would be something I wouldn't expect happening, and I'd be happy for once. :D

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Here's an idea: stop pushing the old guys and/or hosses (although I'm liking Brock), and push the athletic good wrestlers, even if they aren't 6'7" 290 lbs.


That would *completely* take me by surprise.

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Guest Trivia247

the fan feedback is only gonna work if the people doing the sending isn't either flaming or Marking. After a while they will close up the Feedback thinking we are all rude and nutz

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Anyone else feel that Survivor Series will be the beginning of the turning point since:


A)It's going to be held in MSG


B)2002 dates fall on the same days as they did in 1996.


These two things began the revival of the WWF.


So, I wouldn't be suprised if it happened again.

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Guest Anglesault
The product is sub standard right now. And its true that if there was real competition the WWE would be better motivated. But I get the feeling that something, probably within the next 6 months to a year will click big with fans. Maybe it'll be as a result of fan feedback they've been listening too. Maybe some lesser writer will be given a shot and hit gold with it. But something's gonna happen. And I feel we won't see it coming

And the first step in getting better...


Put the world titles on two of the worst choices! :bonk:

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Anyone else feel that Survivor Series will be the beginning of the turning point since:


A)It's going to be held in MSG


B)2002 dates fall on the same days as they did in 1996.


These two things began the revival of the WWF.


So, I wouldn't be suprised if it happened again.

The only thing that will happen at SS 02 will be the cosmic reset button being pushed yet AGAIN. Either that or HHH plays the "Book Myself over the great white hope" card (Trademark Kevin Nash, all rights reserved) and convinces Vince to job Brock to him to reunify the belts and be the death blow to the WWF....

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I am going to paraphase something from TOA's quote machine...


"Everything always seems to be 'getting better' but never actually gets better."

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wait a second... 1996 did what now?


The Wwfs rise began in 98; 96 was a bomb.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

No it began it's good TV right after SS96 with all the Austin/Bret stuff. It just didn't show until 98.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Say, what if Brock BEATS HHH to unify the titles.


Better or worse for business?

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