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Guest AP Newswire


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Guest AP Newswire

MANASSAS, VIRGINIA: SEPTEMBER 6TH -- Authorities and investigators called to this Virginia town of recent mysterious happenings were horrified to find a pile of corpses outside the town limit. Some 1,200 people deemed "inefficient" by the new local government make up the body count. Only civil service employees and others paid by tax dollars remain.


Going against hundreds of Virginia State laws, a sudden election for mayor was called yesterday, and communications were cut off to the city just before the voters went to the polls. People who escaped the city before its one-way doors were quickly built on all outgoing roads describe a city suddenly taken astorm by a new charismatic leader and his 20-something associates, all of them very familiar, but one unknown to them. Each door into(but not out of) the town has been labeled with this picture:




The only suriving member of the former State, former Chancellor to the Maximum Proconsulate Goodhelmet, called this an obvious copycat attempt as he spoke to reporters outside of the Pentagon. He is in the area to brief and share with the United States government the technological advances of the Cuban laboratories administered by the former State of America. Through various financial dealings and help from the new US government, he has maintained all lands occupied by the research facilities to prevent them from being taken by the Cuban leader Castro II who renegged on his promises to make Cuba a democracy after the Global Restructuring. Goodhelmet still lives in Peru, but has been gradually giving more and more information to the US government in return for immunity. When asked if he knew anything more about the Manassas situation, he declined comment.


"I just hope these nuts don't try to duplicate that," he said. "The State wrecked innumerable lives and nearly brought the world to ruin. For some kind of totalitarian regime like that to set itself up anywhere again is nothing more than insanity."


Investigators trying to call out of the city on their cellular phones were heard to call for help before they were presumably killed. Calls out of the city were almost impossible to hear due to tremendous noise, and explained that every stereo in the city was turned to their maximum and every citizen seemed indoctrinated with fascist ideals before they were silenced. Residents of adjoining towns have been complaining of noise from both the city walls being built and loud music coming from within.


Authorities have discontinued exploratory probes until proper aerial shots can be obtained to determine the threat.


In other news, foreign leaders from all over the world expressed their remorse in letters to President Webster and condemned the apparent terrorist seperatist act.


In other terrorist news, a man has commandeered a plane in Azerbaijahn after threatening to destroy the capital of Baku with a nuclear device. His destination is unknown, but he is being denied landing in all European countries. Libya finally permitted him to land, where he is currently staying under protection of the Libyan government, a known US opponent. This will further strain US-Libyan relations, maybe to the breaking point.



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Guest DeputyHawk

deputyhawk clutches his knees to his thumping chest, knuckles white gripping his standard issue notepad and pen. he sweats. his ears are bleeding. he has seen what no man ever should.

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You break that town's name down, it's three syblables...Man. Ass. As. Huh huh! That's pretty bitchin'. Them people know how to rock, though, so Metal Ed ain't got no problem with them.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I wonder why this isn't sparking the same kind of discussion the first news story did.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Will Scarlet
I wonder why this isn't sparking the same kind of discussion the first news story did.


I think the other one had the whole "Holy shit!" value going for it. You either had people happy that The State had returned or those who were like were trying to figure out exactly what The State is.


This one does have the Lenin picture though, so it gets an easy thumbs up from me.

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Guest DeputyHawk

goddammit, my ears are still bleeding here. progress the narrative, teutonic sick boy.


ps-also, to why people aren't responding, i think it would work better keeping all the updates in the one thread.

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Guest Incandenza

I was "dead," right? I have an idea to bring back my character, but I need to know if I am dead. And yes, Kotz, I am aware you said everyone was killed, but I still have a pm from a few months ago stating I was still alive, so there.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

You're dead. Very very dead.


Fo sheez,



EDIT: The plan was to keep all updates from here on in this thread, since "Further Details" would be true as a title.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Dude, being dead's not cool... sure it is for a little while, but then the creepy necro goth chicks just move on to the next guy. I can't believe I was dumped for a suicide! I mean, sure, I guess goths dig those fellow "depressed" dudes but come on! I may be all bone and maggots but I'm still ALL MAN BABY~!

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