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Guest hardyz1

Soy products

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Guest hardyz1

OK, so I'm trying to lose a nice chunk of weight and I'm trying to eat right for a change. I've been reading about various soy products (like soymilk and soyburgers) and I'm thinking about trying them. Has anybody here tried them? Are they any good?


This may not be the right place to ask it, but I'd like to at least hear from people who aren't trying to sell me something.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Personally: I really like soy and soy-related accessories. I like soy milk more than regular milk... It just tastes better.


Go ahead and try them. You may have to get used to them at first, but once you do.. SOY HEAVEN~!


I didn't care much for soy burgers, but I'm a freak..

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Guest El Gigante

I like soy burgers, once u start you just cant stop eating them. Now thats not a bad thing thats a GOOD THING! :D

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I had one in 1998 and I couldn't even finish it; it tasted terrible.


Guess they've improved them greatly, eh?

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Guest El Gigante

Well I cant compare because I didnt eat them back then so I dont know.


And then maybe I could be the freak that actually likes them.

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Guest razazteca

Soy Sause taste good on rice other than that I stay away from the fake food products made by the bean kurd Tofu.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

The flavour of soy milk is strangely soothing. I had it last year at my friend's house. It's better than warm cow's milk, ...


(*falls asleep*)

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Guest RevEvil


Lets all go meatless and join PETA!!

Wow, Mr. McClure. I was a grade A moron to ever question eating meat.

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Guest MrRant

Soy is the tool of the Devil. Bring me meat... hell bring me the cow and I will carve off what I need and ride the rest home!

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Guest RevEvil
Soy is the tool of the Devil. Bring me meat... hell bring me the cow and I will carve off what I need and ride the rest home!

You don't win friends with salad!

You don't win friends with salad!

You don't win friends with salad!

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Guest areacode212

I'm slightly allergic to soymilk, but Fresh Samantha makes a really yummy Vanilla Almond Soy Shake drink:



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