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Guest Nevermortal

Best Whiskey/Bourbon

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Guest Nevermortal

I've heard good things about the old crow brand... usually under 10 bucks, 86 proof, and they give you a shitload in the bottle.



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Guest El Satanico

Well it's not a very original answer but the two i always liked best were Jack Daniels and Crown Royal.


Hell i use to be able to drink Jack and Crown like it was water...until i had to slow down my drinking.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I have always been a fan of the Irish Whiskeys.............Jameson and Bushmill's are two favs.

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Guest razazteca

Jack Daniels

Jim Beam

Ebnizer Brooks

Southern Comfort

Captian Morgan may be spicy rum but it still one of my favs

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Guest saturnmark4life

i only drink it very rarely, but if i do it'll probably be jack daniel's. I seem to remember southern comfort tasting like shit, but it's a fuzzy memory all in all. I'm no whiskey conuesseur or anything.

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Guest El Satanico
Southern Comfort has Carmel flavor added to it, I like it

It does? I never much cared for Southern Comfort and found Jim Beam to be terrible.

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