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Guest saturnmark4life

fave wrestling characters

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Guest saturnmark4life

I vote for Raven, Angle and SCSA. Honourable mention to Jake Roberts for blueprinting raven in many ways.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I like the Repo Man. His character was stupid, but I just loved it.


Oh, seriously? I think Raven's character is one of the best there has been. Jake Roberts on a different level, totally.


Mick Foley was enjoyable in all forms. He was fun to watch, y'know?

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Guest eiker_ir

of all time Raven definitly....


i mark for the Hurricane everytime and Foley when he was Cactus, Dude Love and Mankind, changing every week.......remember when the three were sitting there talking to each other on the titantron, that was great....

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Or when he was in the 1998 Royal Riumble three times as Dude/Cactus/Mankind... That was great.


I really liked Owen Hart's character circa 1996. The whiny "little brother" heel. ... They gave him a column in WWF Magazine around tat time. It was classic.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i guess we should mention goldust. I mean, he REEKS of crack, but it's timeless somehow.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I LOVED Repo Man. He was hilarious, despite the stupid gimmick. Darsow was one those wrestlers that was always entertaining to me, despite his lack of talent. I also really enjoyed his golfer character.


Best all time is probably The Million Dollar Man. He was just so gloriously evil.

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Guest Youth N Asia

JObber Mikey

Crazy Mikey (of course)


-Cactus Jack of course.

-Whalen Mercy...most wasted gimmick ever..they could have gone places with that.

-Mr Perfect


Repo man was the shit

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Another vote for the Repo Man. The best part was that you could tell that Darsow was just having so much damn fun playing him.


Jake Roberts is pretty much the prototype for Raven, Austin, current Undertaker and any of those "broody anti-authority heels." You want to talk about the first shades of gray character, it has to be Jake the Snake.


Other characters I marked for, beyond what they could do in the ring or on the mic, were the Honky Tonk Man, Disco Inferno, early Barry Windham, IRS, Dibiase, Narscisst Luger, Mr. Perfect, Waylon Mercy, early Razor Ramon (who I thought was just unintentionally hilarious) and Roddy Piper.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Raven is easily my favourite character of all time. The mere fact that I have enjoyed since I first saw him 1995, and still do 7 years later. Not many characters seem to have that much longevity.


Other characters I enjoy: Hurricane, Chris Nowinski, 3 Count loving Tank Abbot, Al Snow during his Head days, and, while he does not have much character at the moment, I thoroughly enjoy Tajiri, especially when he was with Regal and during his breakup with Torrie and short feud with Maven.

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Guest godthedog

ultimate warrior was my favorite when i was little, and i'm still entertained by him today in a very different way. he was just...so...out there.


and i LOVE kenta kobashi. the no-selling, the goofy fighting spirit...all of it. when i see him in a match, i am jacked.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Jake Roberts, Raven, Great Muta, and the original heel Doink The Clown are all awesome

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Heel Doink !!! Forgot him.


I wish I could've seen more of him...


Another character: Big Bossman circa the Big Show feud in '99. Great television. He pulled off that poem about Big Show's daddy... "If I had a on as stupid as you/I'd wish for cancer, so that I could die too".

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Evil Jake, Million Dollar Man, Paranoid/Sadistic Austin (I hate his babyface "Beer drinkin' ass whoopin'" character) Vader as a monster heel, and Cactus Jack are my favorites.


Honorable mention to King Kong Bundy, who always cracked me up and still does. Goddam he's fat

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Guest Strike Force!

Of the ones mentioned here:


I loved Goldust's character when he first arrived. I had never seen anything like that in wrestling before. The closest thing I could think of was Exotic Adrian Street, but even that comparison was a bit of a stretch.


I liked Owen Hart's whiny little brother heel character, too. That's one thing that every promoter has dropped the ball on is not pushing the sibling rivalry or family conflict more.


Kurt Angle is gold, especially when he first came in. The clean-cut babyface who's actually an arrogant dork character was fun to watch.


RVD is a great character. Not much to it, but I love the simplicity of a laid back babyface. Very contrary to the determined, tough babyface character that I grew up watching (Ricky Steamboat, Wahoo McDaniel, Brian Pillman, etc.). I always found those guys boring.

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Guest evilhomer

Waylon Mercy was one of my fav all time that never went anywhere, I still use that "What??? I'm a nice guy" schit myself sometimes. The character had so much potential and the best they could do with him was a used car salesman.


Disturbed Raven is probably the one I've liked the most. The man has a way of talking that is just so deep it makes you think about how far it's going.


I've always liked the characters that Don "cyruss" Callis has played. I think his network executive in ECW was just a great classic heel, and really set up some meaningful factions and fueds.

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Guest papacita

I loved Repo Man. Those skits where he used to reposess people's things were funny as hell. Anybody remember when he repo'd Bill Alphonso's car?


My other favorite characters...despite the fact that he scared the shit outta me, I'd say Taker...Cactus Lovekind (Foley), the ORIGINAL Stone Cold Steve Austin from 96-early 97 (his Live Wire interview was classic), Shawn Michaels' "Heartbreak Kid" character, and heel Doink.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

in no order.



Rick Rude


Million Dollar Man

Evil Jake


Steve Austin(heel)

Jun(as Misawa's not ME ready tag partner)

Jushin Lyger

La Parka(surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet)


"Another character: Big Bossman circa the Big Show feud in '99. Great television. He pulled off that poem about Big Show's daddy... "If I had a on as stupid as you/I'd wish for cancer, so that I could die too". "


It was so bad it was entertaining and LOL hilliarious. I got my screen name from that memorable fued.

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Guest saturnmark4life
Evil Jake, Million Dollar Man, Paranoid/Sadistic Austin (I hate his babyface "Beer drinkin' ass whoopin'" character) Vader as a monster heel, and Cactus Jack are my favorites.


Honorable mention to King Kong Bundy, who always cracked me up and still does. Goddam he's fat

Bundy is one of those guys, like Albert, that just looks so cartoonish you like watching them. For limited periods. But yes, i always liked Bundy and his promos, just a classic fat angry heel.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion
In no order.



Rick Rude

Million Dollar Man

Evil Jake


Steve Austin(heel)

La Parka(surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet)


"Another character: Big Bossman circa the Big Show feud in '99. Great television. He pulled off that poem about Big Show's daddy... "If I had a on as stupid as you/I'd wish for cancer, so that I could die too". "


It was so bad it was entertaining and LOL hilliarious. I got my screen name from that memorable fued.

This man speaks the truth!


I find that heels make far better characters than faces too... Sorta like in real life, I guess.


RVD & La Parka re great faces, though. Well, RVD, anyway... :D

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Guest razazteca

I 2nd the StrangleMania announcers


Sting as the ultimate face before he became the Silent Crow Clown


Booker T as midcard champ that could, Can You Dig It!? :firedevil:


Ric Flair as the leader of: 1) a stable 2) a company 3) tradition


Dr Wagner Jr and Black Tiger as Rudos


Shocker and Mascara Magica as 1000% Guapos


Mike Tenay as the Prof of Wrestling

Don Callis as Cyrus The Network Insider

Bobby Heenan hating Hogan

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Guest areacode212

I loved Repo Man, too. The only time I marked out during the Gimmick Battle Royal was when I heard "*keerash* REPOOOOOO MAN!" and his music started playing. My original name at this forum was "RepoMan9", actually, until I found out that there was already a Repo Man jr here.


Of course, the original "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is on the top of my list. I just watched his KOTR '96 speech again the other day (it's an extra on the What? DVD)--what an awesome promo. The way he completely ripped into Jake Roberts set him apart from every other heel I had ever seen. He came off as such an evil badass.


A character that's really underrated was Bob Backlund's heel character, which was really before its time. Who knew he had it in him? He was so convincing in the role that they scrapped the "Bob was possessed by Papa Shango" angle because it was unnecessary. I think a lot of the heel Backlund character ended up influencing Bret's own heel character, Owen's final Blue Blazer run and Kurt Angle's character.


Grr...another reason to hate the Clique.

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Guest papacita
A character that's really underrated was Bob Backlund's heel character, which was really before its time. Who knew he had it in him? He was so convincing in the role that they scrapped the "Bob was possessed by Papa Shango" angle because it was unnecessary. I think a lot of the heel Backlund character ended up influencing Bret's own heel character, Owen's final Blue Blazer run and Kurt Angle's character.

You know, I'm surprised I forgot to mention him, because heel Backlund is one of my all time favorite characters. He was probably the first heel that I genuinely liked.


I also loved RVD's Mr. Monday Night character in ECW. I used to love how he dissed Sabu when they were teaming together.

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Guest MarioLogan

Ministry Undertaker

Hulk Hogan

Kevin Sullivan

Million Dollar Man

Jake Roberts

Heel Steve Austin

Heel Mankind


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Guest gwf0704

Andre the Giant

Bruiser Brody

David Von Erich

Brian Pillman

Ric Flair

Jake Roberts

Undertaker (heel)

Evil Doink

Mil Mascaras

Tiger Mask

Chris Benoit



ECW Shane Douglas

Steve Austin

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Heel Shawn Michaels...now THATS a charector that made you want to fucking kill him...


Also, Face Dark-Side Undertaker was always cool


Illusion - Guns N' Roses Mark

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Guest BAR

Raven: "So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

Edited by BAR

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Am I the only one who doesn't like Raven and never has? Even after seeing a good portion of the "classic" ECW stuff he's done? I liked him in the 98 Souled Out match against Benoit, and that's about it. Otherwise, he just came across as a tool, IMO. I still think he's really overrated as a character and especially as a worker.


Anyway, psycho Backlund was gold, and I'm so glad the papa shango stuff never went anywhere.

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