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Guest Kotzenjunge

What do I settle on?


27 members have voted

  1. 1. What do I settle on?

    • Laserlight avatar, Kotzenjunge banner + text
    • Green Bay avatar, Green Bay pictures
    • Kylie avatar, Kylie picture
    • Laserlight avatar, Green Bay pictures
    • Green Bay avatar, Kylie picture
    • Kylie avatar, Kotzenjunge banner + text
    • Green Bay avatar, Kotzenjunge banner + text
    • Kylie avatar, Green Bay pictures
    • Laserlight avatar, Kylie picture
    • Other(state below)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I noticed that the banner is the best ever, people either loved or hated the Packers tribute, and the Kylie sig is worshipped by all. Vote your choice! The Kylie avatar will come from the best one I can find on the kylie.com messageboards(which I do frequent).


Fo sheez,


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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I don't care, as long as you use "Minogue-omous" and credit <Steph voice> ME~! </Steph voice>

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I voted laserlight avatar and Kylie banner. Guys mark for Kylie, and it is pretty tasty, I'm sure.


No matter what, you MUST have that laserlight avatar. It stood out.


(RE: You must be trapped with your old avatar as I am with mine. Or something.)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

People are FEELING the Kylie picture. I hope they realize that's not the same as the Kylie banner.


Fo sheez,


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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

It's not? I dunno... I don't even have sigs turned on. I just miss your old avatar.

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Guest treble charged

I just want to know what we would have been subjected to had the Packers NOT won their game.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I saw the picture.


Also: I avoid Rotten.Com ... AT ALL COSTS.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Then pray the Packers always win.


Fo sheez,



EDIT: So you never saw the banner?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Okay, voting is closed. The decision has been made.


The Packers stuff will return only for the time between the end of the Tennesse Volunteers game on Saturday and the end of the Green Bay Packers game on Sunday.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Bob, I would say that also, but it's Kylie during the week, Packers on the weekends.


Fo sheez,


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Guest evenflowDDT

Voting is closed? I didn't even get to vote yet, dammit!


Plus - rotten.com isn't that bad. It's got some nasty stuff, but I've seen worse.

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Guest Incandenza
Plus - rotten.com isn't that bad. It's got some nasty stuff, but I've seen worse.

I'm curious. Where?

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm trying to remember, I think it was theskull.net or something like that... I used to be BIG on that stuff in middle school. I was a disturbed psychopath (OK, maybe not a PSYCHOPATH...), which is why so many of my worst tales come from that period, like the infamous "Daniela/Necrophilia & Valentines" deal.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion
...which is why so many of my worst tales come from that period, like the infamous "Daniela/Necrophilia & Valentines" deal.


Okay, uhm, seriously?... Yeah. That sounds sweet. I don't know why. I would personally be flattered if someone gave me valentines like those.



How lonely am I, anyway?! Damn it.

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Guest goodhelmet
Plus - rotten.com isn't that bad.  It's got some nasty stuff, but I've seen worse.

I'm curious. Where?

well, one of the places i used to frequent a few years back was grotesque.com. cobain's autopsy pics, some other equally disturbing pics. this was 96=97 i believe. truly sickening.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Kylie avatar and picture got 2nd place, so I'm going to use that combo until I leave for Washington. Thanks to all who voted!


Fo sheez,


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Guest Incandenza

Eh, given some of the stuff I've seen at Rotten, I can't imagine anything worse. Equal, maybe, but not worse.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Since sandman's gone, and Agent of Oblivion is too, back to the Lucky Knickers picture!!

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