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Guest Steve J. Rogers

A point about Chuck and Billy's "ceromony"

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

It should be noted that the NY Post article correctly labels both Gunn (also used his real name Monty Sopp) and Palumbo are not gay in real life (come to think about it twice over the years Billy's family became part of the WWE's kayfabe cannon, when Billy got his neck broken and I think Billy was the one who says "Yeah well I got a wife and kids to!" in the post-throwing Mick and Funk over the ramp in a garbage contanier-promo when JR mention Mick's family) but shouldn't there have been a little more trepredation on this one considering how they were reluntant to turn Rock full heel because they were worried, or the Rock was, about fan reaction towards a "bad guy" in Hollywood


And don't tell me about "Oh everyone KNOWS wrestling is fake" because how many times to soap opera stars who play villans get dirty looks thrown at them by fans wheither its kidding around or not. Or fans who expect their favorite actor/comedian/ect to fulfill their image of that person (ie the cast from Seinfeld, ect)


Hell sometimes wrestlers themselves start believeing they really are the gimmicks. I.e. Hart, Bret or Hickenbottom, Michael Shawn who both lived their "Hitman" and "Heart Break Kid" gimmicks as if they were realer than their real personaes. Two other examples would be Ted DiBiase with the excesses that came with "The Million Dollar Man" and Jim Hellwig who, with the help of mind altering drugs believes he IS "The Ultimate Warrior"


Speaking of Monty Sopp's kids, I'd love to know if his kids are being tormented more than say Michael McCormack's kids would be (don't know if the Will and Grace star has any but it seems wrestlers would be more "real" than a more obvious TV character. especially when there are no credits at the begining of the show telling you who is playing who, and then again that is a bit more blurring with more and more wrestlers using their own names (Chris Benoit, Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, ect) or "perfectly acceptable stage names (Chris Jericho, Rocky Miavia, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, ect)



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Guest mach7

It's funny that you talk about "a point" in the message header for this post - yet you go off on so many tangents that you fail to get said point across.


Good job.

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Guest BifEverchad
It's funny that you talk about "a point" in the message header for this post - yet you go off on so many tangents that you fail to get said point across.


Good job.

thats EXACTLY what I was gonna say too..


Kudos Stevo!


*sidenote: Mach7, where ya been? :huh:

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Guest Trivia247

was this a post about a Same sex marriage angle or the fact they don't use their real names in wrestling?

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Guest snowfan
I thought it was about how bad characters are hated by marks...

I figured it was on the advantages of tax free municipal bonds....

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Guest creativename

Oh come on guys, enough of this sarcastic crap. I thought his point was pretty freakin' clear, if you didn't get it, maybe you should just read it again.


He's just wondering what the reaction of marks to this whole gay marriage thing will be. He adds some insightful comments how some wrestlers have confused their in-ring personas and real life (Austin's another obvious example you could add to the list), and how that might also influence marks' reactions.


Actually my girlfriend was also very concerned about Billy's kids, and this was months ago when B+C first came around, way before this whole gay marriage thing! She was especially concerened when I told her about Billy's "Mr. Ass" gimmick. (She's getting her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, and had a rough childhood herself, so he's very concerned about the well-being of children at young ages when they're sensitive).

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Guest papacita

Personally, as much as I hate Billy Gunn, I always had a problem with the gay angle because of the fact that he has a wife and kids...you KNOW his kids will probably catch hell if they go through with this wedding.

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I agree. Billy Gunn.......err Monty Sopp's kids shouldn't be put through this. They go to school and other kids say, "Ha ha your dad is gay and married to another man" cause you know kids take wrestling seriously even if their parents tell them it's fake.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion
Personally, as much as I hate Billy Gunn, I always had a problem with the gay angle because of the fact that he has a wife and kids...you KNOW his kids will probably catch hell if they go through with this wedding.

Well, Chuck's daughter is around four years old now... Think she'll hafta hear anything about it?


Eh. I feel bad for Billy's kids.

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Guest creativename
Personally, as much as I hate Billy Gunn, I always had a problem with the gay angle because of the fact that he has a wife and kids...you KNOW his kids will probably catch hell if they go through with this wedding.

Yes, that's exactly what we were talking about. You know that no one, and I mean NO ONE can act with more pure malevolence than young boys ages 8-15. B+C's kids are going to have one helluva horrible childhood, with countless scars. We really, really feel for these poor kids.


Seriously, they might be some of Vince's biggest victims to date.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I can't believe you guys. Really... this is absurd. Kids taunt everyone by calling them gay, regardless of whether they really are or not. It's an aspect of American society that gay = unmanly, which is why "you fag!" will be a cheap insult for years to come.


Now then, I seem to remember on Confidential or somewhere Rico was talking about how his daughter came to him after the kids at her school were talking to him about appearing in a thong on TV. I think his daughter replied by telling them about how good her dad's ass looks or something like that. I'm butchering the anecdote but you get the idea.

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Guest evenflowDDT

By the way, whatever happened to "all other B&C wedding threads will be deleted" stip?

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Guest creativename
I can't believe you guys. Really... this is absurd. Kids taunt everyone by calling them gay, regardless of whether they really are or not. It's an aspect of American society that gay = unmanly, which is why "you fag!" will be a cheap insult for years to come.

Oh come on dude. You cannot tell me that Billy's kids will not go through hell because of this angle. Some idiot kid calling you gay as an uncreative insult, and him making fun of your entire family because your dad is embarassing himself on national TV are two entirely different things.


And this thread was started prior to the "One and Only" thread. It has immunity, ala Test ;) (what the hell was the point of that angle anyway? it went nowhere)

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Guest mach7
*sidenote: Mach7, where ya been? :huh:

Here, there. Around. Trying to get back "into the mix" since returning from the UK. It's tougher than it sounds... ;p :bonk:

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

I guess I should have titled it A FEW POINTS about...


Anyway I guess the whole point I was trying to make was that Billy and Chuck and their families will now be stereotyped and/or ridiculed for life, even if they don't go through with it (i.e. run-in, a turn, or any of the usual wrestling wedding stoppers)


Just to further illustrate it all when I said how kayfabe and reality has really blurred when it comes to wrestling, this guy at work who watched wrestling since the sixities was trying to convince me that the Ultimate Warrior was dead. When I said, no he wasn't he said I wasn't in "the know" i.e. he was making it sound like he was a smark and I was a mark. Sometimes you can't convince people.


Thats pretty much where I was going with all of my various tangents that people believe what they want to believe because wrestling tends to exists on two planes of reality at the same time and since they know its fake they think anyone who says differently doesn't realize that wrestling is fake.


Another great example of this is a mark that told me Rick Rude had been dead for years after I told him he JUST died when he did, conversley someone told me John Studd JUST died when I knew Big John had been dead for some time.


And THAT should be what the WWE, Bill... err Monty and Chuck should be worried about with this storyline



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