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The Liontamer

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Does anybody know the answer to this. The only thing i can think of is that the real liontamer hurts more. It's now a boston crab, I think the change has really hurt the moves credibility, as it doesn't even look like it really hurts. Anyone know the exact reason if so please share

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Guest PlatypusFool

Cos all of the WWE main eventers are pathetic wusses that have lost hold of what it is to be a wrestler in amongst all the money, belts and politics. Honestly, if a wrestler isn't prepared to take a little pain for his craft what's their motivation for being out there?! No wonder American wrestling sucks balls at the moment.

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Guest Incandenza

Some of the guys are too big for it. I recall when Jericho tried to do it on Kane late last year, and the big red fucker coudn't even get into the proper position.

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Guest eiker_ir

yeah, i understand that Jericho can't do the move properly on guys like Kane, Taker, etc., but he never seems to aply it correctly anymore even in guys like Spike Dudley....



and even the Boston Crab he does looks like shit....



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Jericho has really let himself go to pot after winning the Undisputed title in my opinion. Maybe he knows that he'll never that opportunity again and is just dogging it. The Liontamer, in essence, was a standing Boston crab, but then Jericho got very lazy with it and I think that killed the move more than anything.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Basically, like stated before, the guys he's faced in the WWF/E are a LOT bigger than Rey, Juvi, and Dean Malenko, so he really can't apply the hold like he used to then. He can get it semi-correctly on them(see the Rock feud before he starts reaching for the ropes), but really, it's not worth the effort since no one taps to it anymore, anyway.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I recall reading somewhere that Jericho couldn't apply the hold properly because his opponents in WWE were much less limber than the ones he faced in WCW. It makes sense, but I still miss seeing him use that hold properly.

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Guest eiker_ir

he could at least apply a good Boston Crab, u know like sitting back at least.....to make it look a little bit like it hurt

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Guest DragonflyKid

On Tough Enough when Jericho was a special guest someone asked why he changed the way he did the Liontamer, instead of answering the question he just put the guy in the both versions of it.

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Guest Tod deKindes

I most preferred the version where he kneeled by driving his knee into the victim's back.

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Guest Incandenza

eiker has a point (yeah, I wrote that); if Jericho can't/won't do the Liontamer properly anymore, he should at least do the Boston Crab correctly. It looks even worse than Rock's Sharpshooter.

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Guest eiker_ir
eiker has a point (yeah, I wrote that)


what the hell?





...yeah it looks even worse than Rock's Sharpshooter, he likes, stands there normally but grabbing the feet of the other guy, he doesn't sit back or anything....

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Guest art_vandelay

In an OTR interview with Jericho, he ran down the events that occured during Hunter's quad tear, and as he applied the shitty Walls of Jericho to HHH on the announce table, he said he tried to do it so that Hunter's leg was as straight as possible.

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