Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted September 11, 2002 Did you email him directly or to the WWE Feedback to get this response? [email protected], Lawler's email address. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted September 11, 2002 If your email was polite then i think he was a little rude to you and it was wrong. If you emailed him though and told him he sucked, then I think this is kind of funny, especially the slupree line. Personally I think his commentary sucked. We were counting the seconds between when he said HLA and sometimes we couldnt even get to 2 before it came. Niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted September 11, 2002 If Lawler's commentary is based on directives from bookers and scriptwriters in the back, then I think a well-written email in the WWE Feedback section is a lot more worthwhile. Lawler is following orders. Yell at the people GIVING the orders, not taking them. For the record, you can count me in on the "Lawler's commentary reached an all-time low on Monday" group. As such, I wrote a simple email to WWE Feedback saying how abrasive it was to listen to. I encourage everybody else to do the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted September 11, 2002 From what he written it still seems despite the feedback option the WWE still looks down on us Smarks. If We don't flame as much when we do feedback maybe they start listening a little. But who knows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 11, 2002 You know what my problem with Lawler's response to your email is? Besides the fact that he was abrasive. Lawler has been in this business for a long time. Longer than Gerwitz has. Yet Lawler just goes along with what the writers tell him to say. For crying out loud Lawler! Sit the writers down and give them a piece of your mind! Tell them they are ruining your legacy and the commentary. A man as respected as Lawler should be able to nip this in the bud. The writers aren't so stupid that they think this is good are they??? The fact that it gets worse and worse every week tells me that Lawler isn't doing enough to stop it. Lawler is told what to say, BUT he is the one that has taken it to the extremes that he has. He's not a robot! They don't type in phrases and hit the send button for him to say. He can say what they want him to say...get it out of the way...and go back to calling a match. My question Lawler really against what they're having him say? He never said whether he was or not in his email. So far he's shown me that he has no problem with it. Therefore unless he has a problem with it and just doesn't have the pull to fix it...then he's just as much a part of the problem as the writers! Now you cut...paste....and send everything I just typed to Lawler as your response if you want cause he needs a wake up call. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest deadbeater Report post Posted September 11, 2002 Good points LaParka. Jerry one time ago didn't need desparate, just graduated from college writers to get the wrestlers over, and he even managed to put the schlubiest of schlubs over. He was once a promoter, he supervised the scripts, and he was one of the best at it in the US. Some of his attempts and stunts weren't good, but who is perfect? Not Heyman, and certainly not McMahon. But when they work, it works extremely well. One guarantee is that there is always something going on in his Memphis shows, and it's not HLA or fans pulling up tops either. The mark and the 'wiser' magazines would not dedicate at ten pages a month to his indie fed if there weren't anything exciting going on. He once knew what attracted crowds to his show: good inring action, great feuds and very good skits and promos. I'll tell you this, would Gordon Solie try to get the action over by saying 'fat ass' jokes and talking about hymen ? Lawler had Solie in his TV shows, so it is not as if he knows nothing about what excellent commentating is all about. Lawler as a wrestler once displayed such no-nonsense stoicism, especially in his famous feud with Andy Kaufman, that Misawa would tell him to lighten up. How sad and ironic that he turned into a pale imitation of the great comic. His valuable input is lost in this circus known as WWE. It is considered very bad form to criticize fellow employees in public, especially those who can make you or break you. It makes you look insubordinate and unreceptive to hidden opportunities from a seeming downturn. Austin criticized the writers in public, and look where he is. Molly has a much better grievance against the writers and Lawler than Austin ever had, and she is relatively quiet about it, and even going along with it. I almost guarantee that she will be greatly rewarded for not bad-mouthing others, even when they deserve it. That is unless they go full Russo and reward the slackers and fire the good workers. If you were trying to bait Lawler into bad-mouthing the writers, it will never work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 11, 2002 I don't want him to badmouth them on the air. I want him to take them all aside and have a long talk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted September 12, 2002 If enough people complain, and what he said about only saying/doing what he's told to do is true, than Im sure they will tell him that he can tone it down for a while. Vince can't be so stupid as to allow people who watch the show to stop watching just because of something as easily fixed as lawlers juvenile behavior. And if he is, then the WWE deserves to be losing ratings.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted September 12, 2002 FearHavoc...what *DID* you write to him in your original e-mail? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted September 12, 2002 I say e-mail just about everyone involved with Lawler and Raw. The WWE feedback address is [email protected] in case you didn't already know it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted September 12, 2002 --Do you REALLY THINK that the writers, agents and executives don't monitor all of the announcer's commentary? --Do you REALLY THINK that JR and Lawler just go out there and "ad-lib" everything? No. JR and Lawler go on the air with a set plan: -to hype whatever matches. -to hype the "hot angle of the night" into the ground (Monday being HLA) -to put whomever over. Everything else that comes out of their mouth is THEIR CHARACTER. Ex: Tazz is street-tough, but a fan of the cruisers...Michael Cole is an annoying squeaky-clean 2002 version of Todd Pettingill...Jerry Lawler is a tweener pervert who is distracted by a Stacy Keibler segment.... Haven't you noticed that Lawler has been having orgasms on Raw for the last 5 years? From Sunny to Sable to Chyna to to Debra to Godfather's Hos to Trish....isn't it clear that someone ordered his character to fit this mold? Of course Lawler was horrible on the ears Monday...when it's T&A time, fuhgeddaboutit. But isn't this just as comparably bad as a Tazz "ITSA ROCKETBUSTAH COLE!" or a JR "BAHGAWDLOOKATTHEPOWER!" or a Michael Cole "THAT DAMN UNDERTAKER!" You wanna change what Lawler says? Give feedback to the WWE and its writers who DECIDE what Lawlers says, then maybe you'll have a say that means something. (This is not meant to defend anyone. But please vent your frustrations at those who put words in the announcer's mouths. The Schiavone/Foley 1998 insult should be a great example for what I mean.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted September 12, 2002 I am the number one enemy of "Rocket bustah", and even I will admit that Lawler was worse on Monday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RicFlairGlory Report post Posted September 12, 2002 Why dont any of you realize that if you talk to him and call him a loser, that he ISNT going to be open minded about your response, infact, like most people, once insulted, they wont listen to another thing you have to say. Try being NICE about it, and then he might give a shit about NOT calling you an imbecile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 12, 2002 I agree with RFG. Why get mad at him for being abrasive when we're just as abrasive in our emails? Be mad at him for sitting on his ass and letting them shit on his legacy instead of sitting them down and asking them to write a little better material for him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 12, 2002 OK, I would have got back to this sooner but I lost my power from 11:30 yesterday afternoon until somewhere between 5:00 & 6:00 am this morning. I'm just letting you know that Lawler didn't reply again to my last E-mail. And for those that was wondering what I sent to him the first time, here it is. "Date: 9/10/2002 11:07:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: FeAr HaVoC To: JERLAWLER I never thought I'd say this, but for a man who once was a 23 time USWA champion and one of the most respected men in the business you have turned into nothing but a joke. Your consent yelling and shouting over puppies and other things, HLA, Hymen, Molly's BUTT, Stacy's legs, etc, is really getting old. You ruined a few of the matches by totally ignoring them and you acting like a fool seems like the reason JR is off his game some nights. Last night, included! Your lame "Catch Phrases" are some of the most worn out in the business but yet you just keep going with them. Freshen' it up a little man. Or better yet, pay attention to the damn match that's going on in the ring. Being funny is fine by me, but your over acting is really annoying me and I'm sure many others. Grow up, do your job right, or at least please move over and let someone else who actually cares about the card and the matches in the ring take over. Plain & Simple, Get your act together or move over!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted September 12, 2002 hell, Havok you were alot nicer to him then i woulda been. i mean he won a billion USWA titles. whoop-de-fuck. he OWNED THE COMPANY! he just put himself over all the other talent. what's to repsect about that. if anyone deserves to be called a "Poochie", it's Lawler. also, i'd be hard=pressed to say Lawler was EVER good at commentary. he just made lame-ass jokes and generally made an annoyance of himself, just moreso lately. hell, i've hated him ever since his fued with Jake the Snake. i can't honetsly see what makes him so fuckin' great anyway. he has always sucked in the ring, he has NO discernable charisma in or out of the ring, out of the ring he's either slept with or raped anything in a skirt, made himself the star of his own promotion at the expense of everyone else on the roster, and the only place he receives ANY kind of heat is in Memphis, and that's because he's FROM there. so basically, from what i can gather, you're giving him WAAAAY to much credit. "Shitting on his legacy"? his "legacy" IS SHIT!! and cum. LOTS of cum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted September 12, 2002 I just say what the writers write and what the owner of the company wants me to say, you idiot. Pardon me, but I guess you are one of those who still believe that wrestling is "real." I like how he goes straight to standard response 1 a) and 1 b) when confronted - a) blame the writers and b) insult the person as a dumbass mark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted September 12, 2002 Its also the arrogance factor. Obviously we "lowly Lowly" Smarkmark wrestling fans aren't respected because keep track of Peoples wrestling histories. Its unless we haven't went into the ring and taken the Bumps as they have done we can NEVER have a opinion on wrestling...even if its not even about wrestling but Lawler's 14 year old class Comments. I Maybe out of shape young and know nothing about nothing but Hell, i'll Go and Take a Emerald Fusion from a wrestler to gain my right to have a Opinion, and then Comment that A Nonwrestler can take a Emerald Fusion But HHH can't. But it shouldn't come to that. We as people who followed and studied this for years should have some amount of respect by the wrestlers. We aren't running around Chanting Catch Phrases like it was some New Language. we aren't popping when we are suppose to and we aren't booing when we suppose to. We Smarks do this Moronic thing called THINKING! Even if we haven't been in the ring we can at least put in our 2 cents as suggestions. And IF the WWE ever wants to replenish their numbers in ratings they gonna have to concede the fact that wrestling not only for the teenagers and adults, but Parents and kids would watch it to. They are change the channels now because Lawler going too far with his bullsh##. Its not all his fault obviously, because it is the writers that come up with the intial Angles. It was the writers who said Hey Nowinski why don't you say bursting through Molly's Hymen.... Or... Say Eric, make a announcement that Raw is gonna have HLA tonight. Thats their fault fine...BUT its Lawler's Fault that he has to Prolong the affects of these One segment events throughout the ENTIRE RAW show. If Lawler doesn't like our Disapproval of his actions FINE... He wants to blame the Writers FINE. But be a man instead of Some kid and Explain why you do these things without Insulting the person who Disapproves. Thats just Petty. But thats just my "lowly lowly Smark Mark Opinion" and unless I taken a Spiked Piledriver, I could be Wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 12, 2002 I should foward the E-mail I received from him to the WWE and show them he put the blame on the writers and Vince. Anyone know a E-mail? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewisyourHero Report post Posted September 12, 2002 That would be mean Fearhavoc. That being said, go for it. Lawler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted September 13, 2002 That would be a little harsh @ Havoc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest projectwonderboy Report post Posted September 13, 2002 I should foward the E-mail I received from him to the WWE and show them he put the blame on the writers and Vince. Now I mostly "lurk" on these forums, reading each of you individuals and you opinions, but I must say something here. If you do this, you will become my hero. If you get a response from the WWE, I will create a shrine in your honor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted September 13, 2002 Wasn't there an interview not so long ago that Lawler said his commentary WASN'T scripted? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 13, 2002 I E-mailed the WWE and fowarded the E-mail I received from Jerry Lawler. I'm not sure if I sent it to the right place, but here is what I sent and to whom. "E-mail from Jerry Lawler. Date: 9/13/2002 1:11:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: FeAr HaVoC To: [email protected] Hello, I became a fan of WWE in early 1986 and I have been following it non stop ever since. Like many fans, I haven't been totally happy with the recent shows (like RAW this past Monday) and one of the reasons for myself personally was because of Jerry Lawler's Commentary. I, myself E-mailed him and told him my unhappiness about his recent work. I don't appreciate hearing him talk about puppies, Hymen, HLA, Molly's BUTT, Stacy's legs, etc, all during the whole show. It's one thing to talk and carry on like a fool about them during the segments involving the persons, but to totally ignore the matches and everything else on the cards and shows is uncalled for. I E-mailed him and told him about my frustrations and he basically E-mailed me back and insulted my intelligence. But even more then insulting me by calling me names and acting like a 12 year old brat, he pretty much put all the blame on the writers and Vince McMahon himself. Now, I've read interviews with Jerry Lawler before, and I recall him saying on numerous occasions that he comes up with his own material. However, when I called him out on this he back tracked and put all the blame on everyone else. I expect to be treated better then this since I watch Raw & Smackdown every week, buy every single PPV each month and attend every Live show which comes here to my area. Which the WWE comes here about 2 through 3 times a year. I don't expect anything from this, however I should have the right to my opinions and not be insulted by a 50 year old man who has to come to calling FANS names like a 12 year old on an Elementary School play ground. I just wanted to bring to your Attention this matter and hopefully someone there in WWE will do their job accordingly and speak to Mr. Jerry Lawler. Thank you, Loyal WWE Fan." Then, a few seconds after I sent this, this reply came back so I'm not sure if it's the right place or what? "Subj: Out of Office AutoReply: E-mail from Jerry Lawler. Date: 9/13/2002 1:11:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent from the Internet (Details) Thanks for contacting World Wrestling Entertainment. Please allow us 1-2 business days to review your email, and respond accordingly to any questions or special requests. Please note that WWE does not accept any ideas for storylines, character development, etc., as per company policy. If submitted, these types of responses are forwarded to our legal department. We welcome your feedback concerning all of our TV programs, and we forward all comments on to our creative team. We also appreciate comments regarding our Live Events, magazines, web site, and anything else you may want to communicate to us. Please visit for the most up-to-date WWE information, including the most recent schedule of Live Events. Once again we thank you for your email and your interest in World Wrestling Entertainment. Sincerely, WWE Customer Care" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 15, 2002 Hmmm post your reply if you get one. someone needs to send Lawler an email containing Molly Holly's comments from Byte This About the HLA incident, Molly has some harsh words about how Steven Richards and Bubba Ray were both out there in the ring just working their butts off, and all the commentators could talk about was the stupid HLA business. And doing it while the match was going on! “It is the most disturbing and annoying thing to be out there working hard, almost getting killed in the ring, and then to be ignored, just not be appreciated,” retorts Molly. “Then,” she continues, “ later on, during the beat-down, when Rosie was holding that girl over his head, it looked like she was half-naked. Beating up on half-naked women isn’t what I want to see on TV, even if it is only a perception. It was too much for me to watch.” Let's see what Lawler has to say about that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 15, 2002 I know you have probably been getting a lot of emails concerning the whole HLA thing. I have even read a reply you sent to one of those emails. I understand that the writers tell you what to say out there, but honestly the writers are making you look bad. Have you talked to them about the direction of their writing for you? Are they responsive? Are you even opposed to what they have you saying out there? As a long time fan I can tell you that I think you're better than what they're portraying you as. I find it a shame that they have turned your character into this. I'm sure since you've been in the business a long time that they would respect your opinions. Atleast I hope they would. They must realize that people are wearing out the mute button on their remotes over this. Some are even changing the channel. I also want to get your comments on Molly Holly's comments from Byte This. This is a quote from a recap of Byte This (About the HLA incident, Molly has some harsh words about how Steven Richards and Bubba Ray were both out there in the ring just working their butts off, and all the commentators could talk about was the stupid HLA business. And doing it while the match was going on! “It is the most disturbing and annoying thing to be out there working hard, almost getting killed in the ring, and then to be ignored, just not be appreciated,” retorts Molly. “Then,” she continues, “ later on, during the beat-down, when Rosie was holding that girl over his head, it looked like she was half-naked. Beating up on half-naked women isn’t what I want to see on TV, even if it is only a perception. It was too much for me to watch.”) I was wondering if this is the feelings of a lot of people backstage? Hopefully this will lead to an improvement of what the writers have you say. Thank you for your time. I sent this email to Lawler. and no I didn't sign it as LaParkaYourCar as someone thought I did when I sent my email to O'Reiley. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted September 15, 2002 I think that Lawler will probably respond nicer to your email than he did with FearHavoc's email, Laparkayourcar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted September 15, 2002 If that e-mail to WWE doesn't go anywhere, try the WWE corporate site and say you're a stockholder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TakerGirlLA Report post Posted September 17, 2002 Hey FearHavoc and LaParka (and anyone else who emailed Lawler last week). It looks like your emails may have gotten through to Lawler, he's actually been pretty subdued tonight and is actually announcing the matches. Amazing...if only they paid attention to the other mail. Oh well...he almost made it through the whole show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted September 17, 2002 Yeah I think it did effect him. I was impressed all except the end, but even then he kept it to a minimum. I guess you couldn't expect him to keep quiet when Bischoff mentioned HLA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites