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Guest Choken One

Rebuilding WTC: Memorials.

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Guest Choken One

For right now, the remains of WTC is a large hole, "Ground Zero".



The land is too valueable to be left as Ground Zero...What do you think the memorial should look like or should they just rebuild The towers?


Alot of people are thinking along the lines of mini towers with reflecting pools and gardens and Playgrounds...


I've heard suggestions for building a Baseball stadium there...


What about you guys?

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Guest Kingpk

My suggestion:


A large memorial park with 4 50-story buildings on the corners.


You would have an appropriate memorial, and replace the office space lost.

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Guest ScorpionDanceofDeath

I would go along with Kingpk's suggestion, but perhaps making the buildings 60-75 stories each. We can't just replace them, we must expand..

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Guest Retro Rob
My suggestion:


A large memorial park with 4 50-story buildings (representing the planes) on the corners.


You would have an appropriate memorial, and replace the office space lost.

That's what I was thinking for the most part. Put together a park/memorial/cemetary area and then surround it with a few buildings. I was think a little taller than 50 stories, but whatever.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I think they should rebuild the two towers exactly like they were, if not taller, and put the memorials for the victims up on the top floors and make people go up there to see them.

Im tired of hearing how people are scared to go up in tall buildings any more. If Americans are too scared to go up in tall buildings any more, than the Terrorists accomplished something with their attacks.


Same as people not flying on airplanes any more.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Whatever is to be done neds to balance the need to recliam, lost office space in down town Manhatten, and the need for a permanent memorial to the victims.


The size of the site permits the building of maybe 3 or 4 medium sized skyskrapers with ample room for a remembrance garden/small park, and I think that's the best answer.

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Guest Retro Rob
and put the memorials for the victims up on the top floors and make people go up there to see them.

How exactly do you plan on forcing people to visit these memorials on the top floors of a building?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

If they want to see the memorial they have to go to the top floors and see them. Its just like if I want to go see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, I have to go to Washington DC, only were talking about a location in a building vs a location in a City..

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Guest Kingpk
If they want to see the memorial they have to go to the top floors and see them. Its just like if I want to go see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, I have to go to Washington DC, only were talking about a location in a building vs a location in a City..

So why have it on the top floor? They'll probably make a wall to surround the park with all the names of the victims.


Some people are just naturally afraid of tall buildings.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I think they should rebuild the WTC exactly like they were. But they won't because they are affraid that the floors above 75 will end up being empty due to no one wanting to rent the space up that high. So someone suggested that they put the memorial up on one of those floors (or make it several..) on each building, one building would have the civilians/workers memorial and the other would have the airplane victims/police and fire dept. memorial.

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Guest Cancer Marney

One of my favourite proposals can be found here - it's #15. There are over 50 more pages of these, although many of them are silly and/or impracticable in architectural terms, serving more as a catharsis for the writers than anything else. Whatever is finally built there, I hope it includes some version of those beautiful lights.


user posted image

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Guest areacode212

I agree that the towers of light looked really beautiful. If they're not going to be used as part of a permanent memorial (which they probably won't be), I think they should be turned on for a couple of weeks every Sept. 11th.


I stood right in the pit of GZ today, and for the first time, I thought that they should devote the entire space to a memorial. Intellectually, I still think it's better off as a mixed use space (like some kind of park/office/cultural center combo), but at that moment, standing in the middle of what was essentially a burial ground for thousands, it felt kind of obscene to think of building anything other than a memorial.

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Guest bob_barron

While I wouldn't mind the whole place being converted to a memorial I think economically they need to build some sort of office space.

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My suggestion:


A large memorial park with 4 50-story buildings (representing the planes) on the corners.


You would have an appropriate memorial, and replace the office space lost.

No offense, but I really hate that idea.


Having the building represent the PLANES?!?

what would you say to a building representing Hitler, or Osama, or Saddam?


The PLANES are the epitome of evil in the world, and you want to reiterate it? Gotta disagree there.


I personally would like to see a park or something, anything peaceful. But this being New York, they'll probably need all the space they can get.


SO...PUT offices there, and have a plaque or a 7 foot statue commemorating the area.

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Guest Cancer Marney

You might want to rethink that statement because it's extremely offensive and it displaces blame from the real culprits: the hijackers, those who funded them, and those who spread the poisonous doctrines to which they adhered.


The vast majority of people who died on those aeroplanes were complete innocents. "The PLANES" are "the epitome of evil" in the same way that a rape victim is a criminal.


That said, I also think using buildings to represent the aeroplanes is a dumb idea.

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Guest EricMM

I think he meant the planes as in the hijackers. People can't be blamed for saying what they don't mean. Well I shouldn't be. Anymore...


I think they should plant a tree ;)

Well it would be a nice thing, a native NY tree that maybe could grow and get huge like the ones in CA.


Failing that tree-hugger nonsense I'd love to see some sort of high tech monument. I'd never seen those "light towers" before. Pretty swank.


How 'bout this? The Triumphal Arc for when we win the war on terror? BOOYAH!!!

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Guest Cancer Marney

Since there were 19 hijackers and 4 aeroplanes, it's obvious Kingpk wanted the buildings to represent the latter rather than the former. Equating the hijackers with their unwilling tools and the innocent victims aboard them is simply unacceptable.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think they should build the tallest building in the world there. If there was enough room for both towers, which were, what? 3rd tallest or something like that? They could surely build something larger than those towers in Kuala Lumpur.

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I think they should build the tallest building in the world there. If there was enough room for both towers, which were, what? 3rd tallest or something like that? They could surely build something larger than those towers in Kuala Lumpur.

Great idea. Then after they finish building it, they can paint a great big target sign in blood red on the building with the words 'Hit me!'


C'mon, where the HELL is the logic behind that?


And as for my previous statement, when I said the planes were the 'epitome of evil' I was referring to how the planes were used and the moment when they hit the WTC. I worded it poorly, so I apologise.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I think they should build the tallest building in the world there. If there was enough room for both towers, which were, what? 3rd tallest or something like that? They could surely build something larger than those towers in Kuala Lumpur.

Great idea. Then after they finish building it, they can paint a great big target sign in blood red on the building with the words 'Hit me!'


C'mon, where the HELL is the logic behind that?


WTF? The sears tower is pretty damn tall, should we paint a target on that one? Maybe remove a couple floors? Of course I know you were being facetious with the big target comment, but we shouldn't alter the future of fucking archetecture because some pieces of shit hate our nation.


I think there would be some real symbolic substance to doing that. Coming back bigger and stronger in the face of adversity, a divided nation united (two smaller towers, then one big one), not to mention a building of that magnitude getting the recognition all big skyscrapers get for being symbols of human progress and industriousness. Sure some cocksucker could hijack a plane again, but if our goal of eliminating terrorism is met, that wouldn't be a problem now, would it?

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I see your point, and I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is, what's stopping another terrorist attack on this largr structure, which you propose.


On a side note, the tallest office building in Australia, the Rialto Tower, was supposed to have been attacked as well, but the plan was thankfully stopped in time.


And also, terrorism will never stop. Never. As long as the human race exists, there will always be the minorty crackpots who'll do these things. However what WILL happen is that the future construction of tall buildings will be thought through more carefully from now on, as to make it the safest possible way.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I see your point, and I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is, what's stopping another terrorist attack on this largr structure, which you propose.

well, by that token, what's stopping ANY tall building from getting attacked?

If the risk for terrorism is there for any skyscraper like that, that's no reason to quit building them. Safer ones, well, I think that goes without saying. Engineering has come a long way, and buildings are only going to get sturdier and safer.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Yeah, I got the fact that it was a joke. But if this schmuck has thought of it, then no doubt some developer didn't at least suggest it as a plan for the site.

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Guest Midnight Express83

I say build it just like it was exactly. maybe a conerstone with a message to the victims. I wouldn't change one thing about it, except maybe more sprinklers in the building.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman
Whatever is finally built there, I hope it includes some version of those beautiful lights.


I like the idea of #6 with the lights instead of the reflecting pools in the center.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

The space is certainly of value, but I'd go for something simple. Make a beautiful park with a small memorial wall. The value of the space is probably way too high for something "non-functional," but perhaps we can look past real estate prices for a little while.

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