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Guest DJ Jeff

What Does Everyone Think Of Me?

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I've gotta see this sig.


Ok, I saw it. Yeah, it's excessive, but my feelings haven't changed on DJ Jeff.

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Guest DJ Jeff

As you all can see I've changed my sig some. I've resized my banners, and I only have the chorus to "Broken". So now you can't complain as much.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Boy, I better change my sig quick.........

Please don't EVER take it off, unless you remove Enrique.

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Guest treble charged
Boy, I better change my sig quick.........

Well, your sig is pleasing on the eyes (except for that guy that's checking out Enrique, that's just weird), so it is less offensive.


And Jeff, good job on downsizing the sig, but until you grow a set, you are still going to be a very easy target for flaming.

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Guest crandamaniac

I hate to say this*, but flaming this guy is like flaming zacalex. Of course tho you could always count on him to at least come back with something (even if it was a "YOU STUPID HOMO!" or something to that effect). Jeff man, seriously, grow a fucking pair and quit you're whining! Noboby is going to respect you until you do. And no, telling somebody to die or copying there insults doesn't count.




*The author of this article wishes to acknowledge that he, once again, did not hate saying this

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Guest swan
except for that guy that's checking out Enrique, that's just weird

God damn, I didn't notice that, that is freaky as fuck.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
except for that guy that's checking out Enrique, that's just weird

God damn, I didn't notice that, that is freaky as fuck.

The guy looks like he's sleeping, dreaming of a 3some.



By the way, is Enrique's hand on her ass???????????

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You know this proves my point exactly.


You ever think he doesn't fight back cause he doesn't want to be involved in this crap? Maybe just maybe he came on here to chat normally? So he started this thread to see if he's even justified in staying here.


I mean for fucking crying out loud all I have seen so far is a bunch of bullies picking on a guy cause he isn't very good at defending himself. Does that make you feel good in the morning or something?


I mean damn........pick on him cause his sig is too long when most of the sigs on here are too long? This is truly starting to piss me off beyond belief.


Why don't we go flame cutthroat instead since he actually deserves this?

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Guest Incandenza
You know this proves my point exactly.  


You ever think he doesn't fight back cause he doesn't want to be involved in this crap?  Maybe just maybe he came on here to chat normally?  So he started this thread to see if he's even justified in staying here.


I mean for fucking crying out loud all I have seen so far is a bunch of bullies picking on a guy cause he isn't very good at defending himself.  Does that make you feel good in the morning or something?  


I mean damn........pick on him cause his sig is too long when most of the sigs on here are too long?  This is truly starting to piss me off beyond belief.  


Why don't we go flame cutthroat instead since he actually deserves this?

Because he keeps coming back for more. As long as he posts in NHB, he's gonna get flamed. He's asking for it.

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Guest swan

Well I'm not trying to start anything with you Parka, but anyone with half a brain would know what kind of responses to expect when starting a thread such as this in the flaming folder, would you not agree? If I started a thread in this folder asking others what they thought of me I would except all kinds of jack-ass answers, some serious some not so. It's a message board, have fun.


BTW, your sig is the shit. Viva La Parka.

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Guest Kinetic

I believe he asked for. Not only that, but he made a point of specifying that they be honest opinions only.

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I know, but then again the flaming was going on before he started this thread. This thread was mostly started to get it out of the Most Usless Posters thread since it was taking over the whole thread. So I can see why it was started.


oh and thanks.......yes Viva La Parka!!!!


and you don't have to flame him....it's quite frankly becoming quite stupid. Everyone has seemed to have run out of ideas to flame him for so that's why I suggest we go back to flaming Cutthroat cause you can never run out of stuff for him.

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Guest Kinetic

It would have died down a lot sooner if he hadn't started this thread.


I, personally, would not start a thread asking people what they thought about me. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to handle that sort of love.

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Guest Incandenza

I'm all for laying off Jeff...as long as he never posts in NHB again. If he does, I may have to dig into my vast arsenal of pedophile jokes.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I'm gonna just stay out of NHB, as long as it's going to get everyone off my back. It's true, though. When I post in NHB, I'm asking to get flamed. Therefore, I'll do the smart thing and stop posting in NHB.

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Guest Incandenza
you have an arsenal of pedophile jokes???? Maybe we can combine them to send to Jerry Lawler in an email?


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Guest Kotzenjunge

I leave for FORTY EIGHT HOURS and you've all degenerated into this brutal, one-sided argument begging DJ Jeff Destroyers!!!


I commend you all from this internet booth at the...




(Devout Kotzenjunge fans will know why that's so horrible)


Fo sheez,


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Guest Just call me Dan

While I may be a bit late, I think it's time for me to say how I feel about you. Your posts really point to the fact that you are in way over your head in boards like these. Your mannerisms, hell even your preference in wrestlers and banners make it quite obvious that you aren't very old, or just not cultured enough to form a decent opinion. You come here and post whore your ass off, getting 1000 posts in a matter of weeks and want respect? All of your posts are cut and paste -Cutthroat- material. Things like these piss me off and the majority of the board. You try too hard to be cool because you don't belong. You shouldn't have to try and "conform" into a smarter poster, you should just post your feelings and they will indicate how well you are percieved. You are entitled to your own opinion like everyone else, but making a habit of your opinion being unintelligent gets you no where. I'd say live a little and then come back.

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Guest Incandenza
Your mannerisms, hell even your preference in wrestlers and banners make it quite obvious that you aren't very old, or just not cultured enough to form a decent opinion.

He's 21.


EDIT: And yeah, Dan is right on, but given Jeff's age, this whole thing is hilarious.

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