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Guest humongous2002

Guess who's PWI#1 WRESTLER?

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Guest humongous2002

Well it seems that marks and smarks in the USA have finally agreed on something , RVD is PWI's #1 wrestler.People are dying to see him in the main events for the longest, I just hope that the only man who could make this come true ,Vince reads this magazine and realizes that Austin 3:16 is old news and that RVD 4:20 is the present and the future. :headbang:

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Guest humongous2002

Sorry to burst your bubbles, Angle and Benoit fans but Angle is currently being treated like a joke and with Benoit they have no freaking idea what to do with him.Both of them are stuck in limbo and on top of that they are not over like RVD.

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Guest Strike Force!
No one wanted Benoit #1 because he was out for a year.

I'm sure there was some dumb smark out there that was hoping.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Sorry to burst your bubbles, Angle and Benoit fans but Angle is currently being treated like a joke and with Benoit they have no freaking idea what to do with him.Both of them are stuck in limbo and on top of that they are not over like RVD.

True about Benoit, but Angle is the most over heel in the company.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Who gives a crap about the PWI 500 anyway? It's just another mark mag, IMO.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

what the hell is PWI?


and I thought all the magazines were mark-y?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
what the hell is PWI?


and I thought all the magazines were mark-y?

Pro Wrestling Illustrated and yes, it is marky.

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Guest Invader3k

Winning the PWI 500, while sort of cool for RVD, doesn't mean much of anything. Hell, remember back in 1997 when Dean Malenko won?

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Guest RicFlairGlory
No one wanted Benoit #1  because he was out for a year.

I'm sure there was some dumb smark out there that was hoping.

A dmark?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
No one wanted Benoit #1  because he was out for a year.

I'm sure there was some dumb smark out there that was hoping.

Considering you're sadly obsessed over the issue since you constantly refer to it, I don't doubt that.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

RVD is very over but he's a spotfest machine. Austin & Rock could work and carried people to watchable matches. With RVD, the company has to go back to a Hogan sort of period, and make opponents for him that will carry him by filling in the spots with interesting wrestling.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

To add to the post I did to the original thread about Austin v HHH - where did they both finish?

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Guest cabbageboy

Hey, this surprises me a bit but not that much. In 1999 RVD was #2 in the PWI 500 and he really should have been #1 then if you ask me.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Benoit could easilly have gotten over upon return, based on the "Absense makes the mind grow fonder" idea on it's own, and they've shown he can play a babyface if he needs to. Instead he gets a feud with Austin that doesn't go anywhere, a fued with Flair that doesn't go anywhere, and then a feud with Bubba to top things off. It's not his fault. He proved with his IC Title run in 2000 that he can bring credibility to the belt, but if they won't let him keep it for more than three weeks, what's the point of trying?


And isn't it funny when people on the internet bash other people for liking Benoit and then refer to the behemoth that is "smarks" in the third person? Those guys just light up my day.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I called that one.


PWI and the other mags have been calling for an RVD push for a long time.


And while I don't care about them...and I don't think many people here do either...


someone does...or they wouldn't be in business.


So the rhetoric that RVD is held down and is the #1 wrestler in the world (as worthless as it is to us) is important to some people that read the magazine.


It's funny...a large part of this board, the marks, the mark mags...they all give RVD the hard push...but WWE doesn't

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Guest cabbageboy

I dunno bps, I think WWE is giving RVD a push now....at least he is going to main event the upcoming PPV. I guess Angle didn't get #1 this time since he was last year and wasn't all that dominant this past year. Or maybe it was due to having his head shaved.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Angle wasn't #1 because PWI wanted to make sure everyone knows that they feel he has been misused.


And as far as the main event push...you could have said the same thing last October, December-January, and if they had gone the proper route with Takers reign.


It's not that you main event a ppv...hell...LT and the Dudleys have done that.


It's that you become a focal point of TV and a perennial main eventer for more than a few weeks at a time.


But...there is no follow through. Just ask Jericho.

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Then there's the fact that RVD is main eventing Unforgiven for a useless title.

We hear that Angle will be main eventing WrestleMania, but is anyone willing to wait that long if the product is only going to get worse in the meantime? And since when does the WWE book that far ahead?


Does PWI still put out their almanacs? I still have a PWI Almanac from 1997 that covers up through the end of 96.

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Guest RickyChosyu

If Angle's supposed to be headlining WM, they're doing a helluva' job building up to it. And of course, by "helluva' job", I mean a deplorable job.


For all the hype of an Angle/Lesnar match being their "huge draw that they want to save for Wrestlemania", I've seen no evidence that either guy is any kind of established draw, by any means. Of course, no one is really drawing right now, so it's a good thing to reach for so they can create new stars, but with things going how they are now, I doubt that will even be booked as the main event. It just doesn't make sense.

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Guest cabbageboy

Angle is facing Rey Rey, making strange "molestor Boy Scout master" comments on SMDN, and fighting Benoit for the umpteenth time. I cannot see any challengers for Lesnar on the SMDN side that will take us to WM without Angle being involved.


Here's the problem: no one really LIKES Kurt Angle as a character and we never will. He simply isn't someone a fan can sympathize with. If he fights Brock I bet most of the crowd cheers Brock and still tells Angle he sucks.


To me the intriguing WM match is a final blowoff with RVD/Brock for both belts.

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Guest humongous2002

I just find it so funny when people make the word mark sound like if it was a dirty word, but as a matter of fact everybody that signs in the smart marks forum is a mark one way or another, it doesn't matter if you dont read the Apter mags or the dirt sheets, if you idolize a wrestler even if his name is Benoit or Angle you are consider a mark. RVD might be a spotfest machine but the motherfucker is always busting his ass every single night putting out entertaining matches, sometimes carrying pathetic wrestlers like Slow and Kane to decent matches, it doesn't matter if he is wrestling in a ppv or at Raw or at a house show, you bet your ass that man is going to go outthere and put on a show. Angle is already a main eventer and he doesn't need the push as much as RVD does b/c he already had one, Benoit as good as he is WWE has no idea what to do with this amazing wrestler and right now are trying to get him over with the fans, so that leaves us with RVD who already is a fan favorite, has entertaining matches and he is the new blood that the WWE main event desperately needs, let the guy carry the ball and see if he is destined to be a legend like Hogan or the flavor of the month like the Ultimate Warrior.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

There's no way RVD will EVER be as big as Hogan. I'm not saying that because I hate the guy, but seriously, RVD doesn't have that "it" that Hogan, Flair, Austin, and Rock have, so saying he could be like Hogan is laughable.

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Guest TheArchiteck

For some reason I'm starting to get bored with RVD's moves and matches.

But i'm not as bored with him as I am with Bubba Ray.

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Guest Phr33k

TOP 10:


1. Rob Van Dam

2. Undertaker

3. Keiji Mutoh

4. Chris Jericho

5. Eddie Guerrero

6. Kurt Angle

7. Edge

8. Yuji Nagata

9. The Rock

10. Triple H

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