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Guest Trivia247

WWE on its Last legs

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Guest Trivia247

Looks like Fox News Own Billy O`Reiley doesn't think to Highly of our Entertainment. And because of the "Gay Wedding" Fiasco he had a topic about it. Evidently the WWE has made a Mockery of the Gay lifestyle and is teaching the Children of America to Hate Gay people. Sighting people like Adrian Adonis and the Beverly Brothers (Though I don't see the gay connection with the Beverlys) He believes Vince to be Morally reprehenable if im spelling it right and thinks the WWE is on its last legs.


Its interesting How these people who bash the WWE or wrestling in general so coldly are usually the ones who refuse to watch it so therefore have no real basis for their opinions. We may criticize the product shown because we have watched it for years and are mature or intelligent enough to know its Only a FREAKING show! Billy boy however just land bashes the WWE and its "Harmful material" to children. Well excuse the hell out of us. There is this amazing thing called turning the channel. usually done with a Device called a remote if your too lazy to get up off of your Self Righteous Mountain top to Descend down to earth to change the channel manually. Oh and lets not forget the unreversable HARM the WWE and Pro wrestling in general does to kids. Well here is a simple solution...Parents.... HOW about you do some parenting! Ok?


Takes a breath...


Ok im done with my rant.


your thoughts.

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Guest NoCalMike

What O'Reily fails to do is bring up any stats of the ratio of kids who turn out just fine to the 1 or 2 reported cases in 75 years of any kind of idiot following what they see in wrestling. O'reily suddenly supports gays when it is an easy jab at the WWE, what a guy, BLEH~!

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Usually I like this guy, but he needs to realize what all mainstream newscasters need to realize.......IF YOU DON'T KNOW JACK ABOUT WRESTLING DON'T TALK ABOUT IT.


First off he needs to realize the Beverly's weren't gay. Second he obviously hasn't watched in years since he didn't even mention Goldust. He probably just heard rumors about the Gay Wedding.


WWf was in much worse trouble in 93-96 and came out just fine.


It pisses me off when people try to act like they know everything about wrestling when they're obviously ignorant.


How did the ceremony promote gay bashing when Stephanie was the brunt of the Island Boys attack? The HLA segment wasn't even really what you could call gay bashing cause they weren't attacked for being gay.


What is O'Reiley's email address that you can send comments to for his show?

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Oh well you didn't mention that in your recap.


Then let me tear him a new one on that. Goldust....aside from the Piper fight....has always been portrayed as a strong gay character. He was never bashed or beaten. He wasn't made to be a joke. In fact his character mostly used it to get into his opponent's head.


so does anyone know the email?

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This is what I sent him. My mail server went frappo and accidently sent it 9 times though...hope that doesn't piss him off.


I am ususally a fan of a lot of what you have to say, but I must admit I was somewhat saddened by the fact that a man of your intelligence was quick to make strong statements on a subject you have obviously not looked into deeply.


As a long time wrestling fan I feel I must give some input to your comments.


First off the Beverly Brothers were not gay.  They were somewhat femminine, but in a company that had no problem making Adrian Adonis gay I doubt that they were ment as a gay team.  


You say the WWE is on it's last leg.  While I know the product has been very subpar lately, I also am aware that the WWE/WWF was in much worse shape during 1993-1996 and still pulled out of that.  


I also fail to see the hatred towards gays.  If you watched the "commitment ceremony" segment the Island Boys attack was directed at Stephanie McMahon NOT Billy and Chuck.  So that could hardly be seen as gay bashing.  Now as far as the HLA segment on RAW.  The attack was not because they were gay, but more of a ploy to make Bischoff seem more evil.  


I did not enjoy the HLA segment and myself and others have written the WWE with our disapproval.  I however have waited out worse periods in wrestling and one segment is not going to turn me off.  It was no worse than most of the T&A segments that have come and gone.  I wait it out...give my feedback to the WWE on my disgust and rest knowing that the good segments usually outweigh the bad ones.


I think it has been shown already that the problem lies more with parents monitoring what their children watch than it is the show itself.  In the many many years of wrestling.  The cases of kids acting out violently have been very few.  And in those few cases it always comes down to parental neglect of what their children are doing.


The WWE is in no danger.  They are just in a slump and are trying quick fixes.


Thank you for your time,

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I love how people diss something they didn't like on a wrestling show and then follow that up with this WWE is on its deathbed crap, as if there's a direct correlation or something.

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Guest godthedog

o'reilly does have a point. vince hasn't done jack shit to advance the cause of gays, and relies more on ignorant stereotypes & misogyny than almost anyone else on television (possibly more than anyone). it's idiotic, lazy writing, and it only further permeates these stupid stereotypes the american public has that the competent people are trying to get rid of.

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Guest Trivia247

If you want to take it that seriously. The WWE and Wrestling for that matter isn't catering to the Straight lace PC Public. Adrian Adonis for that matter may have pranced around, but they did portray him as a dangerous wrestler. SO its not like the Gay lifestyle was made to look like a Hinderance. Goldust another one was made to look just out there and Bizarre beyond sexual tastes. Just a complex character, before and after Terri was added to the cocktail.


Vince I don't think was backing this Angle like it was the Sure fire way to get ratings. Like it was his LAST CHANCE. This was a deversion and Im sure he was surprised on the press a angle like this got. Espically since we as wrestling fans could see this being just a big swerve. and out of it, you got Billy & Chuck vs the Island boys for Unforgiven.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Shaun Aassel who wrote that book was saying kids where calling the Beverelry Brothers every name in the book.


He also said some kids said they hated Golddust more than any wrestler because he's a faggott.


O'Reilly doesn't care about gays, he doesn't like wrestling. The point he was making is gay groups are stupid for thinking the Billy-Chuck storyline was some sort of breakthrough when it was a cheap attempt at ratings.

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yeah I guess my email was to show O'Reiley that not all wrestling fans are hicks and ignorant. I hope I suprised him with my calmness seeing as how most emails he gets are either praises or someone practically cussing him out.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

LaParkaYourCar, it's a nice letter but it won't make a wit of difference. O'Reilly has not liked wrestling for years. He makes several digs at it in his book, always using that four-letter f-word we all hate ("fake", you idjits =b)


Guy has an opinion. Is not likely to change it. Oh well.

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Guest J*ingus

1. O'Reilly is right: the WWE uses cheap homophobic storylines all the time, and has for years. It's just one more item on the long, long list of disgusting things this company has done.


2. But O'Reilly's research is incredibly weak at best. Adrian Adonis portrayed a generic street tough guy throughout most of his career, and the Beverlies had nothing to do with homosexuality.


3. Furthermore, his extrapolation from his flawed research is even more wrong-headed, i.e., that the WWE is going out of business any time soon. The company isn't making much money now, but it's still in the black.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Actually, he has quite a few people he lists as being positive, from old athletes such as Willie Mays to more modern ones like Michael Jordan.


It's just that he immediately brushes off wrestling as garbage because it's "fake."


And you know, when it comes down to brass tacks, wrestling smarts/smarks are really just a more macho version of those cheesecake-eating housewives watching the daytime soap opera.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Laparkayourcar, is laparkayourcar the name you sent it to him as, cause that would be funny as shit to hear him say on the air, after he reads your mail, "and to you, laparkayourcar blah blha blah"

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

O'Reilly gets his panties in a twirl over popular rapper showing in a Pepsi commercial, so I normally take the sewage he spews with a few grains of salt.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I like O'Reilly, but that segment wasn't too good. (lol -- before that segment aired, he called WWE the WWF *crack research team my foot*)


Basically, he's on this crusade where if ONE child could get corrupted watching/listening/doing soemthing, he's against that source.


I do kinda agree with him though in wondering why GLADD (or is it GLAAD, or is it just plain old GLAD?) wouldn't get their panties in a bunch over this when they have on other, dumber occassions...


Oops, forgot to put this in the first time. I had to laugh at his line "WWE's on their last legs." Because, as previous posters said, WWE has been in a lot more sticker situations than this in the past. Once again, great research team there, Bill...

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Guest mach7

I'll never understand why guys like this or guys like Mushnick write stupid "editorials" on Wrestling, when they feel Wrestling is a waste of time. If it's such a joke, such a waste of time, then why the hell are they writing about it? Kind of hypocritical...

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Oops, forgot to put this in the first time. I had to laugh at his line "WWE's on their last legs." Because, as previous posters said, WWE has been in a lot more sticker situations than this in the past. Once again, great research team there, Bill...

I find it funny that the guys who spend months and months and months complaining about the business and talking about how the only way to solve the problem is to let the company die and let people move to a new one without McMahon or HHH suddently switches to this line of thinking.

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Guest snowfan
Laparkayourcar, is laparkayourcar the name you sent it to him as, cause that would be funny as shit to hear him say on the air, after he reads your mail, "and to you, laparkayourcar blah blha blah"

awesome sig!



We can't push Al Snow who had fan interaction, but we can push you...


We can't figure out how to use Angle, but we can spend days getting your act wrote.

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Guest godthedog
And you know, when it comes down to brass tacks, wrestling smarts/smarks are really just a more macho version of those cheesecake-eating housewives watching the daytime soap opera.

i have yet to meet a housewife who says anything like, "did you see the way susan lucci no-sold that girl telling her that she was her daughter? they need to fire lucci's ass, she's years past her prime and she holds all the younger soap stars down!"

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Guest danielisthor
And you know, when it comes down to brass tacks, wrestling smarts/smarks are really just a more macho version of those cheesecake-eating housewives watching the daytime soap opera.

i have yet to meet a housewife who says anything like, "did you see the way susan lucci no-sold that girl telling her that she was her daughter? they need to fire lucci's ass, she's years past her prime and she holds all the younger soap stars down!"

LMAO. that was pretty funny. Lucci holds them all down just like HHH. hahahahahahahaha

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Guest ISportsFan

Here's what I wrote to the "Factor," and I did watch the segment last night. O'Reilly, who I normally like, did not research well and was saying some things that were just not true.


Feel free to use parts or all of this e-mail on the air, but please do not take anything out of context.


I'd like to say that I'm a fan of wrestling and your show.  Last night, your wrestling report did not feature much research on your part.  First, the "wedding" didn't actually go all the way through, and you would have known that if you researched because it was taped on Tuesday.


Second, you made a completely fallacious statement regarding Lionel Tate in Florida.  As Dave Meltzer (the most respected wrestling journalist in the industry) stated on wrestlingobserver.com, "O'Reilly, however, stated as a flat out fact that there was a murder case in Florida where the kid flat out admitted he killed a girl because he was watching wrestling (to the best of my knowledge, Lionel Tate never stated anything remotely close to that)."


While I appreciate the work you and your show does, that report did not do the segment (which was actually creative and advanced an ongoing storyline without offending homosexuals) justice and was poorly researched.


Jason from Chicago, IL




edit: I put

twice instead of the end tag at the end of the letter.

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Guest Trivia247
Here's what I wrote to the "Factor," and I did watch the segment last night. O'Reilly, who I normally like, did not research well and was saying some things that were just not true.


Feel free to use parts or all of this e-mail on the air, but please do not take anything out of context.


I'd like to say that I'm a fan of wrestling and your show.  Last night, your wrestling report did not feature much research on your part.  First, the "wedding" didn't actually go all the way through, and you would have known that if you researched because it was taped on Tuesday.


Second, you made a completely fallacious statement regarding Lionel Tate in Florida.  As Dave Meltzer (the most respected wrestling journalist in the industry) stated on wrestlingobserver.com, "O'Reilly, however, stated as a flat out fact that there was a murder case in Florida where the kid flat out admitted he killed a girl because he was watching wrestling (to the best of my knowledge, Lionel Tate never stated anything remotely close to that)."


While I appreciate the work you and your show does, that report did not do the segment (which was actually creative and advanced an ongoing storyline without offending homosexuals) justice and was poorly researched.


Jason from Chicago, IL




edit: I put

twice instead of the end tag at the end of the letter.

Excellent Email... Very Articulate. I doubt he would put it on the air since its not short enough, and hell its too intelligent. He wants to reply on air to those feedback that seems more flaming and he wants to dryly ridicule on air lol


This ought to be interesting dozens of emails flowing into Bill Orelly on him bashing the WWE. As If WWE was Jesse Jackson his number 1 Enemy in front of Bin Laden evidently.

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