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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Woooo! I just got back from my local concert!

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Well. I just came back from a local ska/punk/metal concert with my girlfriend (Carly), and I'm going to mark on it. When I first came in, my friend's ska band was playing, "Johny Nine And The Racers"


The concert? Evil Jam!


The time? Friday the THIRTEENTH!


The place? The youth center.


The bands? Here we go...


Band Numero Uno: Johnny Nine And The Racers

They played about 6 songs, and they got ALOT of good reviews. People kept saying that they were too good for a local band, and just a really great ska band. A huge skanking pit that soon turned into a mosh pit, but I give them ***3/4.


Band Number Dos: Hate To Have To Go Back

They played about 4 songs. 4 LONG songs, I might add. Probibly 15 minutes long! They wern't a bad band thought, as I gave high-fives to the gituarist and the lead singer, who thought I was fucking awsome too. But still, not as good as J9ATR. They get a good average of ***.


Band Numero Thres: Proposition 24

A huge...I mean just...mother fucking huge "YES ON 24" chant. I couldn't beleive how big it was! They probibly got a pop as big as HBK's return. No lie. They played about 7 or 8 songs, even doing a cover on one of the local bands, Anti-Social, who left for college this year. And for the grand faniale, Jeff (The Bassist) climbed on Jerome's (The Drummer) shoulders, while Jeff STILL played his gituar, and Jerome STILL PLAYED HIS DRUM SET! I had to help hold Jeff up and get him on top of there, and it was awsome. And at the end, Jeff threw his gituar to the floor in hope of smashing it into little peices...but...only a tweaker-thing on the side breaks, as they decided to cause MOVRE havock, as they throw the symbols at everyone, as Jerome even throws his drum-set chair into the pit! Fucking crazy. ***** without a doubt. And if I could add on another star...I would.


Band Numbero Quatro!: 6-11

Nothing too special. Basically a 3-11 cover band. They didn't have their lead singer, so they just played their stuff. Their lead singer is my best friend, who had a soccer tournoment to go to. Blarg. *3/4 for trying.


Band Numbero Sinco (Probibly spelling numbers wrong...but what the hell...): Glory Rise

Woooooooooo! Bring on the depressing music that last like...30 minutes to play! Nothing too special, I stayed by Carly for most of it because she felt kinda sick. We then got Prop. 24 and a bunch of people people to walk down to the hgih school to go see anyone that was leaving the football game...and well YELLED~! at them for not comming. Jerks. Hehehehe. All in all, and average band. **1/4.


Band Numbero Ses: Dignify

Heavy metal and such. Nothing too special, from what I heard ***. Me and Carly left half way to go to the high school and um. Well. You can imagine from there. Then my dad came and we went home. Woooo. Concert = Excellent!

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed):

"Me and Carly left half way to go to the high school and um. Well. You can imagine from there.


Did you go study the bible in the quiet of the library?


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Myers, you're out of your league.


I saw Andrew WK at the 9:30 Club last night. I have been rocked to pieces. SO RAUCOUSLY DELIGHTFUL.


::ears ring:: I think I might be temporarily deaf, though...

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Guest HVilleThugg

Dammit...fucking homework and Storm kept me from going to 9:30 Club last night. I think it's funny that Edwin traveled several hours to go to 9:30 club, yet I live 10 minutes away IN DC, and I couldn't make it. I blame Suicide King for that though...


Da "blames everyone but himself" H

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Heh heh. I was looking for you, HVT. There were several wimpy-looking black guys who kept giving me sidelong glances, so I wondered if any of them were you, since you're obviously a BIG WUSS! OH! BURN!


::breaks more of HVT's records, then parties hard::

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Guest HVilleThugg

Hey...don't get smart beeatch. I probably would have shown up if I had anyone to go with. Unfortunately, none of my friends like Andrew WK, so...


And please, I would have just been walking around giving people chokeslams until I found you.


Don't make me come down to UVA and kick your ass...leave my records alone!


Da "still has ICTV record...Woo!" H

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
And please, I would have just been walking around giving people chokeslams until I found you.

Damn right. You'd know because they'd be all "ow, I just got my shit wrecked," whereas I'd be all "oh, no you didn't, I just no-sold your ass despite being a small white boy! Booyah!"


This is the point at which I would, you know, rock out.



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Guest HVilleThugg

Well, if you did that, I'd have to remind you that you were in MY hood now...a long way from home...


::brings out Da REAL Pound::


Run little white boy...run!


Da "leader of the pack" H

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Guest Ace309

Whereas I can be, and have been, recognized in a densely-packed concert by my sideburns alone.


I highly advise you all grow chops for that very reason.

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Guest SupaTaft

One step ahead of you Flesher.


Except I don't go to concerts... I always said I wanted my first concert to be Alice Cooper and I had my chance a couple weeks ago but I had to go to a Tigers game instead *shudders*. Wasn't so bad though, we had fancy seats and good food. Plus the Coop threw out the first pitch. Good times.



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