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Guest LaParkaMarka

Who else is hungover?

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Shit, getting hammered is pretty fun. Cept for the hangover part. So, what are the best cures for hangovers? The only one I know of is take two aspirin and then go back to sleep. Which seems lame to me. Any other ones out there?

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Guest eiker_ir

i just sleep...wake up, go to the bathroom, and go back to sleep.....



that's what works for me....

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm used to hangovers. I laugh in the face of hangovers. I insult hangover's appearances....what was my point again?

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Guest Cancer Marney
Shit, getting hammered is pretty fun. Cept for the hangover part. So, what are the best cures for hangovers? The only one I know of is take two aspirin and then go back to sleep. Which seems lame to me. Any other ones out there?

Drink a little more, like one beer every one or two hours, and come off it slowly.


(That's also a quick route to alcoholism, but I never had a problem with that.)


Oh, eating bread helps me too. I usually have marmalade and toast the instant I wake up, usually with coffee. Basically, get something inside you ASAP.

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Guest converge241

take 2 aspirin before you go to bed, and a good amount of water. Not so much that you have to take an in-between sleep urination though.


when you awake have a large bottle of lemon ice gatorade warm nearby. Down that sucker.


works like a charm

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Guest Ace309

I tend to avert hangovers by either staying under 7-10 drinks or crossing my limits entirely and drinking until I puke. However, if I end up in the buffer zone, I take 2 aspirin with a full glass of water and a slice of dry toast. When I wake up, I drink another glass of water, have a piece of toast if I can handle it, and lay down.

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Guest DrTom

The best way to get rid of a hangover is to start drinking when you wake up.


Hey, it's always worked for me.


Note: I am not responsible for anyone becoming an alcoholic because of following this advice.

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Guest TheHulkster

Drink lots of fluids (stay away from carbonated and acidy stuff as it can upset the stomach and, if you're really hung over, make you spew). I usually try to fire up a bowl when i'm hung over to numb the pain.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

damn skippy. Spark up, eat some toast, drink some water, sit in relative peace and quiet for a few... you're golden.

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Guest J*ingus

Time and water are the only things that actually help relieve the hangover itself and not just the symptoms.

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Guest RobJohnstone

I have never had a hangover so I dunno. I just drink like 2 glasses of water after a tough night of taking on johnny walker. I'm fine for work the next day :)



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