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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF Survivor Series 1990

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Guest nWoScorpion


NOVEMBER 22, 1990




-WWF Supertape 3 shilling. The worst of the series besides #1. The tape includes a couple of bad Mr. Perfect matches vs. Jake Roberts & Kerry Von Erich, LOD vs. Demolition 3.0, LOD/Warrior vs. Demolition, Bossman/Dibiase, Snuka/Barbarian, Quake/Tugboat. Makes you wanna rush out now doesn't it? No, Bret, no Shawn, no need for it.


-Sean Mooney informs us that tonight, all the winners of the Survivor Series matches will compete in a final battle of survival. Too bad it was faces vs. heels AS USUAL.


-The Ultimate in Team Competition!

The Hulkamaniacs vs. the Natural Disasters!

The Dream Team vs. The Million $ Team!

The Alliance vs. The Mercenaries!

The Vipers vs. the Visionaries!

The Ultimate Warriors vs. the Perfect Team!


-Your commentators tonight are Gorilla Monsoon & Roddy Piper.


-Sean Mooney with The Ultimate Morons.....er.....Warriors. Rambling Promo, only guy who makes sense is Von Erich, sadly.


-Opening Match:

Ultimate Warrior, "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal Vs. Mr. Perfect, Demolition Ax, Demolition Smash, Demolition Crush (w/ Bobby Heenan & Mr. Fuji):

Long Stall fest to start. Animal jumps Smash and pounds him into the mat and rams him into Hawk and the rest of his team. Smash scores a few roundhouse rights and a suplex for 2. Whip to the boot of Perfect and Hennig tags in. Perfect lays in some chops and tags Smash in, but he gets caught with a powerslam and Perfect is atomic dropped into Hawk. Tornado in and he hammers on Smash and Ax tags in, and he hammers on Tornado now. Tornado reverses an Irish Whip and locks the Claw on and Warrior tags in scoring a series of shoulderblocks and the big splash for the pinfall at 3:22, and Ax is gone. Warrior with slams on the remaining Demos and throws Perfect over the top, but Crush stops him with a clothesline. Smash in and he pounds Warrior and slams him and Crush comes down with a knee drop for 2. Crush in the corner with Warrior and puts the hurt on him, but gets caught with a big boot and clothesline and Hawk tags in. Perfect in for his team and gets caught with a guillotine choke hold and lariat. Hawk with an Irish whip to the buckle but posts himself on a charge. Smash tags in and he antagonizes Animal and Crush comes in for some double teaming. Crush with a backbreaker to Hawk and Perfect tags in with some rights. Smash with his own flurry and Hawk tries a comeback but gets killed. Hawk up again with a shoulder-tackle and fist drop. Clothesline scores and a top rope clothesline gets 2. LOD & Demolition brawl, Smash pushes the referee and Hawk kicks him causing both LOD & Demolition to be disqualified at 7:35. Well, can't blame Hogan, cause he's not in the match. Stalling now and a LOT of it. Tornado & Perfect brawl for a bit. Spinning Tornado and Perfect flies over and out. Slingshot & Clothesline by Tornado puts Perfect out AGAIN. Damn, he's working his over selling ass off NOW, but wouldn't for Road Warrior Hawk. Tornado on the outside and he gives Heenan & Perfect a double noggin knocker, and sends Heenan into the crowd. Corner rush misses and Perfect kicks his ass. Perfect-Plex gets Tornado at 11:00 and it's down to 2 men. Warrior misses a blind-sided charge and a Perfect-Plex gets 2. Perfect hammers him a while. Standing drop-kick and clothesline get a 2 count respectively. Warrior up! 3 clotheslines, flying shoulder-block and big splash puts Mr. Perfect out of his misery at 14:19. Heenan gets beat up by the sportsman Warrior afterwards. *1/2. Bad match until the last 3 minutes thanks to Perfect. Throw away opener.


-Sean Mooney is with The Million $ Team minus a mystery partner. Mooney tries (TRIES) stirring up shit but Dibiase punks him out.


-"American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Hart Foundation, Koko B. Ware Vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Rhythm & Blues, ::Mystery Partner:: (w/ Virgil & Jimmy Hart):

If you don't know why KOKO B. WARE is in this match then you REALLY suck. Anyway, Dibiase announces his mystery partner is managed by Brother Love, he weighs in at 320 pounds, from Death Valley, he is, The Undertaker! Taker looks SO into this character no wonder he got pushed to main event status a year later (and back to midcard). Bret & Taker start, and Bret gets chokeslammed for his troubles. Niedhart takes a chance and gets slammed hard. Koko in now, and he gives himself a stungun, and The Undertaker gives him a STIFF tombstone Piledriver to get rid of the birdman at 1:43. That's how great Taker was. It took ONE FRIGGIN MOVE to pin someone. Let's see Brock Lesnar do that. Bet in and Valentine gets a cold tag from Taker. So its the Hart/Foundation feud again. Well, never mind, Rhodes is in. Valentine chops away but gets nailed with some bionic elbows and in comes Niedhart. Axhandle and armbar and Bret tags in, doing the same just about. Irish Whip but Valentine gets the boot up in Bret's face and tags in Honky. Honky puts the boots to The Hitman. Bret with a shoulderblock but gets caught with a Honky knee lift. Niedhart gets the blind tag and powerslams HTM for the pin at 4:22. Dibiase in now and he hammers away. Too Much Punching. Niedhart with a clothesline and slam, then tags in Dream. 10 BIONIC ELBOWS OF SEVERE DISCOMFORT and a drop-kick! Niedhart in. Double elbow & suplex gets 2. Virgil trips up Anvil and a Dibiase CLOTHESLINE gets him at 5:55. Bret & Rhodes work over Dibiase with punches for a while. Dibiase with an eye rake and clothesline. Taker back in. Jumping boot to the back of the head of Rhodes, and some thrusts. He ambushes Hart after he tags in and kicks his ass. Choke in the corner and Valentine comes in with some boots, and Dibiase tags back in. Bret makes the hot tag to Rhodes, who gets killed by Taker with a running knee-lift and a Picture Perfect Top Rope Double Ax-handle to eliminate the Dream at 8:30. Taker adds insult to injury by tossing him over the top rope to the floor. Rhodes goes after Brother Love and Taker comes to his aid and kills Rhodes more, but gets counted out for his troubles at 9:23. Back in the ring, Valentine goes for a Figure Four on Bret but gets cradled and eliminated at 9:59. Bret with an atomic drop sends Dibiase to the outside, followed by a PLANCHA! Mounted punches by Bret and Dibiase gets posted. He eats more steel and Bret with a stomp to the midsection. Dibiase reverses an Irish Whip and Bret works in his corner rush bump. Dibiase with some rights, but gets backslide for 2. Bret trips over Dibiase, but he's playing possum and roll's up Dibiase for 2. Virgil grabs Bret but Dibiase hits Virgil by mistake and is packaged for 2 AGAIN. Backbreaker and 2nd rope elbow drop gets 2. Bret with a crossbody but Dibiase rolls threw it for the pin at 13:59. Bret mouths "f*ck" on camera afterwards. **3/4. Dibiase goes to the final match.


-Mean Gene is with Jake Roberts & Company in the shower room. Weird. Robert's has got the contacts on still, so we know he won't be winning tonight.


-Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty Vs. Rick "The Model" Martel, Warlord, Paul Roma, Hercules (w/ Slick):

Marty starts with Warlord and STALLING ensues. Warlord shoves him into the corner a few times but gets caught with a series of dropkicks, but swats away a 3rd. Marty uses his speed (not the drug) to work over Warlord and attacks the whole Visionaries team. Shawn in with a clothesline and Marty sunset flips Warlord for 2. Martel in and he gets punched to death and eats buckle. Michaels witha hip toss, dropkick and monkey flip to the Model. Roberts in with Roma now. Robert's works in his jabs and knucklelock. Snuka in, he scores an axhandle to the shoulder and works in the armbar. Hercules in. Headlock & Shoulderblock by the Greek God. Warlord back in. Double shoulderblock goes nowhere. Warlord with a slam and Snuka scores a diving forearm and dropkick. Jannetty back in. He nails Warlord off the 2nd rope but goes for another move and is powerslammed STIFFLY for the pin at 5:17. Shawn in and he pounds on Warlord. Hurricanrana! Jake tags in and jabs a lot. Clotheslinne, bootsa and a knee lift won't put down the big man but a 2nd clothesline finally does. Michaels tags in and covers for 2. Roma in with an elbow drop to the back of michaels head. Stomps & Punches galore! Warlord in and guess what, more punching. HUGE backdrop sends Shawn into heaven. Hercules in and covers for 2 again. Clothesline & 360 degree spin follows. Martel in with a knee lift for 2. He hammers on the Rocker and scores a backbreaker for another 2. Roma with an Irish Whip and Martel back in with a cover for 2. Martel charge misses and he posts himself. Snuka in. Diving headbutt gets a 2 count. 2nd rope crossbody is reversed and Snuka hits the showers at 9:41. Roberts comes in, but Martel escapes the rath of Roberts and tags in Hercules. Herc with some shoulder-thrusts but runs inot a Jake knee-lift. DDT avoided and we stall. Martel blind-sides Roberts from the outside and it's all downhill for the Vipers. Roma with a slam and boots, but misses a fist drop and Michaels is back in. Spinning elbow, snap suplex & 2nd rope elbow drop gets 2. Atomic Drop but Hercules makes the blind tag and kills Shawn. The Visionaires hammer on him for a few minutes before Power & Glory put him awya with the Power Plex at 15:17 (Roma got the pin). Roberts is doomed. He gets beaten on by Warlord but scores a DDT out of nowhere, but the ref is distracted. Martel tries Arrogancing Roberts but misses and Roberts chases him to the back with Damian, but gets counted out at 18:04. The Whole Visionaries team survives. **.


-Royal Rumble 1991 advertisement.


-Sean Mooney with the Hulkamaniacs.


-Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Big Boss Man, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Vs. Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Barbarian, Haku (w/ Jimmy Hart & Bobby Heenan):

Tugboat seems to be taking a dump on himself by his facial expressions. Stalling of course. Duggan & Haku start and they brawl. Haku misses a cross-body and Duggan scores 3 clotheslines. Back Elbow by Jimbo and another clothesline. Elbow drop misses and Bravo tags in, scoring an inverted atomic drop. Barbarian with some chops and Haku back in. Boss man in and he puts Haku away with a sidewalk slam at 3:15. Barbarian hammers on BBM now but gets nailed with a big boot and clothesline. Heenan gets posted by Boss Man. Barbarian fights back and nails a suplex and a slam. 2nd rope elbow drop misses as usual and Duggan tags in. He nails a backdrop and stomps away. Bravo back in and he does nothing before tagging in Earthquake. Double clothesline puts Duggan down. Quake does BUTT splashes in the corner. Duggan fights back with a series of clotheslines but falls to the outside thanks to Jimmy Hart. He grabs his 2x4 and clobbers Quake with it, drawing a DQ at 6:11. Hogan pounds on everyone walking. Slam to Bravo, Slam to Barbarian and a BIG OL' Slam to Earthquake. Piper's wrong for the first time since 1954 about Hogan not being able to slam him. 10 punches of doom are stopped and quake with a powerslam. Bravo in with a few elbow drops. Hogan gets up with a BEAUTIFUL small package(!) to eliminate Bravo at 7:59. Boss Man goes nuts on Earthquake but gets kicked in the head by Barbarian, allowing Quake to nail a few elbow drops for the pin at 9:09. Hulk back in with a big boot to Earthquake and he nails the Barbarian. Tugboat gets a big boot in and Hogan scores a clothesline. 2 slams are blocked and Quake squashes him for 2 ALA WM III. Hey, Joe Morella's the referee here too. Tugboat tags in FINALLY, and he and Earthquake brawl on the floor for a double-count out at 11:32. Barbarian beats up Hogan. Piledriver gets a 2 count. Double clothesline puts both men down. Barbarian with a top rope clothesline for 2 and it's Hulk Up Time! Big Boot and Leg Drop puts Barbarian away at 14:48 and Hogan survives. *1/2.


-Royal Rumble 1991 advertisement in case you avoided the last time it occurred.


-Fans tell us who will survive. 2 wise-ass' pick Slaughter, while everyone else picks Hogan or Warrior.


-Mean Gene is with "Macho King" Randy Savage who sadly isn't competing tonight. I think due to injury. He singles out Warrior and bitches him out.


-Mercenaries Promo in the aisle before their match begins. GREEEEAT.


-Tito Santana, Nikolai Volkoff, Butch, Luke Vs. Sgt. Slaughter, Boris Zhukov, Sato, Tanaka (w/ Mr. Fuji & General Adnan):

We got 6 full time jobbers, a semi jobber, and an over the hill Iraqi Sympathizer. GREEEEAT. Santana kills Zhukov with the Flying Forearm at 0:47. Bushwhacker Butch with the battering ram puts Sato away at 1:46 and a Santana Flying Forearm eliminates Tanaka at 2:10. Wow, 2:00 or so and its 4 on 1. Volkoff & Slaughter go at it, and its HORRIBLE. Volkoff shitty offense is countered and Slaughter SLOOOOOOWLLYYYYYY puts him out of his misery at 5:28. Luke misses something off the top rope after a double slam on Slaughter. Gutbuster puts him away at 6:29. Butch eats a clothesline and says TA-TA at 6:53. Santana kicks ass, Slaughter kicks ass, ref bump. Man this is bad. (Hit's fast forward.) Adnan beats on Chico with the flag and Slaughter locks on the Camel Clutch, and the ref taps his shoulder three times. See also, Wrestlemania IV. Slaughter is DQ'd at 10:42 and Santana goes to the finale. DUD.


-Sean Mooney interviews the Visionaries & Ted Dibiase.


-Its Egg Time. It...........Its......a giant bird with beady eyes. Wait, its the Gobbledy Gooker! How Sweet! Who the f*ck is the Gobbledy Gooker anyway? This is painful, so let's just FF. Gene & Gooker act like idiots in the ring while the crowd boo's while some farmer music plays. Piper says He should be the Survivor Series mascot. No wonder he was never a WWF booker. Gooker was a Guerrero but I forgot which. Don't ask Eddie, he'll just pretend it never happened.


-Sean Mooney is with Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Tito Santana.


-The Grand Finale Match of Survival:

Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Tito Santana Vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Rick "The Model" Martel, Warlord, Power & Glory (w/ Virgil & Slick):

Entrances take forever here. Hogan pounds on Warlord and Santana scores the flying forearm and pins him at 0:28. Tito Santana & Ted Dibiase go at it now. Santana maintains control for a while but misses the Forearm and is stun gunned for the pin at 1:51. Hogan is in and gets his ass kicked for a while more. Hercules & Roma do some double teaming and nail the Power Plex (badly I might add). Hogan Hulk's up and clotheslines Roma back to curtain jerking at 5:37. Warrior has been in the ring like 20 seconds in this match. What a prick. Warrior & Hogan clean Martel's clock and before he can get pinned he decides to take the easy way out and gets himself counted-out at 7:14. To sum it up, Hogan pins Ted Dibiase with the Big boot & Leg Drop at 8:36. Warrior with a few shoulder dives and Big splash and the ref (and Hogan) count the 3 off key at 9:07. Hogan & Warrior both offer to open the ropes for the other and then decide to pose afterwards as the show comes to an end. Sadly, for the final minute the camera shows a close up on their crotches as Monsoon scream Look at That. Match was *1/4 at most. Basically a quickie to send the fans home happy to the tune of Hogan & Warrior.


The Bottom Line: Total Throw Away Event since nothing is settled, but it did add to savage/Warrior feud, Martel/Roberts, LOD/Demolition and others, plus The Undertakers WWF Debut.


Thumbs in the Middle.


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