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Guest Karnage

Taco Time

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Guest Karnage

Has anyone here heard of Taco Time? Its way better than Taco Bell, and their Mexi Fries (taters with cheese sauce, ground beef and sour cream) own.

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Guest Phr33k

Yeah, I like them better than Tco bell because a. their tacos are just packed with fillings, unlike TB, whose have almost nothing in them and b. I went to TB once in my life, and I was on the can for practically all that afternoon, so...

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Are they as expensive as they used to be? I remember them costing far more than, say, McDonald's.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

You could get 2 burritos at Taco Bell for that price, and since we only have a Taco Bell and I've never seen a Taco Time, Im gonna have to go with what I know.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Well, I'd say that Taco Time is worth the extra money, so...


I wish I could remember where the Taco Time was around here.

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Guest J*ingus

I'm spoiled, since around here we have a chain called Las Palmas, a Mexican restaurant actually (gasp!) run and operated by Mexicans. They're a dine-in establishment, but almost as cheap as Taco Hell, and have the best corn chips known to humankind.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

There are several local Mexican restaurants in my area, and they are all pretty good. It's one of the few advantages of living in this part of Utah.


One of them has salsa that no man can resist. Except I can't remember the name of it...

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Guest Daredevil21

There used to be a Taco Time in the food court of a mall about an hour away from here. I never ate there, but always made jokes with my family since in all the times we were there, we never saw one single person eat there. Not once. Not one person. I think that may have kept me from every getting anything from there. I mean, even terrible places get a customer once in a while. Except maybe Babu when he went all Pakistan (only Seinfeld folks will get that).

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Guest El Satanico
Has anyone here heard of Taco Time? Its way better than Taco Bell,

Well saying that it's better than Taco Bell isn't really saying much since Taco Bell is terrible shit.


I don't have any mexican fast food other then Taco Hell in my area so i'd have no idea about good mexican fast food.


But luckily there are a few authenic mexican dine in places near me. We have a large illegal immigrante population in Ohio(yeah cold ass ohio believe it or not) so i figure i can thank that for giving me my authenic mexican food places.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

It's not fast food, but Monterey's is still one of the best places close to me.

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Guest The Superstar

There's was this place in Maryland when I was up there on vacation, called Baja Fresh...best mexican food I've ever had. The chicken torta OWNED. I wish they had one down here

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Guest DerangedHermit

What's up with all the Taco Bell hate? It's not THAT bad...it could be worse (COUGHmcdonaldsCOUGH).


Anyways, for the people in the city (NYC, of course), have any of you went to the Manhattan Chili Company? It's pretty damn good, even though it's not fast food.

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