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Guest Ravenbomb

Last House on the Left DVD

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Guest Ravenbomb

I was at Best Buy and they had Last House on the Left on DVD for $9.99~! not only that, but it has a featurette, 'Forbidden Footage', a Trailer, and COMMENTARY with Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham! I haven't checked the commentary out yet, but I watched the featurette and it was pretty cool. The trailer was good, but it would be better if it were for the same movie. It made LHOTL look like a totally different movie, like House or some other supernatural horror. Still, the movie with the commentary alone would be worth the $10, seeing as how the only other place I've seen the movie is on VHS at Shop N' Save for $11.81

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Yeah, it's a sweet DVD. If you had read my "DVD releases for 8/27/03" thread, you would have known about it earlier.



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Guest Lethargic

I just bought that this week. I watched the movie last year on IFC and was completely disappointed by it. Wasn't scary or thrilling or hell, anything. It was just boring. But after all the crap they said about how it was going to be so scary I did some checking and found out that around 15 minutes was cut out of that version. So I went ahead and bought the DVD and I hope that it's the real version on there. Otherwise I'll just put it on ebay pretty soon.

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Guest Ravenbomb

yeah, I'd recomend it. I think they could've done without the subplots about the sherrif and deputy walking along the road or the parts with the parents making the cake and decorating the room, but












*spoilers, maybe.*











the parts they left in weren't bad. They left in Phyllis getting disemboweld and Krug carving his name into Mari's chest along with some added lines here or there.

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