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Guest Kotzenjunge

I'm here again.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Because I don't feel like going through all the threads, someone just tell me all that's gone on in the last five days. The only thing I notice is that DJ Jeff went back on his smiley pledge, and the green one is gone. Unfortunately, the headbanging one remains. Was I missed?


Preview of SUPER-SIZED Random Observations:

What happened with Erica? Did I get to see everything I wanted? How about the rumoured "FO SHEEZ" grafitti in the Metro stations? Did the shirt impress? All this and more, to be posted sometime between now and Tuesday night!!


Fo sheez,


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Guest Zack Malibu

Was your trip better than mine, Kotz? If I hear anything about imaginary rings and toilets being flushed, I'm suing on grounds of gimmick infringment!

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Guest Kotzenjunge



(FLIES to kylie.com)


Fo sheez,



EDIT: I just went to one of her unofficial sites(since the official one is hardly ever updated), and the rumours are FALSE. She's taking a few weeks to relax in Western Australia.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Have you checked out the main page for the SmartMarks.com? Look who has a column...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Kotz, i drew the wrath of the Smarks for posting that La Parka had signed a WWE deal.


It was... delicous.

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Guest Kingpk

SKBF was being a dick in NHB, you should check out the (now closed) thread and see his "flames".

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Guest evenflowDDT

Sorry I didn't make your going away post "bump like Spike Dudley" like I promised, but I moved to college. It's great. Classes start on Wednesday. Good to have you back dude!

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Guest Leena

Haha, those posts with SKBF are gold. Poor kid, you should stop teasing him. He's just a baby.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Goodness, those were pathetic. I wanted to use the FINAL RESORT~! on him too. Would've felt good after being away.


Niiiiiiice banner, Alina. Get a different avatar picture though. She just doesn't look very good there. Congratulations on staying alive another year, now going for 22 straight! I myself only have an 18 year streak, but hey, I'm not really as young as my age says. Surely something can be worked out...


That was weird.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Good to see you again, In-to-the-Can-to-the-Den-to-the-Za.


And yes, the picture of Jackie is creepy.


(goes back to admiring his new D.C. screen saver, but doubts it'll take the place of the Kylie one)


Anything interesting happen in the wrestling world while I was gone? I saw the wedding, and it was pretty damn entertaining. Did Smackdown get a good rating out of it?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yes I have. Do you like posting in every thread no matter what it's about?


Fo sheez,


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I'm attempting to have every latest post in the general chat...so don't hold me back.


By the way, I live in the street where Kylie bought her parents a new house, cool huh?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I've gone from "dude with the neat avatar" to "evil German dictator" to "Kylie lover" during my time here so far.


What next?


Fo sheez,


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Guest NazMistry

Just be glad it's not 'guy with the small dick'.

Everyone looks at Naz.

Naz-'What, I'm just saying as all'

Everyone simulataneouly frowns at Naz.

Naz runs off...

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Guest J*ingus

::quickly pulls his dick out of Kylie::


Uh, what's been going on here? Nothing, nothing at all!


::pulls up pants, runs::

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

While you were gone I created the greatest gimmick poster in the history of gimmick posters in an effort to make Tim drop dead...


It didn't work.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Jingus, I will give you a five minute head start. Run like hell. How could you? I leave for a few days, you spike her drink!!


(loads gun enragedly) Did I say five minutes? I meant five seconds.


Fo sheez,


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Guest evenflowDDT

I don't know Kotz as anything other than Kotz (well, Spoon and Patrick, but those don't count). Gimmick names like "Kylie lover" would only work if he was the only Kylie lover, when it has very clearly been shown that he is not.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I could be "The Rave Guy" or something.


Oh yeah, kudos to Evenflow for the DIGWEED~! post in the Song Title thread.


Fo sheez,


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