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Guest Grand Slam

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Guest Grand Slam

This is just a post to let you know that King has been and will be off-line until his phone lines are fixed sometime on Monday. Thus, he will be unable to mark matches for today's JL show and tomorrow's WF show. He wanted me to pass along his sincerest apologies to everyone.


How were his phone lines cut you ask? Glad you asked. Seems he was digging up an old basketball hoop and put the shovel right through them. As I said, King has mad skillz...

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Guest Ace309

Good lord.


First of all, BASKETBALL?!




I've lost all respect I ever had for that ancient prevolution of my character.

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Guest kelloggs

Hey no sucking up. You can only mock. I must be looking to get jobbed. And yet i'll still make fun of him. BWHAHAAH, King did what? How far the mighty Memphis heel has fallen. I was once proud to be a Memphis heel clone...


Like Flesher, I've lost all respect for the pre evolution of the pre evolution of my character. ;)

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Guest Powerplay

Is it funny, yes. But it could have been worse: He could have been installing the basketball hoop. Then I would laugh. But since he was taking it out, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. And dial up isn't funny: Dial up is hell. I had this weekend to remind me of that.

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