Guest Si82 Report post Posted September 16, 2002 Video Review Wild In The UK By Simon Mulvaney Sep 16, 2002 Hey and welcome to my first ever video review. This is a review of a UK exclusive tape. It was only available via a special offer in the News Of The World newspaper. Basically you had to collect some tokens from the paper and then take them to WH Smith to get the video. The video claims to be "The Federations Best Matches from the UK", we shall see. No match times for the matches 'cause some of the matches are clipped. On with the review... - Your host is Jonathan Coachman. - Before we begin with the matches. Coach makes a couple of mistakes. Firstly, he claims that the WWF came over to the UK for the first time in 1992 for Summerslam. It was actually in 1989. He then claim that there were 93,000 fans at Summerslam '92 when it was actually 80,355. Well researched guys! - WWF Tag Team Championship Match: WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz (WWF Insurrextion 2000) - This would be yet another match in the extremely long running dispute between these two teams. Christian and Matt Hardy start things off, going face to face. Matt with a slap to Christian and then knocks him down with a shoulder block. Christian comes back with a dropkick and an armbar. Matt regains control with a scoop slam. Matt whips Christian into the corner but Christian gains control with a poke in the eye. Nice. Christian starts to hammer away in the corner but Matt turns it around and tags in Jeff. The Hardyz double team Christian in the corner. Christian regains control during a slugfest and tags in Edge who hits a swinging neckbreaker on Jeff. Jeff manages to hit a headsissors on Edge and sends him to the outside. Back in Edge regains control but it short lived as a couple of whips to the corners lead to some double team shenanigans that lead to Matt getting a two count on Edge. Edge comes back with a right hand and tags in Christian who goes to work on Matt in the corner. Then Matt regains control with a right hand and tags in Jeff. Didn't we just see that sequence? The Hardy Boyz then double team Edge & Christian. Christian bails but is followed by Jeff who ends up being thrown into the security rail. Back in Edge gets a two count. Wasn't Christian the legal man? Talk about a lousy referee. Edge tags in Christian and they double team Jeff with a double headbutt, which leads to a two for Christian. Christian gets a powerslam for another two count. Christian takes down Jeff with a snapmare into the chinlock, which quickly changes to a front facelock. Matt distracts the ref and Edge makes the switch with Christian. Edge misses a dropkick and Jeff gets a two count from it. Edge knocks Jeff down with a clothesline and both men are down. Edge hits the front facelock. Jeff manages to power his way to the corner and tags Matt but the referee didn't see it 'cause he was distracted be Christian. Ah, the classic tag team match formula. Christian and Edge switch again and then the tag again. Edge and Jeff both come flying off the ropes and do the double K.O. spot. Jeff finally makes the tag to Matt and he cleans house. Matt hits Christian with a neckbreaker, which gets two. Matt goes to the top rope but is crotched by Edge and they hit an odd looking double-superplex like move on Matt for two. They double team Jeff but he hits a dropkick on both men and send Edge to the outside with a clothesline. The Hardy Boyz double team Christian and Matt gets a two count. They set up Christian with a twist of fate and swanton bomb combo but Edge comes in with the ringbell for the DQ. Winners: Hardy Boyz. **1/2. Not a bad match, it just had a crappy ending. - WWF European Championship Match: WWF European Champion Shane McMahon vs. X-Pac (WWF No Mercy 1999) - I was there people. Yes I was at one of the worst WWF PPV's of all-time. Man I'm proud. However, this was the best match on the card so there you go. By the way, the European championship was brought out of retirement for on night only as Shane had retired the belt as an undefeated champion shortly after Wrestlemania XV. To the match. Shane tries a sneak attack to start but gets dumped by X-Pac. Shane tries to escape but his path is blocked by Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson. They hammer Shane in the aisle and X-Pac brings him back to the ring. Back in X-Pac hits a couple of legdrops on Shane. Meanwhile, Chyna heads down the aisle and beats the crap out of Patterson and Brisco. Chyna distracts X-Pac and Shane knocks him out of the ring were he gets rammed into the post by Chyna. Meanwhile Brisco and Patterson are carried backstage by officials. X-Pac makes it back into the ring before the ten count and Shane hammers X-Pac and hit a suplex. Shane then gets a two count from a flying elbow. Shane gets a chinlock which X-Pac powers out of and regains control of the match. X-Pac knocks down Shane with a spinning heel kick and a leg lariat. Chyna distracts the ref but a Shane McMahon clothesline bumps him. X-Pac then goes for the broncobuster but Chyna takes him out with the European championship. Shane crawls over but only gets a two count. Triple H wanders down the aisle and Shane goes for a broncobuster of his own but X-Pac moves. X-Pac hit the X-Factor but Chyna trips the referee. Chyna goes up top but gets crotched. X-Pac sets he up for a broncobuster but he gets a boot to the nads. Triple H follows this up with a pedigree and Shane makes the cover. Winner: Shane McMahon. **. I gotta say that was disappointing. I remember that match being a lot better. - First Ever Queen's Cup Match: Chris Jericho vs. William Regal (WWF Insurrextion 2001) - The match is joined in progress. Jericho hammers away on Regal on the outside. Back in Jericho comes off the top with a body splash for two. Jericho hammers Regal in the corner and then goes for the Walls of Jericho but Regal counters. Regal regains control by throwing Jericho into the ringpost. Regal works on Jericho with some submission stuff. Regal goes to the turnbuckle but spends to much time waving to the fans that Jericho dropkicks him and follows it up with a hurricarana for two. Jericho tires for a dropkick but misses and Regal slingshots him into the ropes. Regal follows it up with suplex and then gives the crowd a Regal wave and does a little dance. That was pretty cool. Why doesn't he do that little dance more often? Dance Regal dance! Regal hammers Jericho with a series of knee-lifts and some stomps. A "Regal" chant starts up and he locks on, what looks like, a version of a chickenwing. Regal misses a clothesline but knocks Jericho down with a back elbow instead. Regal stomps away on Jericho again but Jericho gets a sunset flip for two. Regal regains control with a clothesline and hits that chickenwing looking headlock. Jericho manages to battle out of it and hit a back bodydrop and gets a rollup for two. Once again Regal regains control and hammers on Jericho in the ropes. Regal hits a suplex for two and then locks on a version of the abdominal stretch. Jericho powers out and an ensugri on Regal and both men are down. Some fans are starting to boo Jericho. Both men get up and Jericho knocks down Regal with a clothesline and missile dropkick for two. Jericho knocks Regal down with a flying forearm and a bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but gets his knees up and hits a suplex for two. Regal goes for a german suplex but Jericho reverses it into the Walls of Jericho and Regal taps. Winner: Chris Jericho. ***. Good match, it's just a shame that Regal didn't go over. I know Bob Barron will be cursing Jericho if he reads this. - WWF Championship Match: WWF Champion Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rikishi (WWF Rebellion 2000) - Again, the match is joined in progress. Angle and Austin are going at it in the ring, while Rock and Rikishi battle on the outside. Austin hits a spinebuster on Angle for two and follows it up with a suplex for another two count. Rikishi pulls Austin out of the ring and the go at it. Meanwhile, Rock hits the ring and gets a spinebuster on Angle for two. Rock dumps Angle and Rikishi and Austin hit the ring. Austin and Rock double team Rikishi until Rock leaves the ring in pursuit of Angle who tries to leave. Back in the ring, Austin hammers Rikishi and gets a two count. Rock throws Angle back into the ring and Austin hits a Thesz press. They head outside and Rock and Rikishi go at it in the ring. Rikishi gives Rock a stinkface but Rock goes low and hits a spinebuster and People's Elbow. Rock goes for the cover but Angle breaks it up and then covers Rikishi. Austin breaks up the count and he goes for the cover but Rikishi kicks out at two. Wow! They pair off again. This time it's Austin/Rikishi and Angle/Rock. The heels gain control but the faces battle back. Angle and Rikishi are both dumped and Austin and Rock go at it. The crowd erupts and Austin gains control with a series of right hands in the corner. Rock reverses it but Austin gets a Stunner and a two count. Covers and two counts follow this up for both Angle and Rikishi on Rock. Austin hammers Angle in the corner but gets Rock Bottomed by Rock and goes for the cover. He gets two after Rikishi pulls out the referee. Angle hits the Olympic Slam on Rock for two. Austin rolls up Angle from behind for two. Edge & Christian run down to help Angle but get hammered by Austin. Back in the ring Rikishi and Rock go at it and Rock hits a Rock Bottom for two. Edge comes into the ring and he and Rock brawl on the outside. The Radicalz come out but get hammered by Austin and then he hits the Stunner on Rikishi. Austin gets pulled out of the ring and hammered by Radical members Eddie Guerrero and Perry Saturn. Meanwhile, Angle sneaks up from behind on Rikishi and hits the Olympic Slam. Winner: Kurt Angle. ***1/2. A super hot bout with a super hot crowd. - WWF European Championship Match: WWF European Champion British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels (WWF One Night Only) - And so we come to this. Probably the best match ever on a UK PPV. The match is joined in progress. Rick Rude is at ringside for Michaels. Michaels whips Bulldog in the corner and follows up with a hiptoss into an armbar. I'm not two sure if Bulldog's leg is injured at this point. Bulldog powers out of it and both men are down. Back up and both men come off the ropes and knock each other down again. Triple H & Chyna wander down the aisle as both men get back up. Things do not look good for the Bulldog. Bulldog back bodydrops Michaels, rams him back first into the corner, clotheslines him down and then slingshots him into the corner. All of that gets a two. Bulldog misses a charge and hits the ringpost. Michael scoop slams Bulldog and delivers two flying elbows. Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music but it gets reversed into the setup for the Running Poweslam but Rude grabs Bulldogs leg to stop it. Bulldog grabs Rude but nails Michaels instead. Bulldog dumps Michaels and follows him out of the ring. The end is nigh. Bulldog hammers Michaels on the outside and Triple H tries to jump Bulldog from behind but get clotheslined for his trouble. Bulldog hoists Michaels up for the Running Powerslam on the outside but Bulldog slips and screws up his right leg. It's all downhill for the Bulldog now kids. Bulldog gets up but is nailed by Sweet Chin Music for Michaels and then Rude, Triple H & Chyna beat him down before throwing him back in the ring. Back in Michaels takes off the Bulldogs leg brace and throws it at Bulldog's wife Diana. Michaels slaps on a figure-four leglock, while Triple H & Chyna provide occasionally interference. Bulldog tires to hold on but the referee stops the match. Winner and NEW WWF European Champion: Shawn Michaels. ****. After the match Michaels insults the fans in the crowd and then singles out the Bulldog's wife Diana. Michaels slaps on another figure-four but Diana hops the rails and the Hart Foundation hit the ring and the heels bail. By the way, all during this the crowd pelt the ring with garbage. I think McMahon was lucky that a riot didn't occur. British fans are a bit passionate about this kind of thing you see. Anyway, other the stuff after the match this was a very enjoyable match. Once again, Bob Barron will be pissed off. - Overall: This is a pretty good tape. All of the matches come to ** or more and there is a nice variety of matches too. The only problem is the clipping of some of the matches 'cause of the tape only being an hour long. So if you get this chance to see this tape then you should, particularly if you haven't seen the matches on it before. Mind you, you probably won't find a copy anywhere. Oh well, still Recommended. Unless your Bob Barron. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted September 16, 2002 Good review- even though I will based on match results I refuse to acknowledge this tape's existence Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted September 16, 2002 Good review- even though I will based on match results I refuse to acknowledge this tape's existence Thanks for the feedback though Bob. I hope to get another review up soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted September 17, 2002 Anyone else got any comments? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites