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Guest AnnieEclectic

And now, the daily Annie is PO'd thread

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Okay folks, not going to spoil results here, but yes, blown spots aplenty in almost every match tonight. Fine. Maybe it's the mile high air. Maybe everyone was off their game. Maybe the roid supplier truck ran dry. Who knows.



But this pisses me off. Almost all bitching about the WWE is on wrestling. five blown spots, and RAW sucked.




To these people, a hearty fuck you.


Plotwise, this was one of the better RAWs in recent memory. Plotlines and angles leading up to the PPV were done pretty much -exactly- how they should have, a couple good swerves, and good feud setups. People on the mic tonight were GREAT, and the opening part in particular I loved.



I believe Plot = Workrate when it comes to pro wrestling. It's scripted, it's written out ahead of time, no matter what league you talk about. Puro, Lucha, WWE... all the same. It's soap opera with tights folks. Deal.




so, if you put plot on equal or near equal ground with wrestling, I can deal. If you put workrate twice above plot, I disagree, but okay, that's your opinion.



I dealt with two of my fellow SWFers that couldn't give a flying fuck about plot tonight. If you're in this category, never talk to me about pro wrestling ever again, until you realize that WWE = Guiding Light + Violence. You want pure wrestling, watch NCAA.





Thank you, this ends my rant.




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Guest AnnieEclectic

That reminds me, Bisch's reaction to the IWO was classic. Telling them all to get it on. I liked that, seemed incredibly in character. :D





p.s. G: no

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Guest TheHulkster

Annie, you don't read many official Raw threads do you? Every single week since they started, it has pretty much been the home of the Monday Night 2+ hour bitch-athon over even the most menial of things. Not to hate, thats just the way it is. Look back at some of the best Raw of this past year. I bet in every single official thread of them, the first 9 pages were about how Raw will suck/is sucking/has sucked. Thats just the nature of the WWE folder for some odd reason.

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Guest geniusMoment

I want creative storylines not something I could write on a napkin while waiting for my food from McDonalds

This Raw was boring as hell. What storyline made you jump out of your seat and say "I would have never thought that would happen!"

Maybe you enjoyed the thrilling way they set up Jericho vs. Flair for Unforgiven or how about that 8 man match! Creative genius. What match on the show did you find even average, besides RVD/Jericho, and what great mic work are you talking about. If you want to see RVD at his cocky best bring in Alfonso and let him make fun of that scarred up freak Sabu

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Guest AnnieEclectic

That's one thing, this was completely denying the fact that plot means something. That pisses me off.


Meh, I liked RAW tonight, and marked heavy for the entire IWO segment including the ending. I will vomit on those that disagree.


Like this.





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Guest AnnieEclectic

Genious: did you see the IWO ending coming? that was a swerve.



Those two points you brought up, no, they weren't surprising, but they made sense. I actually saw tonight as a starting point to better things if they don't fuck up the PPV.


so, to you, you get my first




eat it punk.



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Guest jester

I liked most of the stories tonight. Even the ones I didn't like I didn't despise.


I liked how the RVD/HHH storyline progressed. RVD looks like he actually gives a (heh heh) damn about something by persistently attacking HHH. I also didn't mind the B&C thing, although it's bound to end in the humiliation of Bischoff at Unforgiven.


Dudleys, Bookdust and Unamericans? Don't really care, but wasn't offended.


Jericho/Flair? Ok build, though neither guy can afford to lose.


Ok, one thing I didn't like. HHH in nearly every segment, as they do everything they can to get him over as a heel.

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Guest geniusMoment

You liked Stephs screeching??

Eric can't even be over for 1 week without Steph stealing his thunder. I think we all know this is going to lead to Steph being the leader of both shows. In fact thats not enough, maybe she can have her own show where she stands in the ring and screechs for two straight hours.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Actually..I fairly knew that Steph was gonna get Bisch back. Stupid WWE can't leave it alone for one week.


Nobody likes Steph. nobody ever WILL.


Decent show, good matches ('cept for the end), and segments were kept to a minimum. Great with me.

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Guest XdojimeX

"You want pure wrestling, watch NCAA."


Nah, I want good pro-wrestling. Which has jack and shit to do with amatuer wrestling. How many times are sports-entertainment apologists going to make this goofy ass comparison? Rhetorical and all that...

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Guest art_vandelay
I want creative storylines not something I could write on a napkin while waiting for my food from McDonalds

This Raw was boring as hell.  What storyline made you jump out of your seat and say "I would have never thought that would happen!"

Maybe you enjoyed the thrilling way they set up Jericho vs. Flair for Unforgiven or how about that 8 man match! Creative genius.  What match on the show did you find even average, besides RVD/Jericho, and what great mic work are you talking about.  If you want to see RVD at his cocky best bring in Alfonso and let him make fun of that scarred up freak Sabu

Booker T's French lesson was hilarious. "Oui oui. Ay carumba. Voulez vous couvez achez oi." As well as Triple H (fuck, this is the second time tonight I'm defending the fucker) talking down to Ric Flair after his loss. The stuff about him looking up to Flair was very real and heated. It doesn't really count as mic-work, but Jericho's post-IC title victory celebration had me laughing too.


RVD talking = meh...

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Genious: did you see the IWO ending coming? that was a swerve.



Those two points you brought up, no, they weren't surprising, but they made sense. I actually saw tonight as a starting point to better things if they don't fuck up the PPV.


so, to you, you get my first




eat it punk.



Sorry, but at least 2 people called the entire IWO segment in the Raw thread. Really, it wasn't much of a shock at all considering what happened last Smackdown.


Now, Smackdown's wedding...that was *good* storytelling. Well, I could have done without the Godfather crap, but the Bisch swerve was magnificient. Unfortunately, the IWO segment was nowhere near as good as the Commitment Ceremony. Hey, if you enjoyed it, more power to you.


A couple of decent story points did come up tonight. I actually like how they're building up Bubba/HHH, even though I could care less if they both drove off a bridge tomorrow. I kind of liked the HHH/Flair segment, in that it could build up to some kind of storyline.


So, time to throw up on me now?

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Guest Leena

No matter how good the writing, everything HHH does makes me yawn, and there was lots of him tonight.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
RVD talking = meh...

Heh, RVD's yakking almost put me to sleep.


Personally, I was happy that Chris finally beat someone important with the Walls, so I have really no complaints about the show aside from RVD's attempt at cutting a promo.

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I thought RVD was hilarious. He just needs to work on his voice. He always seems to be talking too loud instead of emphasising words. That's my only complaint.


But it is nice for someone to finally make fun of HHH for his water spit.

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Guest razazteca
WWE = NBC Soaps + wrestling

that may be your equation for your favorite style of tv wrestling but, I do not enjoy this brand of Sports Entertainment as much as you do. I watch the Confidential with Vince discussing or should I say trying to convince to the fans that his Sports Entertainment is good. Vince said that WWE is combined parts of Soaps, Comedy, Wrestling, etc and that as long as the fans follow it this style will continue. I for one have a great disagreement about this as I would rather watch a good wrestling match over some skit, angle, promo which acting is the major factor. If you call that workrate than so be it. My favorite Raw(s) of recent time was the one(s) which had Rock vs Eddy, RVD vs Eddy, Hardy Ladder matches. I find those matches to be more entertaining than watching Vince take out his personal grudges on tv. I could care less if the tv watch groups or political lobbyist are demanding that WWE tone down the sex skits. This shit is not entertaining to me I do not F'N care about the politicial shit Vince is doing on tv just to rub it in the faces of his enemies.....the whole PTC and NOW mocking is not entertaining. How does this sex skits promote the PPV? other than getting shock value on main stream media, which looks down on WWE as soft porn in prime time tv. Oh WWE has gay tag teams getting married this is sure to lock in the San Francisco audience, Oh Raw has lesbians this is sure to lock in the WNBA and Xena audience.


You want pure wrestling, watch NCAA

UFC and Pride is more of a fighting sport and more accessable

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Guest TheHulkster

Those 20-year old failed soap opera writers should get their hands broken for thinking it's a good idea for RVD to talk, for having RVD job the IC belt to chris jericho (who has never beaten HHH, so it makes him look like an even bigger loser going into his upcoming match), having him tap to the walls of jericho (they make it a non-factor as a finisher for over a year, and suddenly they expect people to buy it as credible again? That just takes the steam out of the guy who taps), having Rico beat Flair then putting Flair in an IC title match, promising a BIG suprise, and jobbing the guy you just dropped a couple of g's on to make a video about to a sleeper hold. They need to sit some of these writers down and explain to them that American wrestling is about getting heat on the workers, because they don't seem to understand this. Anyway, on the bright side: we either see Stephanie's bare ass again or see her make out with a female *fingers crossed* this weekend.

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Vince needs to stop and realize that what made the WWF so popular in 97-99 was guys like Austin not the T&A. Vince still thinks that T&A and sexual themes work, but the ratings aren't showing that. So why would Vince say on Confidential that as long as it works he'll go with it?


News flash Vince. It's not working!

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Guest RickyChosyu

The whole point of good wrestling is to tell a story, so if the wrestling was good, it would have produced a good plot. When it's bad, the plot is there, but it's hollow, and uninteresting. Everything is plot with wrestling, but bad wrestling = bad plot no matter how you look at it. Quality structure is important, but if it's executed poorly, the impact is lessened.


Even in structure, tonight wasn't the best. HHH's "you're not cut to be a main eventer" lines really don't surpise anymore, which is, I assume, the only reason he says them, because they're otherwise pointless. As someone who stopped carring about this kind of feud in regards to HHH two years ago, I really don't have any thoughts on this at all, other than that if they don't follow through on this and elevated SOMEONE to a new spot and make a sincere effort, it's over and there's nothing that can save them.


Then you had Rico pinning Flair in an "upset" that was anything but, and an IC title match that re-hashed a finish we saw no less than a month ago. It's not exactly the kind of thing that makes me glad Brian Gerwitz books the way he does.


And the UnAmericans have to be the most borring Four Horsemen ever. They could fly to Ground Zero and defecate on Old Glory and I still wouldn't care. Nope.

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Guest jester
You liked Stephs screeching??

Eric can't even be over for 1 week without Steph stealing his thunder. I think we all know this is going to lead to Steph being the leader of both shows. In fact thats not enough, maybe she can have her own show where she stands in the ring and screechs for two straight hours.

Ok yes, B&C minus the Steph thing.


As for Steph stealing thunder (WCW Thunder?), you had to know it was going to happen eventually. Vince doesn't let anything go, so before long Bischoff will have his head up Rikishi's ass, barking like a dog for Vince, and joining the kiss my ass club.


I'm only suprised that they are showing restraint and not having Steph be the one to pin Bischoff.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Plot and story build up is great, IF ITS NOT DONE ONE WEEK BEFORE THE FING PPV!

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Guest BA_Baracus

You're nuts Annie.


Raw stunk. Boring, unoriginal storylines that set up stupid matches.


Island boys vs. Billy and Chuck (who are now faces for some reason) with some sort of stupid ass kissing/HLA stip?


Y2J is fighting Ric Flair again for the IC title when the geniuses booking jobbed Flair to Rico to in curtain jerk match? What sense does that booking make?


A finally a big shmoz 8 man match that will undoubtedly be nothing special.


Top that off with a pile of crappy matches, Jeff Hardy putting on an absolutely embarassing performance in the main event the stupid, sexist protesting women angle that set up the totally predictable Stephanie bit and more HHH than anybody could possibly stomach and you've got a pretty lousy 2 hours.

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