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Guest FatKaneOfWar

I am seriously considering selling my WMX8 ticket

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Guest FatKaneOfWar

Okay, first of all, I haven't fully made up my decision so don't start PM'ing me with your offers. I just wanted to say that I feel my $250 WrestleMania ticket seems to look more and more worthless each week. I know I'm going to get some flack from the "Marks" about my bitching, but damn it, I'm a loyal customer of the WWF and I have a right to complain, of course I back it up with reasoning too.


Let's disect each match that has been made so far, one by one:


1) Rock vs. Hogan: Hulk Hogan can't even take a Rock Bottom. The chances of this match being good are slim to none. Nostalgia factor will be way up there though. It'll be a good match for the marks.


2) Ric Flair vs. Undertaker: I'll admit, any match involving The Undertaker does not sound good, but most of the times when he does have a good match, it is usually because there is either a good story surrounding it, or a man has carried him. I think Ric Flair may be able to make this match good.


3) Billy & Chuck vs. APA: I like this manly man vs. homosexual angle, but the match will be trash. What? Absolute garbage. What? Rubbish. What? I said it's going to be rubbish."


4) Scott Hall vs. Steve Austin: Storyline-wise, this doesn't work for me. Scott Hall is arguably, the weakest member of the nWo; he's never held any world championships like the other 2 men have, he's always acting like the 3rd man. Austin should be going for number one: Hulk Hogan, but since he's taken, it's only logical he face Nash. Now I don't know if backstage politics about Austin's preferences on who to work with have anything to do with this, but I'm just saying, he should be going for Nash or Hogan, not Hall, regardless of what "drinking problems" the two share. But of course, Hall vs. Austin would be a better match than Austin vs. Nash so I shouldn't really complain. If he's going to fight any member of the nWo it might as well be Hall.


5) RVD vs. Regal: They've already fought each other 2 times in the last month or so. I would have much rather seen Regal vs. Storm, and put RVD with someone else. Of course, this would defy the heel vs. face law, and having RVD in there is much better than Big Show, so I won't complain that much. But they could have done so much better.


6)Kurt Angle vs. Kane: It was good the first (actually it was the second, but no one remembers the first) time, it was alright the second time, but by last Thursday, it was enough. Kurt Angle kicked Kane's ass 3 times already. Why would I want to see them fight again? This match will be good, but it won't be great. Kurt Angle can have a much better match with somebody else.


7) Triple H vs. Chris Jericho: I, along with many other fans have pined for this match for a very long time. The only problem is, we wanted Triple H, the wrestler, not Triple H, the bodybuilder. If any of his matches recently are evidence on how this WM match will be, then I am sorry, I take back my wish. But I still have high-hopes for this match, it should be good. Not as good as it could be, but still good.


Where am I going with all this "bitching"? WrestleMania X-Seven was one of the greatest, if not the greatest WrestleManias of all time -- wrestling wise. We had Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, TLC 2, Undertaker vs. HHH (which I thought was going to suck, I admit it), Vince vs. Shane (keep the non-wrestlers away from the real matches) and Rock vs. Austin. I know I should reserve judgement until the matches have occurred, but compare the lineup of last year's WM with this year's WM, at least 3 of those matches were sure-fire winners. WMX8? Nothing. I am not looking forward to any of the matches.


There was so much potential for this WrestleMania card to be amazing. They have the greatest wrestlers in North America, all contracted. Instead, we're have a big, lazy guy in almost every match.


I guess it's not a great time to be a fan of work-rate. If I was 9 years old, I would probably enjoy this card. But then again, if I was 9, I probably wouldn't be as loyal a fan as I am, nor would I shell out $250 of my money, not to mention what I went through to get the tickets in the first place.



I'm begging for you guys to change my mind.

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Guest goodhelmet

The only thing I can say is that Wrestlemania is an event. Similar to the Superbowl, sometimes it is cool just to experience it regardless if the game sucks.


As for the matches, you have summed up what I've been saying for the last week. Great analysis. Sorry about the money but hopefullt you will be pleasantly surprised.


And on that note, goodnight.

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Guest FatKaneOfWar

Yes, I have that to look forward to.  Seeing the WresteMania set in person will be absolutely great, I know.  I didn't mean to sound cynical, but when you spend so much money on something, and anticipate it for such a long time, you just want the best show you can possibly get.  Wrestling events are a gamble, sometimes you get a good show, sometimes you don't.  But I just can't help but think that this show could be so much more.

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Guest TheDames7

This is all I have to say.  I have tickets to WM myself and dammit, I'm excited.  I was supposed to go to WM X and I've been kicking myself in the ass for 8 years.  This will be my first WM, and with a crowd this big, it will be the biggest event that I've ever attended.  


Think about it this way, you could go to a great Raw, a great Smackdown, a great house show, PPV, etc....but people always remember Wrestlemania, and the matches that occured and everything.  You are going to be a part of history.  



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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think it's just disappointing when you think that the WWF now has pretty much the whole of American talent at it's disposal and this was the best they could do.




Rock/Hogan could be ok if kept short and imaginative rather than punchpunchkickkick.

Always a pleasure to see Flair wrestle,even at 53.

Jericho *might* retain.

They might add some decent undercard matches with all the guys not yet doing anything.


Or am I being too optimistic? :)

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Guest Brian

It's still a four hours long ppv, so there should be something reminescent of a low card involved. Tajiri is still somewhat over, and Edge, Christian, Lance Storm, and Justin Credible aren't booked (Impact Players vs. E&C). Still, there's room for four more matches on that card at least, considering that there's going to be a few shortened matches.

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Guest RickyB

If Wrestlemania was anywhere near England i'd be straight there whether it had great, possibly memorable matches or not.  It's Wrestlemania, it's THE of the biggest event in Wrestling.  Especially this one, it's got Hogan Vs The Rock, a match that will probably be remembered forever.


Let's put it this way, you're lucky that you've got tickets to Wrestlemania, all I ever have to look forward to each year  is basically a House Show, something that very rarely has any effect on the current angles.  You're going to a show that whether it has good Wrestling or not will have one of the biggest effects on the WWF this year (Hogan Vs The Rock, one of the biggest matches for a long time.  And he can take a Rock Bottom, he took a Rock Bottom on Raw last week.) and think about it this way, there is a chance that the split might occur at Wrestlemania, would you want to miss out on a show which might start one of the biggest angles in WWF History.


Oh, and the full card isn't announced yet, it's a 4 hour long card which means that they will need to add some more matches.

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Guest Human Fly

Everyone should bring their "A game" workrate wise so I don't think that will be that big of a problem. There's still 2 weeks of hype and new matches it can still shape up.

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Guest goodhelmet

problem is that hogan and Takers' A game is still mediocre at best. the undercard better get a shot in the ass or this MAnia will suffer.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

I honestly can't disagree with you, FatKane. Even though Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year, I'd certainly rather have 200 dollars than a ticket to a show with a lackluster card.


Hell, for 30 of that I could just watch it at home and spend the other 170 on tapes of classic PPV's.

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Guest goodhelmet

it used to be 30. they've raised the price of Mania to $40 friggin dollars. Not on my life would I pay that much for the card we have now. Maybe I'd get the replay after reading several reviews.


Good strategy Magnifico. Save the money for old tapes which have proven track records of entertaining.

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Guest goodhelmet

it used to be 30. they've raised the price of Mania to $40 friggin dollars. Not on my life would I pay that much for the card we have now. Maybe I'd get the replay after reading several reviews.


Good strategy Magnifico. Save the money for old tapes which have proven track records of entertaining.

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Guest hockeytown9321

I am going to WM as well, and while I'm not exactly thrilled looking at the card, it is still WM, and you should go and enjoy it for what it is.  Hogan-Rock may not be the greatest match ever, but it is damn historical, main event should be great, and the undercard should have good wrestling.



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Guest Dangerous A

Personally I would not sell my ticket because it is WM. However I do see your point that this card looks very weak on paper. I am not that juiced up to see this show. Rock vs Hogan will be alright because they'll hype the hell out of it. Jericho and HHH SHOULD be good. Emphasis on Should. The rest is blah. Hall vs Austin is SD or RAW ME material, not 3rd match from the top type of shit. Hall and Nash should be wrestling 2 of the top guys and not in singles. Tag matches are what they excel at. Problem is the tag division sucks ass. The midcard is in shambles. Man, these guys (the wwf) need to pull it together in the next 2 weeks.

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Guest Buffybeast

Personally I would have never bought the ticket to begin with.  I know this is WM and what not.  But for 250 bucks, one of the Divas ought to be coming out and giving head or hell at least lapdances for the fans!


As for you decision to sell your ticket, I wouldn't if I had already paid for it.  But I know I will not be purchasing this ppv.

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Guest Brian

Not very much, and you might not be able to sell them at all. I know you can't get more than face value because of scalping rules E-Bay adheres by.

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Guest art_vandelay

Who says he wants to sell them on eBay?  I'm sure he'd get $300 at least through scalping.  And trust me, WMX8 tickets are in HIGH demand here in Toronto.

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Guest JHawk

I know one thing.  I'm one of the many people who couldn't get through when tickets went on sale and would have killed somebody for their tickets a few months ago.  It's frickin' WrestleMania!  But you're right, for what they're charging for it, we ought to be getting a series of Benoit-Malenko type matches.  I'm looking forward to the main event and RVD-Regal, not much else so far, but the WWF can always change things up last minute.  If only they'd have stuck with Angle-Jericho and kept the nWo in a six man with Austin, Rock, and HHH, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

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Guest art_vandelay

"If" and "only" are two great words when used together.


If only Benoit wasn't injured.


If only Dean Malenko had found a bankable gimmick.


If only HHH wasn't so big.


If only Hogan, Hall and Nash could work.


If only Eddy didn't have all those problems.


If only Vince wasn't about "sports entertainment".


If only people didn't grow old and retire.


If only people couldn't get hurt.


If only God hadn't created the world.

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