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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Reno calls it quits in Fla...

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Guest Some Guy

I have to side with her on the little Cuban kid thing, that boy belonged with his father.


But back to mocking the left. WHat the fuck is her problem? It's not like she lost to a member of another party or that she was the preference of her own party to run, she should have just conceded when she lost the first time. Just another example of a Clintonite having no class until it's too late.

I can't wait for Robert Reich to use not being Yom Kipur not allowing him to do last minute campaigning as the reason he's going to lose the Dem nomination for Ma Governor.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I have to side with her on the little Cuban kid thing, that boy belonged with his father."


I have NO OPINION whatsoever of that story. I tend to ignore stories that get sucked up into the Big Media vacuum. I just think it would have been funny to see Reno campaign there. Perhaps she could have ridden in a tank or something...

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Guest Some Guy

Or busted into all the Cuban's houses with armed ATF guys.


The mother tried to illegally bring the kid here, she drowned, he should be with his dad. It took me about 10 seconds to make up my mind and then ignore the story until the end of it and then I forgot about it until this thread.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Or busted into all the Cuban's houses with armed ATF guys."


Or dressed up as a pink Easter Bunny...

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Guest Vern Gagne

I think that Manbeast Reno is sueing Jeb Bush for not fixing the problems Florida had in 2000.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I think that Manbeast Reno is sueing Jeb Bush for not fixing the problems Florida had in 2000..."


Ladies and Janet Reno, I think we just found a new mascot for Rhyno (or is it Rhino now? Crap I always get those two mixed up)...

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