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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Classic Match - Miami Mayhem I

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Miami Mayhem I

Longdogger Pete vs. Triple E

IGNJL Wrath - June 27, 2001


The camera pans across the incredible Madison Square Garden in New York City to reveal the thousands of screaming fans that have gathered for the final edition of IGNJL Wrath, settling as usual at the image of the two men sitting at the commentary table. “Welcome back to IGNJL Wrath, folks!” one of them shouts into his headset. “I’m Bobby Riley alongside the Exploding Chicken, and if you’re just joining us, we’ve got a hell of a show still to come!”


“That’s right, Riley!” exclaims the announcer known as the Exploding Chicken. “The vacant European and World titles are both up for grabs tonight! We will see two new champions crowned before the night is over! KABOOM!”


“Sounds like a great time to be watching Wrath!” Riley comments. “Well, coming up next we have-“


Riley’s sentence is cut off as the lights suddenly go dark, except for the IGNtron, which lights up with footage from a live camera feed. “Miami” by Will Smith begins playing throughout the arena, causing most of the audience to erupt in cheers. “What’s going on?” Riley asks, but he doesn’t have to wait long for the answer as a face appears on the IGNtron-Jin Kasma’s! The IGNJL lieutenant commissioner stands at the edge of a beautiful beach, holding up a microphone. The ocean breeze ruffles Kasma’s hair, and the ocean waves contrast in color with the endless sand of the beach.


“Hello, everyone!” Kasma begins. “Lt. Commissioner Jin Kasma here on location in Miami Beach, Florida! As you can see, the weather’s absolutely beautiful out here, and in just a few moments I’m going to be calling the ‘Miami Mayhem’ match pitting Triple E against hometown hero Longdogger Pete!” A small group of people, mostly teenagers in swimsuits and summer clothing, has gathered behind Kasma, and they cheer upon mention of Longdogger Pete’s name. “As you can see, we’ve attracted some attention down here,” Kasma continues, “and it looks like LDP has a huge following down here in his hometown of Miami!


“Well, we’re going to go over the rules of this very unique matchup one more time,” Kasma goes on. “Both competitors will begin out here on the beach! This match has NO disqualifications, NO countouts, NO holds barred, and absolutely NO limits! To win the match, you must toss your opponent INTO the Atlantic Ocean! That’s it!”


Kasma looks up at a set of wooden steps that lead out to the beach from a nearby parking lot. A large man is walking down the steps toward Kasma! “It looks like our first competitor has arrived!” says Kasma. “Introducing first, from Juneau, Alaska, weighing in at 245 pounds, the Entirely Enormous Eskimo-TRIPLE E!”


Triple E arrives on the beach and grabs the microphone out of the hands of Kasma. “All right, Pete. You got what you wanted. You dragged me all the way down here, and now we’re going to finish this! Get your ass down here!” Triple E hands the microphone back to Kasma and begins jumping up and down in the sand, preparing for the match. The gathered fans boo the End of Days member.


Out comes Longdogger Pete! Pete wears a Hawaiian floral print shirt, with the top two buttons undone to reveal his upper chest, which is covered in hair. Instead of the jeans, Pete wears jean shorts to account for the summer weather. The audience goes wild for their hometown hero as he walks down the wooden staircase onto the beach. Kasma takes the microphone again and announces, “Introducing, from MIAMI, FLORIDA, weighing in at 270 pounds, the #1 contender to the European title--LONGDOGGER PETE!”


Triple E runs over to Pete, pummeling the Miami native with a series of punches, causing Pete to stagger back. Triple E grabs Pete and drops him into the sand with an early DDT! “Well, this match is underway,” reports Kasma, “and Triple E taking an early advantage here on the sands of Miami Beach!”


Triple E stands back a few feet as Pete gets up, and Triple E charges! Pete counters with a drop toe hold to send Triple E into the sand! Triple E spits out mouthfuls of sand as he tries to get back to his feet, but he steps in a pocket of soft sand, and Pete is able to push him over and back down! “The Eskimo seems out of his element here,” Kasma comments. “I guess you could call this home-field advantage for Longdogger Pete.”


Pete picks Triple E up again and tries to Irish whip him-though Triple E doesn’t travel far due to the sand. So Pete catches up to him, picks him up for a scoop slam, and tosses him into some nearby foliage! “Wow!” yells Kasma, following behind the two wrestlers, microphone in hand. “Pete has just tossed Triple E into a pile of palm fronds! It looks like this match may be leaving the beach!”


Sure enough, Pete grabs Triple E by the hair and walks off, dragging him away from the beach toward a nearby open-air beachside restaurant shrouded in palmetto bushes. The audience tries to follow, but a special contingent of Miami Beach police officers hold them at bay, keeping them from getting too close to the wrestlers. Pete gets to the restaurant and slams Triple E’s head down onto one of the tables, scaring away the two citizens that had previously occupied that table. Pete grabs a glass of ice water that still sits on the table, dumps it over Triple E’s head, and then, shockingly, breaks the glass over Triple E’s head! “OH, MY GOD!” shouts Kasma. “Pete’s taking this match to a new level! We’ve got ourselves Hardcore Mayhem!”


The remaining patrons of the restaurant scatter as Pete whips Triple E into another table, sending both he and the table toppling over to the concrete floor! Drinks and plates make loud clanging noises as they fall to the floor, knocked off the tumbling table. Pete hurries over and quickly pummels Triple E with an elbow drop to increase the punishment, then lays into him with several hard rights to the chest. Suddenly Triple E shoves Pete hard, and forces the larger man off him. Triple E gets back up and kicks Pete in the stomach, then picks up the X Force 9 member, setting him up with Pete’s head between Triple E’s legs in powerbomb fashion. Then Triple E drops back, slamming Pete’s head into the floor! “FROSTBITE!” exclaims Kasma. “Triple E hit the Frostbite powerbomb on Longdogger Pete! It would seem that the Snowman still has some power here on sunny Florida!”


Pete tries to get up, but he is dazed, and thus starts to stumble off in a random direction. Triple E follows as Pete wanders to the other end of the restaurant and off to the sidewalk by a busy street. Pete seems aware enough not to wander out into traffic, however, and heads off down the sidewalk, trying to catch his breath. Triple E, in hot pursuit, catches up to Pete, grabbing him by the head and slamming him THROUGH the door of the next building! The door caves in, and both Triple E and Pete tumble to the floor of a small corridor that ends at the entrance to an elevator. Kasma catches up to them, coming into the building himself. “Well, it looks like we’ve entered a high-rise beachside condominium complex, and Triple E is really laying into Pete here!” Triple E gets up and tries to whip Pete again, but Pete reverses the move, sending Triple E into the open elevator! Pete follows behind, and a cameraman manages to squeeze in just before the doors slide shut. Pete hits Triple E with a knife-edge chop, sending Triple E against one wall, hitting some of the buttons in the process, and the elevator begins to move! Triple E pushes back at Pete and strikes with a few knife-edge chops of his own. Pete staggers back to the door of the elevator, which opens a few seconds later, depositing Pete into the corridor outside the elevator on a higher floor.


Now unsure of which floor the match is taking place on, the cameraman shrugs and follows Pete and Triple E as the melee ensues down the new corridor. Pete grabs hold of Triple E from behind and hits a German suplex right through the door to someone’s condo! Triple E falls to the floor as yet another door caves in. A seventy-year-old woman inhabiting this particular condo shrieks in terror, horrified at the sudden entrance of two two-hundred-forty-plus pound wrestlers and one diligent cameraman. The woman flees into her closet as the fight rages on.


Triple E lunges at Pete, who counters the attempted running move, reversing into a powerslam into the living room couch. Pete then quickly climbs to the top of the couch, smiles, and holds up his fingers in an "L" shape, even though the only spectator is the cameraman! Pete leaps, hitting the Longdogger legdrop on Triple E-from the top of a couch! Triple E recoils in pain, though not nearly as much pain as he would have if the move were performed over a hard surface as normal.


Pete and Triple E climb off the couch, and Pete continues his advantage by tossing Triple E across the living room. Pete sets Triple E up in suplex position, and hits, performing a belly-to-belly suplex on Triple E, putting him through a closed sliding glass door! The door shatters loudly as Pete and Triple E tumble out onto a balcony. Looking down, the cameraman discerns that the match has progressed to the fourth floor. The only items on the small balcony are a pair of lounge chairs and millions of glass fragments. Triple E tries to stand, but he is covered in blood and glass shards from his flight through the glass door. Triple E manages to make it to his feet, but so does Pete, and the two begin exchanging hard rights on the small balcony. Pete strikes with right after right, but each punch fails to stagger Triple E or is countered by the smaller man’s fists, matching strength vs. strength. Finally Pete leaps at Triple E, dangerously trying to knock Triple E off the balcony, but Triple E reverses with a Samoan drop! Pete is dropped onto the railing, hovering mere centimeters from the edge of the balcony! Triple E, thinking fast, grabs and folds up one of the lounge chairs, then strikes Pete with it! Pete loses his balance and falls off the edge of the balcony! Two hundred seventy pounds of Longdogger Pete drop like a bullet through midair!


SPLASH! Pete lands in a swimming pool far below. No sounds comes from the swimming pool for several moments. Suddenly Kasma comes running around the corner, where he had been waiting outside the entrance to the condominium. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! PETE HAS JUST FALLEN FOUR STORIES OFF A BALCONY! PETE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! This is insane! This is just madness! I’ve got to see if Pete’s all right!” Kasma throws down the microphone and leaps into the pool.


Moments later, Kasma comes back up out of the water, dragging out Pete’s body. A pair of medics help Kasma to lift Pete out of the pool. Kasma looks back up at the balcony, but Triple E has disappeared. The medics look over Pete, who lies unconscious at the edge of the pool, then start to lift him into a stretcher.


No! Pete sits up in the stretcher! Pete appears woozy, mumbling small phrases like “What’s goin’ on?” Kasma tries to get Pete to sit back down, but to no avail-Pete climbs out of the stretcher and starts walking off-only to be met by a spear from Triple E, who has come back down and around the corner of the condominium!


Pete gets back up to his feet and hobbles off, then, incredibly, breaks into a sprint, using the last of his strength to get away from Triple E! Triple E follows closely behind as Pete dashes back across the beach. Pete climbs up on a wooden pier that spans the end of the beach and stretches out into the Atlantic Ocean. Pete gets up on the pier and continues his sprint, Triple E staying on pace the entire way. Finally Pete stops as the pier ends at some sort of marina, where several boats are lined up. Pete jumps onto one boat in particular, a small, sleek red speedboat where the owner is aboard attempting to start it. “Let’s go!” shouts Pete to the startled driver. “Start it up! Now!” The driver doesn’t hesitate upon hearing orders barked at him from a two-hundred-seventy pound man. The driver starts up the speedboat, and just before it pulls away from the pier, Triple E reaches the end of the pier and performs a dramatic leap from the pier into the now-moving speedboat.


Triple E lands hard in the speedboat, jostling the craft as it zips along the ocean surface. The bloodied and battered Triple E ignores his injuries to pummel once more at Longdogger Pete, determined to finish the match at all costs. Triple E hits Pete with a superkick, knocking him to the edge of the boat and shaking everyone once more with the impact of the move. Triple E tries to shove Pete off the boat to finish the job, but Pete just barely ducks, and Triple E hovers at the edge for a moment before catching himself and spinning around to face Pete. Pete hits with a hard right, and then a strong kick to the midsection, then grabs Triple E’s head and drops it into the bottom of the boat-Longdogger Clogger! Pete hits the Clogger on Triple E-into the bottom of a speeding watercraft!


Pete lifts Triple E up one more time, then with all his might, picks him up over his head-a military press! Pete performs a move he has never done before! Pete holds the still Triple E high above his head for a couple of moments, and then hurls him headlong into the ocean! Pete cheers and whoops excitedly while the boat slows down to turn around.


“Well, there you have it, folks,” reports Jin Kasma, who had remained on the beach during the melee. “An incredible Miami Mayhem match resulting in a victory for Longdogger Pete-but both competitors are badly injured, and we’ll try to get a report for you once we’ve finished fishing Triple E out of the ocean! Folks, we’ll be right back with IGNJL Wrath, and your regular announcers, Bobby Riley and Exploding Chicken, after this commercial break!”

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

It was just as good as I thought it would be when I requested it Pete.


~GOLD~ all the way through.

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