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Guest TheDames7

Normally, I wouldn't cry conspiracy...

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Guest Loss4Words

But back to Jericho, he's being booked almost identical to the way Flair was being booked. Revisionist history has said Flair never relied on outside interference, and on the big shows, that was mostly true, but on weekly TV title defenses against mid-card babyfaces and when he traveled through territories in the 80s as NWA champ, he was ALWAYS made to look weak. They used the champ to set up other feuds within the area. That's exactly how Jericho is being used.

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Guest Goodear

Yup, L4W is totally on the ball there.  Flair would beg off against anyone up to and including Brad Armstrong... who's biggest wins were against The Italian Stallion.

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Guest Loss4Words

Once again, Goodear is right. If these people ever saw the way Flair was used in World Class, they'd realize that Chris Jericho is being made to look like Hulk Hogan by comparison.

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Guest Loss4Words

Actually, Flair had about the same amount of experience and background when he won the World title in 1981. In some ways, he had a smaller spotlight since he had only wrestled in the Carolinas and was now defending his title in other areas. And Flair still managed to draw money, so obviously, it is possible.


And I would say Jericho has established himself -- as a wife-stealing, undeserving champ who thinks he's better than everyone. He's a classic heel.

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Guest Brian

Ohhh, I thought you were talking about Flair mid-eighties. Yeah, they had been given about the same amount of push.

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Guest Loss4Words

The similarities are actually eery, considering what got Flair so noticed by the NWA board was his ability to get both face heat and heel heat. Flair's first heel runs were as the cowardly heel also. Compare to Jericho, who has gotten pushed because of his ability to draw both face heat and heel heat and as someone who's path to the top started with a great run as a cowardly heel. Flair won the title in late 1981, Jericho in late 2001. Flair was considered the best heel in the business in 1978. Jericho was considered the best heel in the business in 1998. If history does repeat itself, I guess it's in 20-year cycles. :)

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Guest TheMikeSC

"BILLY AND CHUCK...who are supposedly GAY, are NOT "chicken shit" heels"


So you're saying Billy and Chuck should have to cheat because they are gay and everyone knows all gay people are sissies? I'm not sure I follow the stereotype. >>


But isn't the WWF pushing Billy & Chuck as "chickensh**" heels? Ambiguous or not, they are definitely NOT "bad asses".



...Who still thinks last night's RAW was better than last week's.

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Guest TheDames7
"BILLY AND CHUCK...who are supposedly GAY, are NOT "chicken shit" heels"


So you're saying Billy and Chuck should have to cheat because they are gay and everyone knows all gay people are sissies? I'm not sure I follow the stereotype. >>


But isn't the WWF pushing Billy & Chuck as "chickensh**" heels? Ambiguous or not, they are definitely NOT "bad asses".



...Who still thinks last night's RAW was better than last week's.

Well, the "gay" stereotype would have to include the fact that a gay can can never beat a manly man in terms of strength, and is usually the first to run away (like a girl) from a fight....just like a cowardly heel.  


Mike, they haven't been booked as cowardly heels (as a team)much, they gotten clean wins over Kane & BigShow, and the Hardy Boyz.  Thats more than I can say for Jericho.  That is my point.  


As for them being "bad asses"...not in the SCSA type, or HHH type, but in the way that they would attack Kane in the locker room face to face, and attack the APA and have a bar fight with them and weren't destroyed.  



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Guest Loss4Words

I will say that the Friendly Tap skit last night offended me more than perhaps anything ever has on WWF television. I've logged my share of gay bar experience and have yet to see a single non-drag queen in a dress dancing around a pool table. Bradshaw's reaction when he figured out that it was Men's Night was disgusting. I don't understand why they couldn't have just realized they were somewhere they didn't opt to be and started to leave, only to get jumped by Billy & Chuck. Wouldn't that have had the same goal? I know it would have, but I guess not stereotyping minorities (see Booker T, Eddy Guerrero) is out of the WWF's grasp, which is ironic for a company that takes such great pride in being in touch with the times.

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Guest TheDames7

I'll admit....I was offended as well, but more so because the skit was so damned bad.  What was the point of that one guy screaming "I'm a good dancer" over and over and over again?  The camera even had a close up on him.  


It did kinda bug me that the WWF would label all gay men as cross dressers though.  



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Guest goodhelmet

that skit was so bush league I had refused to even comment on it...until now.


one it is insulting to the intelligence that gay crossdressers would dress like the "BUD girls" rather than look like actual women. If they wanted the manly looking like a women effect, rehire Chyna and send Jazz there as well. Same thing.


The acting was horrible. Bradshaw indicating he was from Texas is supposed to indicate he was straight? I live in Texas and it has no bearing on your sexual preference.


I agree completely with Loss's assessment that the WWF is ignorant in its portrayal of certain groups of the population and demonstrates another example of their lack of creativity.


Sidenote- did Booker T have to do faux karate moves to emphasize his desire to do a japanese commercial? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

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Guest RetroRob215
"BILLY AND CHUCK...who are supposedly GAY, are NOT "chicken shit" heels"


So you're saying Billy and Chuck should have to cheat because they are gay and everyone knows all gay people are sissies? I'm not sure I follow the stereotype.

I agree 100% with L4W.  The WWF may support stereotyping, but in reality, people are individuals and shouldn't be grouped into one category based on one common attribute.

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Guest razazteca

Can I be serious for a moment


Chucky's Super Kick finish is as bad as Hogan's Big Boot finish

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Guest netslob
It did kinda bug me that the WWF would label all gay men as cross dressers though.


i agree, this line of thinking is moronic.  as British comic Eddie Izzard will tell you, most tranvestites "fancy" girls (meaning they are straight).  


Bradshaw's reaction when he figured out that it was Men's Night was disgusting. I don't understand why they couldn't have just realized they were somewhere they didn't opt to be and started to leave, only to get jumped by Billy & Chuck. Wouldn't that have had the same goal?


well see, that's the problem: having them do that would have been subtle, and, as we all know, the WWF creative team wouldn't know "subtle" if it fell from the sky, crawled up their legs and bit them on their cranks.  


apparantly, the "WCW Sledgehammer of Plot" was included in the package that Vince ended up buying.

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Guest dreamer420

The angle from the Friendly Tap last night was pretty bad taste, even for the WWF to pull off.  I thought it was going to get really ugly when Bradshaw realized that the room was full of gay guys.  I could just see how the WWF gets pulled from TV for having a redneck kick the shit out of a bunch of gay dudes.

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Guest Tony149

I agree. The Friedndly Tap skit was in poor tatse. I guess Bradshaw & Faarooq pointing out they're from the South was a way to say their straight or gay-bashing goes down there or something. I thought Bradshaw was going to beat up the guys in the bar.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
i agree, this line of thinking is moronic.  as British comic Eddie Izzard will tell you, most tranvestites "fancy" girls (meaning they are straight).  

Groovy. An Eddie Izzard reference in a wrestling forum.


The whole BillyChucky gimmick is awful and just not funny. I don't know why homosexuality should be a gimmick in the 21st century anyway.


Jericho could become the new Flair, but as several people of said, the cheating needs to be toned down otherwise it will just get stupid(er).

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Guest Cactus Clothesline

Chris Jericho is definitely THE MAN right now.  Of Course Angle helped but Jericho was pure gold Monday night in the ring.  If only all his free-tv title matches could be even close to that.  Did you see him still selling the ankle(lock) after the match?!?!?!?  Awesome.  And last week he made the main event great by giving far better commentary than J.R. and the King.  I loved when Jericho was breaking down strategy and told the two that they don't see that stuff 'cause they don't study like the champ.


It just sucks that the WWF doesn't feel the same way.  Jericho should at the damn center of everything right now not the NWO.  He could be a HUGE draw if they booked smarter.  The man should be main eventing every show!  


They're getting better in how they book his finishes.  Obviously, the No Way Out match was ridiculous, but at least he goes old school and wins on his own or can get the Breakdown in like on Raw.


I didn't see Vengeance but I've been loving this reign ever since Jericho gave Stone Cold the bird in the steel cage the next night.  I only wish the WWF cared about it more.  


HHH and Kurt Angle are my favorites but Chris Jericho is the only reason I'm still watching wrestling.  All he needs to do is break out that strut he used to do and I'll mark out like a little bitch.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

Bradshaw reacted the way he did when he figured out it was full of gay people because, now get ready for this huge shock people...  That's the way his character is!  If APA would have just left only to get jumped by Billy and Chuck, it wouldn't have been funny would it?  I'm not saying that is was especially funny, but they tried to make it funny.

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Guest TheBigBadBootyDaddy

I know.  c'mon guys.  what do you expect from two drunk hick texans?


plus, it was funny.

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Guest Risk

I live in the South(but I do have a lot of Cherokee blood in me, my Father's grandmother was full and my mother had Piper in her) and people DON'T really support homosexuality is USUALLY not excepted by MOST people here.  I live in Alabama.  Most of these people are just Christians, but some take it too far.  So the WWF was kind of pushing the South sterotype too.  


I really don't like the gimmick, it just seems...stupid.  I mean, Billy has a wife and kids...to quote the Rock, it's obvious he isn't Comesee Comesaa.

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Guest Army Eye

I thought the APA was just shocked that it was supposed to be Men's Night (for gays) but it turned out to be GAY TRANSVESTITE night and that's just gross, folks.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I also live in Alabama and after watching last night's skit, I must that I haven't been that offended since they Booker T into a total idiot during the Rock and Austin "feuds". Whether they tried to make it funny or not, stereotyping is something a publicly traded company in the stock market should NEVER do.


Also, being a black man from South(I'm not trying to cry or anything like that, so don't start), I've met my fair share of ignorant dickwads who would probably act like the APA if put in a situation like that. It's sad, but true.


It's just the way of the world, unfortunately.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

sadly i too know people who would act like that if they walked in on that kind of scene, some people are just ignorant redneck sonsofbitches

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

Yes, because obviously people who back away from other people of the same sex touching them is an ignorant son of a bitch.

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Guest GoodOldDR

So, we're down to the why are they misusing Jericho conversation. Right now, I'm nursing a case of intestinal disease that borderlines on medieval torture, but reading that stuff in my jammies and aching in my gut made me get all preachy.


This brings me to the Ten Commandments of Vincent K. McMahon Jr.


1. Thou shalt not play to the intelligent fans that watch your show.


2. Thou shalt have no other God before Vincent K. McMahon.


3. Thou shalt not covet his daughter unless you're over six feet tall and have hair like Farrah Fawcett, only dirty.


4. Thou shalt not mention gaps in continuity.


5. Thou shalt not have contrary opinions in public about the WWF.
















Q: Why isn't Chris Jericho, a talented, quality wrestler being pushed beyond the stars?


A: Commandments 1-10.



Until Next Time,




P.S. In the Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back DVD, you can see a great shot (Billy and Chuck quality) of a fruit basket when you press up on your remote on the Jason Mewes Actor Bio on the second disc.

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Guest TheDames7

Good Ol Dr, it is because of these commandments that I gave up on my dream on becoming a wrestler once my growth spurt (if you can call it that) ended.  As you can see from the picture below....I'm as tall as Spike Dudley, without the Heyman connections.... as a wrestler, Vince wouldn't even give me a second look ;(



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