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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Kids in movies

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Has there ever been a kid in a movie that you enjoyed?  What is the best child performance ever?


My favourite is Short Round in Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom.  The relationship between him and Indy made the film.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The kid in Searching For Bobby Fischer.


He owned that movie.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

I'd say Makalay Culkin (or what his name is) in Home Alone.

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Guest teke184

I'd say Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense or the "survival-impaired" kid from BASEketball.  (It's not a great dramatic performance or anything, but the kid had good comedic timing)


And as for Macaulay Culkin, I'd say that he would have been okay if it hadn't been so obvious he was reading off cue cards.

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Guest Army Eye
The kid in Searching For Bobby Fischer.


He owned that movie.

Yep.  Max Pomeranc.  He was good.  Unfortunately for him he never really got any more roles after that.


Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense and A.I. has to be the best.

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Guest TUS_02

The kids in Sandlot and Mighty Ducks (minus Joshua Jackson)


I know they weren't "good" actors by any means, but those movies were awesome.  Sandlot is just great.

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Guest El Hijo Del Lunatic
My favourite is Short Round in Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom.  The relationship between him and Indy made the film.


He did a great job in the Goonies, also.


I know they weren't "good" actors by any means, but those movies were awesome.  Sandlot is just great.


I'm glad SOMEONE likes the Sandlot as much as me.  


And what about the kid from Cop and a Half?  Yeah, the movie was bad, and the acting was bad, but the kid at the very least gave the movie MST3K-level humor.

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Guest areacode212

Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense was pretty good. Also, for some reason, I found Edward Furlong in Terminator 2 to be decent, even cool back in 1991. But when I saw the DVD recently, I was like, "what a fucking turd".

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Guest DragonflyKid

The redhead kid in The Butcher Boy was great in it, I think his name was Eamon or something like that.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I'll have to agree that Eamonn Owens was fucking amazing in "The Butcher Boy".

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I'd say Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense or the "survival-impaired" kid from BASEketball.  (It's not a great dramatic performance or anything, but the kid had good comedic timing)

Big man maybe this is a dumb question but what is coemdic timing???????


Cop And A Half was some good shit. I only saw it when I saw real little but that kid was funny. You can tell that movie was good when I liked it......I hate those cop motherfuckers cause they always got to hassle my ass but I respect that movie.


Areacode you thought that fag from Terminater 2 was a cool kid.....lol. That is so gay man I am glad you hate that peice of shit now.


Billy Eliot was bitch movie.......I saw those comercials and I think that was the one with the sissy ass in a toto. I saw an intervue with him 1 time and he thought he was big shit......dumb motherfucker whoul get get his blood spilled on the concreet if he ever fronted up in my area.

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Guest gthureson



Comedic timing is a very difficult term to explain, because it is something you notice when you watch a tv show/movie/stand-up comedian/wrestling skit/whatever.


I'd say only half of what makes a scene or joke funny is what is actually said.   The other half is of course how it is said.  Comedic timing is a term that just means you know or have a feel for when and how to say the line to get best and funniest reaction out of it.


Its the reason why some actors, even though they might be brilliant in dramas, can't do comedy to save their lives.  They just can't get the feel for when to deliver the line, killing the humour of it.  And why other actors can work wonders with sub-par material.


In other words, you know it when you see it.  Or don't see it, as the case may be.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Eddie Furlong is still the fucking man to me. He's in Detroit Rock City and T2, 2 of my favorite all-time movies, as a main character in each. He's actually a damn fine actor too.


I liked Cop & 1/2 as well. So bad it's good...




And the "survival impaired" kid in BASEketball ruled...

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