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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The One and Only week 12 thread

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Can't believe I relented and paid for this garbage.


On the plus side : X-Pac had his working shoes on.


On the negative : Just about everything else, unless watching men bleed is your thing, in which case the main event may well have worked for you.

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Guest TheHulkster

From Keith's rant:

-" Hey, it’s more talking! Jarrett comes out and calls out the Bullet, but gets attacked by him. The mysterious Bullet unmasks as Brian Jammes (or whatever the spelling variation is this week), and he’s apparently switched his addiction from pot to Twinkies. Oh you didn’t know? You’d better CAAAAAAAALLL Jenny Craig! Just call him “Road Hog”. He’s gonna find himself a partner, yessir, although really his own ass is big enough to act as one, and by the way, his new name is “B.G. James”, which I believe stands for “beer gut”, and may be the dumbest name I’ve heard for a serious uppercard wrestler, unless he’s teaming with Disco Inferno. And I really wish they’d decide if “Armstrong” or “James” is gonna be the real name for that particular family. At least he got a haircut."


I don't understand how Scott Keith can make fun of someone for being fat. Seriously, have you guys ever seen a picture of Scott Keith? He's a lot fatter than the Road Dog currently is. Pot, meet my friend Mr Kettle.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I don't understand how can Scott Keith make fun of someone for being fat. Seriously, have you guys ever seen a picture of Scott Keith? He's a lot fatter than the Road Dog currently is.

Scott Keith isn't wrestling.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Whilst it's always fun to poke fun at net pundits, let's not lose sight of the real issue here : This week's NWATNA show was a load of shite.

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Guest cabbageboy

Keith isn't badmouthing GOOD indy talent when he refers to something as "indy level bullshit." That sort of comment refers to half trained bums like the Hot Shots who just copy the spots they see serious wrestlers like RVD and Tajiri do on Raw and SMDN.


I did agree though that the first half of the show was awful but the 2nd half saved it somewhat.

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Guest razazteca

did you say that someone used a Gory Special double team move? Could it be possible that they used a move from the Guerreros de Inferinos?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It wasn't a double team move.


It was just the one guy...he had his opponent on his back and grabbed his head into a neckbreaker and dropped.

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Guest The Notorious CRD
Scott Keith blows at reviewing these shows. One star for Kash/Styles?! And every time he hated something (which was constantly), he'd refer to it as "indy". Like, "too many indy guys" and "they go through their indy bullshit highspots" and such. Fucking blind WW(F)E mark. Why does Scott hate independent wrestling?


I think he hates just about everything that isn't WWE-related these days. He can safely enjoy puro because it's not really relevant over here, but NWA TNA are potential competition for WWE and we all know how much SK wants to work for them. I pray he never does though. I don't think I want his definition of good wrestling on my television.

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Guest nikowwf

The show sucked this week. Should Scott Keith have said it ruled to support competition? I don't get it.


$10 for 2 decent matches and a lot of crap. $10 for Road Hippo, X-Suck and Scott Hall. $10 for crap that we ragged on when it was on WCW for free.


When it rules, lets say it. But when it sucks lets say it too. Otherwise whats the purpose of discussion?



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