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Guest gangsteruwa

A good moment

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Guest gangsteruwa

I was sitting down watching RAW like I do everyweek.  The show was going fairly normal when all of a sudden I hear RVD's music.  I was like, "Ok RVD's wrestling, thats good."  Then I hear Lance Storms music and I said "Holy Shit, this is going to be great!!"  I was so happy, and I was totally marking out.  Then what happens.  cue music "Well its the Big Show!!"  God Damn it!!  Why?!?!?!  I almost broke down a cried like the little bitch I am.


To tell you the truth the match wasn't so bad that I wanted to cry, but I definately would have rather watched Storm vs. RVD, and no Big Show.


What were your reactions to this?

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Guest Tony149

There wasn't any need for Big Show to be in the match. I guess they either wanted RVD to beat a big man or just wanted to booked Show on Raw.

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Guest TheIMMORTAL Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Big Show is the man, aiight?


:)  Seriously... he'd improved a TON in recent months, and he deserves to be on TV as a result of his effort... I just wish he could get a good feud or gimmick goin'.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

That was a kinda random match. RVD has beaten Regal so I know why he's there, but why do Storm and Big Show get a chance at being no 1 contender? I'm not complaining about Storm, but it's just odd booking, which Raw was full off (Angle/Jericho?)


RVD/Edge/Goldust would have made more sense. Maybe Storm is starting a push and/or face turn?

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Yeah, that was a pretty big disappointment. Why not throw DDP in there? Sure, he's the European Champion, but who says we can't have another EuroContenental Champion, hmmm? Now THAT would have been a good match. Or simply Storm vs. RVD.


Ah well. I'm happy enough that RVD is getting his shot at the title.

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Guest RSK

I Never have understand the booking for the IC belt in the Last few Months. It's not even the tittle it was back a few years ago. It ment something to the Wrestlers as a stepping stone to the top title.


My question to you will be can we have that again when the split occurs, that was one thing that I liked about the old WCW they US title holder was always only a step behind the HWC and could challenge them at any point.

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Guest old_mort_wwfe

Crowd hears RVD's music..huge pop and the crowd is jazzed

Crowd hears Storm's music...total silence and the crowd goes..zzzzzzzzzzz

Crowd hears Show's music...well not as silent as Storm but nothing impressive..and the crowd goes...whatever


Outside of RVD there wasn't much to work with here and thats why it sucked in my opinion. Even having Goldust face RVD if needed be woulda made more sense for an IC title contention match if they wanted to end what was pretty much a pointless fued..too bad they did that already. This just seemed to be RVD verses whoever they had available to be thrown into a match.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Big show is as good as any 500 pound man is going to be in a wrestling ring. He dosen't bother me as long as he stands on the apron in a tag match then does a chokeslam. The only problem is the money he cost. But keep him in tag matches for god's sake.

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Guest goodhelmet

yeah, they could have easily stuck Edge in the match, given them 10 minutes and proven something. Instead we get a 2 minute sprint that does not benefit anybody. I was surprised that Lance Storm was even considered a contender for he ICtitle.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

It's not quite so surprising when you remember that he was given the IC Title out of nowhere during the InVasion. But yeah, I dunno what he was doing there. Sure, it'd be great to see him in contention, but he hasn't recieved a push of any sort to get him there.

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Guest Human Fly

I still wouldn't be surprised if they put Edge into the match at Mania. What else does he have going on, and it is in his hometown so they'll probably do something decent for him. Especially how many times he's been jobbing to Regal lately. (Those matches have by and large sucked though). I think Regal is a good worker, but he's just limited to who he can have a good match with. Edge is not one of those people.

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Guest goodhelmet

i already proposed this idea in another thread, but here goes again: During the Regal-RVD match at Mania, have Edge prevent Regal from using the knucks leading to the RVD victory. After the match, have Edge raise RVD's hands then blast him with the knucks. Edge turns heel and wantd RVD cos he couldn't beat Regal with the title. First match at Backlash.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I just wish they'd get rid of Storm's shitty theme music. Most of the time, I don't even know who's coming out because I can't hear it for the most part. I don't see why he wasn't allowed to keep his WCW theme, that one was eons better than his current garbage.

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Guest goodhelmet

you could say the same thing for 3/4 of the guys in the WWF. no originality in the writing. none in the booking and none in the music.

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Guest dreamer420

At least we'll probably get to see RVD win the IC title at Wrestlemania now.  They need to get that title off of Regal now.

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Guest Tony149

The music in the WWF has really sucked in the last 2 years. They must be changing them so they can release CDs, but the music sucks. Storm had some cool WCW music. And no Edge wrestling in the RVD/Regal match.

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Guest the 1inch punch

I think wer'e forgetting why Big Show was on Raw in the first place.


He's a friend of the Orange Goblin

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Guest Goodear
I think wer'e forgetting why Big Show was on Raw in the first place.


He's a friend of the Orange Goblin

Oh yeah, Show had never been on RAW before Hogan came in....  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!?!?  The only person on TV last night because of his "big buddy" was Arn Anderson.

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Guest goodhelmet

i'm more critical of Hogan than anyonebut  goodear is right. Big Show on tv had nothing to do with Hogan. Arn being on tv had everything to do with Flair. if we're gonna criticize, might as well get the facts straight.


Plus, Big Show did the job. How does that help him?

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Guest Tony149

Lets not forget, Arn was on TV due to storyline, and once in a while to be Flair's "Patterson & Brisco".

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Guest BernieLicious

I used to like the Big Show when he was in WCW and would destroy people in under two minutes.  He was good at that.  It seemed believable and he spent minimal time in the ring.  Since joining the WWF, he's pretty much been turned into a 500 lb jobber.  He has no upside and I don't see any chance of him improving in the ring.  They just need to drop him already.

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Guest goodhelmet

i would personally not be upset if I never saw Big Show on my screen again. I know Mark Henry's the worlds strongest man but i don't wanna see him or D'lo again either.

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Guest Tony149

Big Show used to be able to move very well in WCW. He then gained some weight, now he really doesn't do much. Except give Vince grey hair for signing him to a HUGE contract.

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Guest goodhelmet

gotta love it when Vince screws up. The Big Show has contributed zilch since joining the WWF and to think, Vince could have waited a couple of years and got him on the cheap. oh well, hindsight and all.

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