Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted September 20, 2002 This one may sound like a broken record, but HHH continues to forge his reputation as a political strategist backstage in WWE. The two latest examples that people are talking about that point to him being the real "Cerebral Assassin" concern his last two programs. Of course, at SummerSlam he wrestled his long time friend Shawn Michaels and, as Buck Woodward has said many times on the No Name Show, H was the only top guy in the company who managed to get himself an opponent that actually elevated him instead of giving the rub to an up-and-comer. Even though HHH did the job, he got all his heat back on Michaels after the match. Now, people in the company are talking about the masterful way that, while he is working with an up-and-comer in Rob Van Dam, he has managed to take a lot of RVD's babyface heat away by doing long promos and trying to elicit pops from the crowd, which of course would be done at RVD's expense. The feeling among many of the wrestlers right now is that unless Triple H jobs clean to RVD at the PPV, it will just be another example of him elevating himself at the expense of another worker, instead of the opposite, which is what the company desperately needs right now. Rightly or wrongly, the general feeling among the boys is that whether HHH is actually manipulating things his way or not (and most of them that I speak with feel that he is), as long as he is in a relationship with Stephanie McMahon, no one will believe all of the events that make him look strong at his opponents' expense are just coincidence. To say that most wrestlers would rather work on Smackdown than Raw to get away from the HHH Effect would be a gross understatement. As an aside, to follow up on a story from earlier today, a number of WWE people I spoke with in the last few days have told me that the "HHH effect" could be the very reason why Jim Ross could want to leave Raw and go to Smackdown. Smackdown is the more successful show right now and, in addition to the fact that it has the better matches, there is a feeling among many that if JR wants to jump to Smackdown, he wants to do so because it's the hot show right now and Raw is not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 20, 2002 I should have put this with my Guilty Pleasures in the other Tread. I love Triple H rumors or facts, whatever you wanna call it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted September 20, 2002 Awesome. I can't wait for the day the entire lockerroom turns against HHH. Chris Jericho's "death" must be avenged! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted September 20, 2002 Cool. JR and Tazz announcing. Maybe JR will be rejuvenated and motivated, as Tazz gives it his all; and knowing Heyman's has some leadership they might focus more on the undercard wrestlers. "Rightly or wrongly, the general feeling among the boys is that whether HHH is actually manipulating things his way or not (and most of them that I speak with feel that he is), as long as he is in a relationship with Stephanie McMahon, no one will believe all of the events that make him look strong at his opponents' expense are just coincidence." Whether or not you believe Triple H's politicking, this statement says it all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 20, 2002 I just got a headache when I thought of Cole & Lawler together on LIVE Raw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted September 20, 2002 That will be so beautiful. I only watch SmackDown anyways. Maybe they'll push for it to start going live. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted September 20, 2002 It was interesting until I got to the last line which read: "" talks shit people. This is a good one:"a number of WWE people I spoke with...etc". Ooooooh, a "number of people" eh? I believe you. I'm sure loads of WWE employees talk to you about the future of their product, not to mention bad mouth the boss' daughter's boyfriend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Special K Report post Posted September 20, 2002 I don't care about 1wrestling and their fucking sources. It's entirely evident that HHH is trying to steal heat from RVD, and at this point, if he whups him at the PPV, he'll probably have done it successfully. It really reminds me of the CJ last man standing. A good match, and then CJ was just left with his dick blowing in the wind. I hope the same doesn't happen to RVD, because like CJ in the past, and Booker now, he hasn't been allowed to shine, even though it's obvious that the fans want RVD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted September 20, 2002 JR should be trying to make his show better instead of trying to jump to the better show. He needs to start by keeping his boy Lawler in check. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted September 20, 2002 If JR moves to Smackdown Rey, Eddy and Chavo get buried, Albert and Bull get pushed, just bear that in mind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted September 20, 2002 Do you think that JR grasps the concept that maybe he is part of the reason that Raw is sucking a big one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted September 20, 2002 More On JR's Interest In Jumping To Smackdown As reported earlier, Jim Ross is considering jumping to Smackdown and becoming the head announcer there. One reason for the jump that has come up is that Smackdown has been the more successful show since the brand extension and Ross wants to be associated with the better show. Credit: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ram Report post Posted September 20, 2002 If JR jumps, I can see a few months ahead of a reunion between Lawler/JR ala Savage/Liz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted September 20, 2002 More... JR is considering becoming a wrestler. A "source" close to the WWE told me today that Jim "The Hoss" Ross, would no longer announce on RAW or SmackDown! Michael Cole is said to be taking over the Ross Report on Some of the "WWE employees" I talked to today showed me the first Cole report, here is a preview: That John Cena is a great looking kid, for a rookie, who has been on a major roll as of late. Me and Uncle Tazz think he has a big future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2002 More On JR's Interest In Jumping To Smackdown As reported earlier, Jim Ross is considering jumping to Smackdown and becoming the head announcer there. One reason for the jump that has come up is that Smackdown has been the more successful show since the brand extension and Ross wants to be associated with the better show. Credit: Why does this news make me think of chair shuffling on the deck of the Titanic? Even if JR moves to SD, it won't make the show any more "hot" and more than likely hurt the show since JR has turned into a soulless shill machine who jacks off to his "Hosses". And sending Micheal Cole over to Raw won't help given his pod person personality and the fact that Cole will most likely fail at keeping Lawler and his old horndog persona in-check and will make Raw even more unwatchable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted September 20, 2002 Why is it so hard to believe 1wrestling would have sources. They probably have alot of connections to former ECW guys. After how many reports of HHH being a dick backstage will be figure out he's a manipulative backstabber that doesn't care about the future of the company. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest IB2BLACK Report post Posted September 20, 2002 More... JR is considering becoming a wrestler. A "source" close to the WWE told me today that Jim "The Hoss" Ross, would no longer announce on RAW or SmackDown! Michael Cole is said to be taking over the Ross Report on Some of the "WWE employees" I talked to today showed me the first Cole report, here is a preview: That John Cena is a great looking kid, for a rookie, who has been on a major roll as of late. Me and Uncle Tazz think he has a big future. LOL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted September 20, 2002 I'd rather see Ross fall off the face of the earth entirely, and take Bull Buchanan's worthless ass with him. Lawler, too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Fuck 1wrestling. God bless you BionicRedneck for being able to recognize the source of the info before coming to some dumb ass conclusions. It's fucking sad that 1wrestling sits there and works so many of these smarks. YOU ARE BEING WORKED, FOLKS! Grain of salt, folks. Grain of salt. Fuck 1wrestling and fuck this board! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Where is the "News?" Even if it was a valid source it doesn't mention anything resembling news, just speculation and observations. Gack... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ozymandias Report post Posted September 21, 2002 1slob is the most popular wrestling site there is, if you're a wrestler where would YOU go? And the wrestlers are beyond frustrated and have plenty of reason to report to someone like Scherer, it's blowing off steam for them and getting the truth out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrSCARY Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Hunter is quickly becoming the new Nash. Just another average wrestler with WAAAAY to much power. With the state the company is in right now HHH should be doing his best to elevate new talent, not hold them down. What happens when he's gone over everyone and there's no credible challenger left to face him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ozymandias Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Same thing that happened to AWA, ECW, WCW, JCP, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest griffinmills Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Fuck 1wrestling. God bless you BionicRedneck for being able to recognize the source of the info before coming to some dumb ass conclusions. It's fucking sad that 1wrestling sits there and works so many of these smarks. YOU ARE BEING WORKED, FOLKS! Grain of salt, folks. Grain of salt. Fuck 1wrestling and fuck this board! Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Wow Dangerous A I like how you call us all smarks as if you aren't one. That's great. And you know maybe not every single thing about HHH is true but there is so much evidence and so much being said that it isn't a coincedence. Something IS going on and there's no denying that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted September 21, 2002 So how many of these reports are we gonna get before it stops being 'speculation'? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Same thing that happened to AWA, ECW, WCW, JCP, etc. AWA: That was the promoter fucking over the star, not the other way round ECW: Same JCP: Same WCW:Okay, that was Nash, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted September 21, 2002 Yes, I'll admit I overreacted. It's just that the original post copied from 1wrestling is, as AndrewTS stated, a bunch of observations and speculation. I'm not saying that HHH doesn't pull political bullshit because he does. I guess I'm just tired of hearing speculation and it being passed off as news. It isn't like you needed 1wrestling to figure out most of this. The only part that you might not be able to get is the part where they say other wrestlers told so and so this or that, so that just obviously makes their speculation and observations true. For any smarks out there offended, I apologize. But if your so fed up with HHH's antics, why don't you just NOT WATCH RAW! Watch SD exclusively. Hurt HHH in the ratings. Why watch a man you hate and can't stand? I don't get it with some folks. There is an alternative and it's to not watch HHH's segments. You can just get up and either leave the room or turn the channel. No one is forcing you to watch him. If you feel forced, then maybe you shouldn't watch WWE if you feel this way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted September 22, 2002 This report is such junk. How can you guys buy this shit? (thankfully some of you don't) The third sentence is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. You mean to tell me that HHH fighting HBK at Summerslam was purely a political maneuver? Gee, you don't think it was because it was a MONEY matchup? They've obviously been building up to it for a while. Shawn wanted to wrestle again. HHH was obviously his best opponent from a storyline perspective (unless Bret Hart resurfaced). They have a little bit of history, remember a thing called DX? When they were the top heels for several months? Remember HHH blasting HBK for losing to Austin after Wrestlemania XIV? Congratulations if you do, because Buck Woodward doesn't. (whoever that is). People who actually agree with this nonsense should realize that not every match must be done for the sake of giving "rub". Especially at SummerSlam, the second biggest PPV of the year, it's sometimes a good idea to put two established guys together, especially two with such an extensive history, because you know, that's how you pop a buyrate! Anybody who thinks of that match in terms of "HHH didn't want to give someone rub" or "HHH only puts over his friend", "HHH got his heat back", etc., all I can say to you is that you are gone. You've become completely lost in your political fantasy world. It was a great PPV match capping off a great feud that was four years in the making. (shame the last few weeks of buildup for it was so poor and nonsensical; they already had a ready-made feud but got WAY too fancy) Then this article comments on the current feud with RVD. It's all another master plan from HHH. Not only has RVD pinned HHH already but he's decisively punked him out a couple times. However, that's all irrelevant because HHH is trying to, and I quote, "take a lot of RVD's babyface heat away by doing long promos". Now what the hell does that mean? A long promo affects RVD's heat? How does that work? Should I also mention that his longest promo during this feud is the one he did face-to-face with RVD? Also HHH has "tried to elicit pops from the crowd". When did this happen? Whatever he did, it sure sounds detrimental to RVD Anyway this is mostly directed at this farce of a news item; I know most of you see through the bullshit. For those who don't, in the future at least try and see if there is any substance to the article at all before agreeing with it. Bobo, thanks for reaffirming that 1wrestling is not worth visiting. I haven't been there in months and I see I can continue to stay away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted September 22, 2002 Yes, I'll admit I overreacted. It's just that the original post copied from 1wrestling is, as AndrewTS stated, a bunch of observations and speculation. I'm not saying that HHH doesn't pull political bullshit because he does. I guess I'm just tired of hearing speculation and it being passed off as news. It isn't like you needed 1wrestling to figure out most of this. The only part that you might not be able to get is the part where they say other wrestlers told so and so this or that, so that just obviously makes their speculation and observations true. For any smarks out there offended, I apologize. But if your so fed up with HHH's antics, why don't you just NOT WATCH RAW! Watch SD exclusively. Hurt HHH in the ratings. Why watch a man you hate and can't stand? I don't get it with some folks. There is an alternative and it's to not watch HHH's segments. You can just get up and either leave the room or turn the channel. No one is forcing you to watch him. If you feel forced, then maybe you shouldn't watch WWE if you feel this way. As I stated in my predictions, if RVD gets dicked over I don't watch Raw at all. I tape it as it is. However, I don't have a Neilson box so whether or not I watch it means dick to the ratings. It's just that I have to stop kidding myself with telling myself "it'll get better" when it never does. I'll tape Stephdown and skip through the crap, and not watch Raw at all. And whenever HHH is on my screen the TV is off anyway, unless he's getting punked out. Although the only backstage news I really want to hear is something like--"HHH gets in argument with Steph" or "HHH (in roid rage" beats the shit out of Steph." THEN we'll have some news. Until then, HHH is Raw is barely worth watching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites