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The Dames

I just went on the worst date ever.

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Normally, I do well on dates. I've gotten more than my share of action on first dates and I've never had a bad one. Oh, well, that ended tonight.


As you can see, its only 11:20. There's a reason why I'm home early. My stupidity.


At approximately 9:00pm tonight, I got online and there's this girl that I had been talking to for a few weeks. She asked me if I was doing anything tonight and I said no. I asked her the same and she replied in kind. She wanted to go to the movies so I agreed. After checking the showtimes, she wanted to go to the 10:20 showing....so, I was in a rush. I got dressed as soon as I could and borrowed 20 bucks to take a cab over to where she was, because the ATM nearby was closed. I had all intentions of stopping at a bank along the way and having the cab driver wait, but there was a big langauge gap, so I just said forget it. So, I get there and I'm kinda nervous. She arrives, looking great...and then I have the unfortunate responsibility to tell her that I need to go to the ATM, like an ass.


So, we go to the bank and I take out 80 dollars. We hop into a cab and head for the theater, Cross County in Yonkers. When we get there, the cab driver only charged 9 dollars and since all I had were twenties, he didn't have change. So, she gave him a 10. First thing we do together and she paid...GREAT.


So, we're on the line and it looks we're just on time to make the movie when I open up my wallet and realize....that my FUCKING CARD IS GONE. I LEFT IT IN THE FUCKING ATM MACHINE! Jesus, I felt like the biggest retard on Earth. I was making the worst impression possible. We hopped in a cab to go back to the bank, the whole time I'm trying to laugh it off and she's been really nice about it. We get there....and the card is gone. *SIGH*


Now what.


Well, logically, the first thing to do is report it stolen. However, since the fucking card is missing, I don't have the number to it. So, it becomes apparant that I have to go home and call. Rather disappointed, I walk her back home where she calls me a cab to go back home. I felt so stupid, I wasn't even tryin to get a kiss or anything. I got a big hug and left.


So, I get home and call it in. Thankfully, no one's used it yet, but I'll have another card in a few days. So, I call her back just to be courteous and let her know that I called the card in and she's trying to make plans to go see the movie tonight anyway.


Well....fuck. Somehow, I don't think I made the best impression.


I learned a valuable lesson. Always get your cash first....AND DONT LEAVE YOUR FUCKING CARD IN THE MACHINE!



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Guest DeputyHawk

exactly. just laugh it off tell her you'd like to go see a movie properly with her tomorrow or the day after, whenever. if she's halfway a nice girl she's not going to get hung up over making a mistake like that. just tell her you were having an off night and cracked up to your eyeballs. she'll understand.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe

Over here the ATMs return your card before they dispense your cash... Aren't they like that over there?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

geez that really sucks. it could've been worse though...


she could hate wrestling Smarks who own forums.

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Guest imajackoff?

Leaving my card in the ATM along with locking my keys in my car are my two biggest fears. I wind up double and triple checking myself like some kind of nutcase, just so it doesnt happen.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
geez that really sucks. it could've been worse though...


she could hate wrestling Smarks who own forums.

She don't know about that :)



Just wait till she she's the forum.



Almost 3000 Smarks. It's enough to scare most people away.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Please...like that would stop Rant....you see the shameless way he hits on everything that moves?


He's like a real Reverend

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Then why the portraits? Show me... more.

Because she only had portraits. She said that she didn't want people to judge her just for her body......which is cool because it came across as a WONDERFUL pleasant surprise..


Before I fucked up, like the moron that I am. I'm being hard on myself, I know, but for someone who's never had a bad date, this was pretty damn bad.



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Guest MrRant
Cute... but not my type.

Don't you have a wife anyways, Rant?

No... everyone thinks I'm married. Including people at work.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Dude...having a baby without being married.


What kid of Reverend are you?

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Guest MrRant
Dude...having a baby without being married.


What kid of Reverend are you?

A NO MA'AM Reverend.

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My philosophy when it comes to approaching a girl *or anything for that matter* is....


"How bad can it be, from a scale of Zero to DEATH"



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Guest Mr. Pink

Dames, I know (kinda) how you feel.



I left the tickets to the concert my NEW girlfriend and I were supposed to go to on our first date in my car








Which was in the shop for a day or two...




Thankfully, I have two cars, but still...it was supposed to be a good concert. Although I forgot who it was...










and that girl is HOT!!! HOOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!

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Guest treble charged
Dude...having a baby without being married.


What kid of Reverend are you?

A NO MA'AM Reverend.

Good thing you don't claim to be a Priest.


Oh, think of the scandal.

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Guest MrRant
Dude...having a baby without being married.


What kid of Reverend are you?

A NO MA'AM Reverend.

Good thing you don't claim to be a Priest.


Oh, think of the scandal.

Not married yet. Just engaged.

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Guest Sandman9000

I think my good buddy Necro Butcher says what I think about Dames' little scale.



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