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Guest wwF1587

Kingdom Hearts

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Guest wwF1587

Man, when I first heard of this game, I wasn't expecting anything. As previous disney games have been kinda more kiddish and bleh than I really like.. except for Magical Quest for GBA which isnt bad. Anyway, a Disney RPG? Never gonna work, its gonna fail, then I hear square is making it so I am very curious. I picked up the day of the release after mostly positive reviews and I must say I am impressed. This game is not kiddish and even more mature adults and teens will like it. The graphics and sounds are amazing as usual, the story is deep and great, and the way all the diffenrent disney characters are used in the story is amazing. Give this disney game a chance as it really is great, in its own unique way. Squaresoft have done it again.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Why do I get the feeling that if this had been released on the GCN, Nintendo would be berated for making more kiddie games?


On PS2 or Xbox? A masterpeice that should surely not be ignored!


Okay, I'm bitter. I'll probably check this out anyway.

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Guest The Notorious CRD
Why do I get the feeling that if this had been released on the GCN, Nintendo would be berated for making more kiddie games?


That's the state of gaming today, unfortunately. In reality, you can buy any of the 3 current consoles for your kids because they all have some form of family-friendly games. A lot of so called "hardcore" gamers refer to games such as Super Mario Sunshine as "kiddie" games, but I don't know too many kids who could even play it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I've been playing it for hours now...and I really love it.


And I don't even like RPGs.

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Guest Olympic Slam

The game sounds REALLY cool. Too bad Square Soft is just PS2 exclusive. Would have liked to pick it up on the PC or GC.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Well, a deal between Squaresoft and Nintendo went down some months ago allowing SS to develop for them again. A new Final Fantasy game (Chronicles is it?) is in development as we speak for the GameCube. And I'm pretty sure there's also a FF game being made for the GBA. Maybe they'll later make a GCN version of Kingdom Hearts. You never know.

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Guest Olympic Slam
Well, a deal between Squaresoft and Nintendo went down some months ago allowing SS to develop for them again. A new Final Fantasy game (Chronicles is it?) is in development as we speak for the GameCube. And I'm pretty sure there's also a FF game being made for the GBA. Maybe they'll later make a GCN version of Kingdom Hearts. You never know.

Sweet. I miss the good ol' days of Squaresoft and the SNES. My decision to get a GC could be swayed if Square stuff started to appear on the cube.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Is this game actually any good?


I usually buy Square games on sight (note the ever-present Saga Frontier in my collection, whoops), but I'm rather skeptical here, having my Angsty Teenage Square Heroes fighting alongside...Capt. Goofy.


Any opinions from people who've logged their Square time on Final Fantasy 3, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, the PS Final Fantasies, and so on? Does this compare, or should I just bust out the SNES and play Chrono Trigger for the 18th time?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I hate SquareSoft. I mean, I really do. I think there's a lot of talented people somewhere in there, but somewhere along when FF7 came out, the games became more about FMV and state-of-the-art CG and less about gameplay.


On the other hand, I'm a massive Disney fanatic. My collection of Disney shiznit is kind of absurd.


MASSIVE props to the animation director of this thing. It does not look or play like a Final Fantasy game, even the main character's battle animations are just as smooth as silk. Somebody must have spent a lot of time watching Disney stuff. The attention to detail is all there. From Hades' arm gestures while complaining to the way Card Soldiers run and jump around.


As for voice acting... You got Disney casting most these guys, of COURSE it's good. Some voices from the movies return to reprise their role (James Woods), while others don't (Robin Williams) but have very good stand-ins.


Anyway, if it answers the questions, there's a bunch of RPG fans out there who thought they wouldn't like this game but did, and I'm a Final Fantasy hater with a Disney passion and I like the thing, too. So.. Uh... Yeah.


If nothing else, you probably won't see a game with a catch of corporate and mascot partnership like this for quite some time.'


And for Sandman9000, Nomura said that he submitted the idea of Walt Disney as an in-game character, and the Disney company rejected it.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Not that I'm that interested in buying a PS2 to play this, but how the hell does the story go? I can see fitting some characters in, but how the hell does the little dragon from Mulan factor in?

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Guest wwF1587

No, the final boss is not Walt Disney. The story goes like this. 3 kids named Sora, Riku and Kairi live on paradise Island called Destiny Islands. One dark day, a terrible drkness invades and Sora is awaken in this different world where he meets Donald and GOofy who have come in search of a KEY and its owner. Their King (Mickey Mouse) has disappeaared. A note is left that this evil force wants this key. Sora has the key, it is called the Keyblade and is ussed to fight off enemies. So Sora, Donald, and Goofers, all have this journey through different disney worlds to get to the heart of evil and rid of it once and for all.

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Guest Sandman9000

Damn. It would have kicked ass if the final boss was Walt Disney himself. Ah well. Maybe it will be Steamboat Willie.

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Guest Mad Dog

I've been playing this game as much as possible since I got it. Unfortunately that hasn't been much.


So how far is everyone. I'm heading towards the Deep Jungle on mine as soon as I get home tomorrow. Wonderland was kind of a bitch to explore everything though.


This game is awesome. The characters are very much true to how they were in the cartoons and a lot of the original voices are there.


Plus the guy who played Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the voice of Squall.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Currently on Deep Jungle. I think I liked Wonderland more. Jungle has some neat concepts, but the fact that you have to explore the entire map about three times makes things less fun.


Mattdotcom: Everybody from the different films lives on their own planet. The Fab Five (Disney fanspeak for Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Pluto) live on a planet, Tarzan has his own planet, there's an Alice In Wonderland planet, etc.


Goofy and Donald are the only characters that go from world to world with you.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I just locked up Monstro.


I have a habit of getting my ass handed to me in the colisseum...but I'm getting better.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

BTW...I mark for the animation of Simba when you summon him.


The words BAD ASS comes to mind.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
BTW...I mark for the animation of Simba when you summon him.


The words BAD ASS comes to mind.

Heh, if you think that one is interesting, the others are pretty good too.


I find Bambi as a summoned "monster" particularly amusing, but yes, the Simba one, complete with the Pride Rock roar scene at the end, does have that feel to it. I can almost hear the call of "This is CNN" just watching it.


But I haven't found an option to turn off the summon animations. Wasn't this problem (long artwork that you can't skip) something Square got heat for previously?

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Guest EricMM

Sorry for the bump, but has anyone else beaten this game all the way? Beaten the Gold Match in the coliseum? The PLATINUM match? Gotten the Ultima Weapon? Found all 99 dalmations? Found all the trinitys? Beaten the monster at Big Ben?


I've beaten the game. I'm so over powered at this point, it's like Symphony of the Night all over again :) In a game where the weakest weapon is a 1, and one of the best (lionheart) is a 10, using about 12 power tabs on Sora means BEEFCAKE!


Still can't beat the platinum match. I run out of elixirs. Is it me or is a no-miss attack that takes you down to 1 hp 0 mp lame? I got him down to half yellow. I beat the Gold match.


Is ANYONE else playing this? Did anyone else mark out for the fight from Fantasia? I mean, dude, anything and everything from disney that could be considered a decent hero/villian was used!


Lastly, did anyone have flashbacks to their childhood in the hundred acre woods, particularly when Pooh is following his own tracks around? When I finished that world, the cutscene was very great.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Games worth a week rental, not a buy, you can seriously beat it in a week if you have the time. The gummi ship is HORRID, why even bother ripping off starfox and putting it in the game, they should have had teleports or warps and made the worlds bigger. Which was our main bitch about the game, the worlds are small. Theres like 7 slots per world for places to jump to and usualy theres like only 2 places you can go to, so what was the point of teh other 5 or so slots?


No FF worlds, no playable FF characters, hopefully this will be taken into consideration for the sequel, if that even occurs, since I heard Disney did not like the finaly product, which truly astounds me since none of their characters came off bad in the least.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

The Gummi Ship is thankfully short. And seriously, with so many guys from both companies working on this thing at once, it's suprising the game as a whole turns out to be as much fun as it is.


Seeing that they didn't plan FF characters originally, I believe the game is SUPPOSED to be more about Disney than it is FF. They put FF characters in, obviously, as a come-on to FF fans who wouldn't care about a Disney RPG.


Kingdom Hearts is legally a Disney property and if a sequel or movie or whatever were to be made, Disney is free to remove all the Square properties and choose not to work with them again.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Thinking about this game today, i realized, this is a game for girls as a transition game. Its all cutesy, which girls love, my 2 female roomates are squeling(sp) over the game before playing it talking about how cute it is, their like 19 and 24. So it got me to thinking, and yeah this is a game ment to get girls into more action style games. I mean girls represent a small part of the gaming market, thats a hard truth, and what better way to get them into already existing games, that target the male audience, then to give them a game they can enjoy playing with a similar style to already existing and future products. If they like Kingdom Harts, maybe Tomb Radier will be an interest to them as well.


Marketing genius if this was their intention. If not, dumb luck.

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Guest cynicalprofit

I didnt play it for more then an hour, ive just watched ppl play it over and over, for like a whole week, thats all he did. And I honestly didnt care for the game all that much, it just came off as another dream project make to make a billion dollars.

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Guest Downhome

I can't say much right now, as I'm watching a movie at the moment, but I did want to say that Kingdom Hearts, is indeed simply fantastic. I own it, I play it, and it's one of the greatest gaming experiances of my life...thank you.

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Guest Mr. Pink

That's kinda sad how it's one of the greatest gaming experiences of your life, dontcha think?




MY greatest was the Mafia/Triad gang war in GTA3, simply because I rule...yes....I do....

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Guest Downhome

How is it sad? I grew up watching all that is Disney, and it's just great to have them all in a game such as this.

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