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Guest residueofsociety

The day I never thought would arrive...

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Guest residueofsociety

This is basically a story with some bitching in between (which is what I do best)...


I've been a fan of wrestling, mostly the WWF for 12 years. The first PPV I can remember watching was Wrestlemaina 6, and I remember crying all night after Hogan lost to the Warrior. I've avidly watched over the last 10 years or so. I started working night shift in 2000, so I would only be able to see the first half of Raw, but I would always tape Raw and Smackdown, and watch every single PPV. Lately, within the past year or so, there has been a change in my wrestling habits. I would just skip taping Raw's and Smackdown's and just read the results online or whatnot. I found myself falling asleep during PPV's, and at times I wouldn't even watch PPV's even though I get them for free.


I posted this mainly to prove the point that WWF/E/Z/Q/Whatever is losing it's avid fans due to the garbage they are putting on TV. I notice the whole internet is against HHH, and I had no major problems with him before the injury, but afterwards he seemed to lose his magic, and when I saw HHH was in the main event of Raw this week, or for the last few weeks, I just go to bed.


I was one of the biggest WWF fans. I had all the action figures, videos, went to live events and all that. It's now getting to the point where I can't even sit through 1 hour of wrestling without changing the channel or just leaving.


I remember back when Nitro was on and I would be changing the channel non-stop hoping not to miss anything on either show. I've read the posts saying WWE needs competition, and it's true. I've tried watching NWA:TNA but there isn't really anything there that hooks me in. They have some great wrestlers and some good matches, but a lot of these wrestlers I have no clue who they are, and unless you know who they are, not a lot of people are going to care.


That's all I basically got to say for now, so I expect to be yelled at and made fun for this post, so at least have fun while your doing it.


"Tell me can you heal what father's done?

Or cut this rope and let us run?

Just when all seems fine and I'm pain free

You jab another pin, jab another pin in me"

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Guest AM The Kid

I agree 100%. I've been the same way this past year. I used to eat,sleep and breathe the WWF. I never missed a show...but now I don't watch it at all. I follow the WWeeeee on the internet now because everytime I try to watch a show I get bored as hell. I can't follow the storylines, it's impossible to remeber everything about two seperate shows, and frankly I'm starting to like wrestling less and less as the months pass.


It's time for the WWeeee to try something different and get rid of all the useless talent and clean up the main event scene...or else they'll lose a few life-long fans like myself.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Funny story, thanks to video, the net and SK, i can remember like, what was the opening match of Wrestlemania2 off the top of my head.


Today, I had trouble remembering the Tag Title match at Backlash, this year

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Guest DeputyHawk

it's easy to forget. the wwe have so oversaturated the marketplace with their product that nothing is an event anymore. we didn't notice at first when creative was firing on all thrusters, but now that they're not there is just hour after hour after hour of blandness. to make matches and feuds memorable again, the 'less is more' philosophy needs to be adhered to. difficult when you have so much TV time to fill up each week and no competition to spur you on, but the oversaturation is simply killing fan interest, myself very much inlcuded.

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Guest TheyCallMeMark

I like watching SmackDown! still... Just because the wrestling is still pretty good though...

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Guest treble charged

Let's see what I can remember from WM X8:

Rock vs. Hogan

Jericho vs. HHH

Regal vs. RVD

Angle vs. Kane

Christian vs. DDP

Dudleyz vs. Billy/Chuck vs. APA vs. Hardyz

Edge vs. Booker T

Austin vs. Hall


Is that all of them?

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Guest Human Fly
Is that all of them?


You forgot the "Classic" Hardcore Match between Maven and Goldust.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Let's see what I can remember from WM X8:

Rock vs. Hogan

Jericho vs. HHH

Regal vs. RVD

Angle vs. Kane

Christian vs. DDP

Dudleyz vs. Billy/Chuck vs. APA vs. Hardyz

Edge vs. Booker T

Austin vs. Hall


Is that all of them?

There are only two matches you forgot: Trish Stratus vs. Lita vs. Jazz in a Triple Threat Women's title match, and Maven vs. Goldust for the Hardcore title.

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Guest mach7
I was one of the biggest WWF fans. I had all the action figures, videos, went to live events and all that. It's now getting to the point where I can't even sit through 1 hour of wrestling without changing the channel or just leaving.

I also agree 100%. I've been watching the WWF/E since 1980 and can honestly say that they've turned me completely off. I'll see little things here and there that I like, but not so much. I had been taping RAW since September of 95 (because I'm usually busy on Monday nights) and just stopped this past August. I kept all of my tapes, though, so I had/have an ongoing archive of the show. But just recently, I've just found that I couldn't even be bothered paying attention to the show since it was so innane, and boring to boot! So why bother taping it anymore? Now, the only WWE I catch is through online results, etc.


Competition, they do need it sorely. But the question is, how many of us long-time fans will stick around and wait for it? I know I won't. Not anymore. Vince used to talk about fans not wanting their intelligence insulted. Well, he's doing that moreso than ever before these days.


I think it's time I listed those tapes on Ebay...


[This post should not be misconstrued with a fan who doesn't like wrestling anymore. I love wrestling. It's just that WWE is pathetic. Thank goodness for Puro tapes!]

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Whats sadder is the fact that Match of the night was DDP and Christian


Huh? :huh: I didn't think that match was anything special. I know Rock/Hogan is pure crap if you mute the sound, but it still was an exciting one to watch.


I liked Taker/Flair too.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Well, my theroy is, I like DDP, I like Christian, I'm bound to like a match between the pair, the rest was far too predictable (although i hoped flair would go over) and it sapped my enjoyment of the show

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Guest Zero_Cool

One problem, I think, is that the people who do twenty minute promos, are dull and boring. If you're going to have twenty minutes straight of dialogue in an action movie, it better at least be decent!

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Guest evilhomer

I don't think I've watched a full show live in about 2 years. There's just so much crap that I can't stand sitting through the entire thing. I'm still an avid fan so I always tape the shows, but when fastforwarding through crap lets me finish a 2 hour show in 25 mins it really makes me wonder if it's worth the trouble. Of course on the odd occasion where I miss taping, I read the review and really wish that I saw it.

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Guest humongous2002

The problem with the WWE is simple , she's called Steph, the head of the cancer that's killing WWE. Ever since she was given the job as head booker by none other than daddy, even though she is not a professional writer and has no brains whatsoever, the WWE has been bleeding little by little that now it needs a blood transfusion. They been pissing off the fans night in night out, last night's ppv was an indication of it, by giving us false promises and stupid swerves. Hyping up and HLA angle and not delivering, what's the point of doing it? Or expecting that a new up and coming star will be elevated to the main event level and they didn't deliver that either. HGH and Taker already made millions from the WWE so they could give 2 shits if the company goes down the toilet as long as dumb fucking Vince lets them keep their precious spots.The booking sucks, the same sucky people are still getting pushed over hot young talent and the insanity continues.

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Guest subliminal_animal

I can't stop ever watching the WWF. It sucks now but I still watch every non-recap show. Maybe that wouldn't the case if I was into puro, but I am not. The lack of storylines makes it dull to me and I can't care about the matches as much.

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