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Guest Angle-plex

The Guyver

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Guest Angle-plex

This movie is only $7 dollars at my local video store. I remember that I liked it as a kid, but I can't really remember it. Is it any good?

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Guest razazteca

is it the anime or the made for cable tv network Sci-Fi channel live action movie?


tv movie is blah

anime is average

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Guest Angle-plex

I was talking about the TV Movie.


I think the second one is supposed to be better.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

One of the worst movies ever, really.


If you like crappy movies, it might be worth buying, but to me it's a rent and trash with your friends movie all the way. It does, however, feature Mark Hamill, which is worth a laugh and a half in itself.

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Guest razazteca

the movie is Mystery Science Theater 3000 material in bad acting. As a general rule all live action movies based on Anime suck.


Wicked City = crap

Zeiram movie which was based on IRIA = crap

Guyver = good enough for Triumph to poop on but better than the others

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Guest Vyce



I have seen a lot of shitty movies, and Guyver wasn't that bad.


On the plus side, it had Mark Hamill, David Gale, Vivian Wu (mmmmm.....tasty!), big rubber monster suits, and was a black comedy.


On the negative side, it did have Jimmy "JJ" Walker too.


But it wasn't that bad. I dig the film.


Guyver 2 was *okay*. It's most notable for starring the guy who plays Solid Snake in all of the Metal Gear Solid games. It was more violent, and DID possess a pretty nifty-looking final villain in the "Guyver Zoanoid".

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Guest Ravenbomb

if MST3K were still on, I have no doubt that the Guyver would eventually make it's way to the SOL, although it would probably be the best movie ever shown on MST3K, but that really isn't saying much.

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Only things I remember about the Live-Action Guyver is J.J. Walker turning into a gi-normous Gremlin and Mark Hamill morphing into a large roach.


That is all.

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Guest Doomsault

Hey, I liked Zeiram!


Anyway, I liked Guyver a little bit, it's good if you like the corny way Japan does anime fighting in real life, but it's violent, and violence is always a plus.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I love this movie. "I...AM...THE GUYVER..."


I've had the opening theme song stuck in my head all week. I even tried to download it, but the only theme song listed under "Guyver" is for the anime. Agh...

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Guest Angle-plex

I have every Godzilla video, so I don't need any more of those.


I still haven't got Guyver yet. I'm going to see if I can find someplace to rent it.

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