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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Nigerian woman to be stoned to death

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

From BBC.co.uk:


An Islamic appeal court has upheld a sentence of death by stoning for adultery against a Nigerian woman.

Amina Lawal, 30, was found guilty by a court in Katsina state in March after bearing a child outside marriage.


The BBC's Dan Isaacs, reporting from the court in Funtua, northern Nigeria, says that the court's ruling can only serve to heighten tensions between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria.


The introduction of Islamic holy law - or Sharia - in northern Nigeria's mostly Muslim states in the past two years has sparked violence in which hundreds of people have been killed.


Our correspondent says Monday's ruling has come as a surprise and human rights groups have promised to take the case to a higher court.


They have 30 days to lodge an appeal.


This case could now end up in the supreme court in Abuja, where central government has declared such harsh Sharia judgement unconstitutional.


The largely-male crowd in the courtroom reacted to the judgement of judge Aliyu Abdullahi with shouts of "Allahu Akbar" (God is great).


"We uphold your conviction of death by stoning as prescribed by the Sharia. This judgement will be carried out as soon as your baby is weaned," the judge said, as Amina cradled her eight-month-old daughter Wasila, reports the French news agency, AFP.


She was led away in tears, according to AFP.


No one has yet been stoned to death for adultery in Nigeria.


A woman convicted under very similar circumstances last year won her appeal a few months ago.


Several thieves have however had their hands amputated.


Supporters of Sharia say they will not be deflected from upholding laws they see as the will of God.



As soon as her baby is weaned? Jesus.


Go here to protest: http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/action/in...ep=2&item=1808#

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Guest Cancer Marney

Oh, we shouldn't do that. It's just that they have different value systems, you know. Who are we to impose our values on them? Don't think of it as a brutal murder or state-sanctioned barbarism; think of it as an assertion of cultural integrity despite the white man's colonial aggression. Just like suttee.




Evil, filthy savages. Religion of peace, my left foot.

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Guest Ozymandias

Eh, murder is murder. Stoning someone to death for adultery in a foreign country, and electrocuting someone to death for murder in America are both essentially the same thing at the end of the day.

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Guest J*ingus

They're the same in that they both produce a corpse. Other than that, they couldn't be more different.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Stoning someone to death for adultery... and electrocuting someone to death for murder... are both essentially the same thing

What bullshit.

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Guest Some Guy

I had to do a little research on Nigeria last semester and it's a really fucked up place. Like many non-Western countries they have no nationalistic pride, they consider themselves to be members of their tribes, rather than as Nigerians. The constitution actually promotes nationalism in some way that I can't remember.

The south, where the Brits lived is mostly Christian and the north is mostly muslim, so the south is moderately successful and the north is a steeming pile of shit. Suprise anyone?



While I disagree with particular law, would you commit adultery if you knew that you would crushed by rocks if you were caught? I wouldn't, I'd move to the south and cheat.

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Guest J*ingus

I think the word "adultery" is being wrongly used here as well. That usually connotates cheating on one's spouse. That isn't the case here; this woman is being executed because she had sex and was not married, period.

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Guest Some Guy

Oh, my bad, I didn't realize that she wasn't married.

But my question still stands and no I do not agree at all with the law or advocate it in any way.

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Guest Ozymandias

No, you're right, it's a good point. If you're living in a place with such insane laws then you should know better. It's not right, but she should have either a) left the country or b) not had sex. She did neither. It may be a horrible injustice but she really should have been more careful.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Stoning someone to death for adultery... and electrocuting someone to death for murder... are both essentially the same thing"




No, it's not.


"I had to do a little research on Nigeria last semester and it's a really fucked up place."


That whole continent is one f'd up place. Hell, you'd probably catch AIDS there just by breathing the air or drinking the water...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Ever notice how these countries were in much better shape when they were still apart of the British Empire? Somehow it doesn't surprise me.

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Guest EricMM

Well you could argue that there's little difference between electrocuting someone and stoning someone.


But we don't electrocute females because they have premarital intercourse...




And don't argue the above point either.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

In terms of the death penalty in this country, I'd rather they do stonings than the electric chair. Or the fatal booster shot.


My opinion, if we're going to fucking EXECUTE someone for their crimes, we should do it in a manner that carries an aura of finality and brutality.


Beheading is my personal favorite. Keep the same laws we've got, just change the MO of the execution.

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Guest danielisthor
In terms of the death penalty in this country, I'd rather they do stonings than the electric chair. Or the fatal booster shot.


My opinion, if we're going to fucking EXECUTE someone for their crimes, we should do it in a manner that carries an aura of finality and brutality.


Beheading is my personal favorite. Keep the same laws we've got, just change the MO of the execution.

Though barbaric, public displays of execution would rock. Beheadings or having somebody drawn and quartered would really piss off the liberals against execution and especially Amnesty Int.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Beheading is really fun when the executioner doesn't know what he's doing and it takes 5 hacks to get the head off.

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Guest Some Guy
Ever notice how these countries were in much better shape when they were still apart of the British Empire? Somehow it doesn't surprise me.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Someone might think you're racist, for you know being truthful and accurate in your observation.


I think America might be the only country to have actually gotten better after we kicked the Brits out.

India, Pakistan (India and Pakistan were the same country when England had them and when they let it go in 1947 because they couldn't afford them due to war debts, the Muslims in the west and in the south east revolted against the Hindus and Pakistan was formed), Iraq, Palestine, Nigeria all are way more fucked up now then when they were colonies. Same goes for the French ones too, for the most part.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Ironic, isn't it, that the Moslems constantly demand we solve all the problems the British created? Why don't they burn the Union Jack?

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Guest Slapnuts00

My World History teacher swears that the British are evil, and are at the roots of all the world's problems.

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Guest papacita
I had to do a little research on Nigeria last semester and it's a really fucked up place. Like many non-Western countries they have no nationalistic pride, they consider themselves to be members of their tribes, rather than as Nigerians.

Well one thing you've gotta keep in mind is that when Africa was colonized, the land was divided in a manner that forced a lot of rival tribes to share the same land, which caused some problems that are obviously still affecting them today.

Ever notice how these countries were in much better shape when they were still apart of the British Empire? Somehow it doesn't surprise me.

Doesn't surprise me either...but I won't go into that right now.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Not really evil, just optimistic.

But...we're evil in all your films...


I think America should have stayed under British rule along with all the other colonies. That way you'd now have proper beer and play proper sports.



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Guest Cancer Marney

No question about the beer. American beer, faugh... pretty much the only worse thing is Zima, and that crime against civilisation is also entirely our fault.

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Guest Cancer Marney

A sign of the coming apocalypse. It is the favoured drink of the disciples of the beast which has seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

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Guest papacita
A sign of the coming apocalypse. It is the favoured drink of the disciples of the beast which has seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Translation: IT'S NOT KOOL-AID. B-)

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Guest J*ingus

Zima is your average fruity malt beverage, not too far removed from Smirnoff Ice or Skyy Blue. (And despite what Marney says, it ain't too bad.)

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