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Guest cartman

Can girls be trusted?

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Guest cartman

Just wondering what your opinions are.


See guys always get the bad rap about not being faithful an shit...but girls are just as bad, if not WORSE than guys are...so can a guy that IS faithful ever really trust a girl?

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Guest Incandenza

Can girls be trusted? No more than guys can.


If you've encountered this many shitty women in your life, you either 1) have bad luck, 2) have serious self-esteem and/or trust issues of your own to work out, or 3) a combination of 1 & 2.

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Guest cartman

Well I think i'm in the combo situation actually...


I do have bad luck, and somewhat self-esteem issues(ya I admit it so what).


I just got burnt so many times I find myself not being able to trust anyone I date nowdays...I WANT to seriously...but I just cant.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Girls can't be trusted and neither can guys. Everyone is a liar and evil.



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Guest Kotzenjunge

Who was the guy who said he was just going to drink and jack off to make up for not having women in his life? He was torn apart for being a misogynist, remember?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

I thought that was him, but I didn't want to mistakenly point anyone out.


Booze and Vaseline > Women



The Nostril King equation.


Fo sheez,


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Guest JAxlMorrison

Brother it all depends on the girl and the situation. If a girl earns it, sometimes you gotta throw your self confifence issues out the fuckin window. And if in the long run you get burnt, then you get burnt! It's all a part of life and of growing up. Eventually you will find the girl to trust.....most do anyways.

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Guest Kinetic

They can be trusted to be bitches and ho's. Actually, I've found girls to be pretty trustworthy. It's a mutual thing, though. You have to give it to get it. If they betray you in any way, then they probably weren't worth having around in the first place and most likely won't be missed when you put a hit on them.

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Guest MrRant
They can be trusted to be bitches and ho's. Actually, I've found girls to be pretty trustworthy. It's a mutual thing, though. You have to give it to get it. If they betray you in any way, then they probably weren't worth having around in the first place and most likely won't be missed when you put a hit on them.


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Guest Kotzenjunge

I want to think there was some rap song that said "Bitches and ho's, bitches and ho's, ain't nothing but bitches and ho's." Maybe that was a lyric I made up while making fun of rap(back when I didn't like it) while drunk.


Fo sheez,


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Guest MrRant
Hey, I was joking. And I supported Lilith Fair. So I'm cool with bitches and ho's.

But it IS Bitch Fest. I've met people who went to it. These were tree-loving, stop all development at any cost yuppies that I just wanted to cut down while they strapped themselves to a tree in "protest".

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Guest TheHulkster

Women suffer from severe emotional issues that make it hard to have a relationship with them. I've been though a lot of ladies in my life, and the majority of my relationships with them have gone through the same god damned formula no matter how hard I try to stop it. First is the beginning of the relationship. We might find each other attractive and get along well initially. Everything seems to be going fine at first and we wind up exchanging numbers. We then start to play phone tag and that is when the shit begins to hit the fan usually. The girl will ask her friend questions about what she should do and how she should approach a possbile relationship with the person in question (me), and the friend, who is naturally jealous even if she hasn't seen me before because there is a distinct jealousy that all women seem to have when other people are happy, begins to plant the seed of doubt in her head. The friend begins to tell her that she should do this, but don't do that, and wait to do this untill this moment, and only do this after three days or he'll think you're coming on too strong, and don't do this because he'll think you're easy and try to take advantage of you. The girl now has it ingrained in her head that she has to play all these stupid games to have a healthy relationship, but instead of her having control of me, it's her friend's way of controlling her. Anyway, her and I tough through it and are happy together for the first few months. Then, when her and the friend are hanging out, the friend begins to bitch and moan about what she doesn't like about her boyfriend or her parents or her life. The friend really lays it on heavy to make the girl feel obliged to talk about the shortcomings of her life, and eventually, her boyfriend. After a while, they get really comfortable talking about how much of a piece of shit I am when they hang out, but everything is fine when her and I are enjoying time together. One day, the friend's boyfriend dumps her because he's sick of her shit. The friend "needs her friends for comfort" and is jealous of the time I spend with the girl and jealous of our happiness together. She then fertilizes the seed of doubt by bringing back up those shortcomings of mine and making an issue out of them to the girl when they hang out because she doesn't have a relationship of her own to ruin and "wants to see the girl happy". The girl doesn't seem to like me as much when we hang around anymore. I get pissed off and comfront her about it. We begin to get into fight on a consistant basis. One of us breaks it off. Thats basically 80% of the major relationships i've been in (10% is the male (ex-boy)friend formula, and the other 10% is when we just didn't hit it off like we thought we would). Some have had slight modifications, but the basic formula is still there. I don't hate women for it, they are just emotionally fragile and will easily let outside forces affect their personal life. As far as the question in the topic goes? I wouldn't trust a woman as far as I could throw her. Sorry ladies.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Hulkster you pretty much summerized it all up. I can't argue with any part of that. But I do also agree with another point, give alittle to get alittle. Both guys and girls alike will test each other. They will test how far they can go without anything happening. If they get away with something they will try and get away with it again. It's almost like a little kid. If mommy doesn't scold him the first time, he'll keep doing it til she does. Same way with guys and girls. And if she thinks you are cheating on her or vice versa then revenge is on the mind

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Guest littlestar

Jealousy is the main problem in most relationships-I'm probably one of the worst. I haven't quite reached the point where I'm banning my boyfriend from watching tv cos there are other girls on there, but it still bothers me that he has more female friends than male friends. But I'm finally beginning to realise that by being all stressful about it, I'm actually pushing him further away from me and towards leaving me for one of these girls I'm so worried about him being friends with. But as general relationships go, the double standards suck. If a guy sleeps with loads of girls, he's a stud. If a girl sleeps with loads of guys, she's a slut. But then (my favourite example here)-if a girl buys a vibrator, she's a strong liberated woman (or so is the general opinion). But if a guy buys a sex toy of some description, he is viewed as somewhat of a loser. Go figure.


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Guest Midnight Express83

to sum up my feelings....


I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Heh. I'lm probably the wrong person to reply to this..but..




And that goes for all people in general. Granted, there are a few good ones..but the majority are untrustworthy, backstabbing bastards.

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Guest Leena

First off, you can never fully trust anyone. Every person will do whats best for themselves, and that requires stretching the truth occasionally.


Hulkster, you make some good points in your post. I'm assuming most of your experiences are with girls during the high school years, because all girls and guys at that age have no confidence, or experience in those situations. Personally, I've never ask other people for advice on dates. I just do what's fun for me. If a guy plays games with me, I leave. If I suspect someone could be cheating, I leave. It's not worth it to me to have any sad feelings with someone.


Then again, I believe love is nothing more than physical attraction.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09
to sum up my feelings....


I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.

I KNOW thats a lie .


But as for the jealously thing, you have got to be kidding me. You want to ban him from TV because there are females on TV? When not just house arrest him and make him have no contact with the human race. My boyfriend lusts after women and I'm 100% okay with that, ESPECIALLY when they are on TV. Lusting after women you know he can't have means nothing. He knows I lust after guys but as long as I'm with him none of that matters. Jealously is a part of the human nature but don't go overboard.


And as for the sex toys comment, they make GREAT foreplay objects


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Guest J*ingus
I believe love is nothing more than physical attraction.

If you'd said that "lust is nothing more than physical attraction", I'd agree with you. But love is something else entirely.

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Guest cartman

Jingus is right. Love is something TOTALLY different than anything else.


Love is what makes me so apprehensive about trusting people. The one girl I can honestly say I loved out of the many i have gone out with just totally lied to my face several times. Told me she loved me....but how can you say you love someone and go out and get knocked up by another guy?


Now I found a wonderful girl...we're ALOT different from each other but at the same time not quite that different if you know what I mean by that. Now I am getting those same feelings again, and I do believe that I am truly falling in love with this girl..and it scares the living shit out of me.


I always jave this jealous side of me that I hate with a passion because I really dont want to think that way but in the back of my mind I just cant help myself sometimes.


I'm only 22 and I know that may be too young to stress over such things but I have always been ahead of my time when it comes to emotions, and all I really want is ONE girl to be with for a loooong time. I have had my fun, done stupid things, and now i'm ready to be more responsible and i'm looking for more than just stupid short term flings.


I'm trying my hardest to trust this girl because she hasnt given me any reasosns not to thus far...but something holds me back and i cant figure it out.

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Guest Leena

Love can only be started through physical attraction. In all the relationships that I've had, and my friends have had, it's entirely based on how good someone looks. If someone approaches me and the first thing they say is "you look good", I consider that person a joke. Sadly that's how the few guys who approach me, introduce themselves to me.


It's human nature to be that way, and I admit I'm the same way. I don't really care how guys look, but if there's some guy who's a 300-pound slob, I won't give him a chance. That guy has the same chance as any other of being my soulmate.


Most people are far more demanding on looks than I just mentioned, that's why love seems like an empty feeling to me. I find it hard to believe that people can truly care about each other, when the entire premise of them being together is how they look.

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Guest J*ingus
Love can only be started through physical attraction. In all the relationships that I've had, and my friends have had, it's entirely based on how good someone looks.

Well, none of my relationships have started that way. They've always started with myself and some other girl I don't even know just sitting next to each other and talking about things. (I think there might be a joke in here about my looks, but anyway.) I'm sorry that you've had the bad luck to experience otherwise.


If someone approaches me and the first thing they say is "you look good", I consider that person a joke.  


But if you believe attraction is based solely on the physical, why do you think he's a joke?


Sadly that's how the few guys who approach me, introduce themselves to me.


Now I'm confused. I think the general consensus in the "Would you?" thread was that you're a very attractive young woman. We all agreed on that, right? So what's with this "few" number of guys?


It's human nature to be that way, and I admit I'm the same way.  I don't really care how guys look, but if there's some guy who's a 300-pound slob, I won't give him a chance.   That guy has the same chance as any other of being my soulmate.  


You'd think that a guy who understands, cares for, and loves you would have a better than average chance at being your soulmate.


Most people are far more demanding on looks than I just mentioned, that's why love seems like an empty feeling to me.   I find it hard to believe that people can truly care about each other, when the entire premise of them being together is how they look.


That's my entire point: it is NOT all about looks, at all. I don't know who taught you that in the first place, but they deserve a good swift kick to the 'nads for it. It's about emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, AND physically connecting with another human being, and telling them that they are a good person and are not alone, and being told the same in return.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

There's no such thing as love, its what women use to trick you into doing things you don't wanna.

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