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UT and HHH are a cancer killing the WWE

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I say that tonight proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that HHH and UT are a cancer that is killing the WWE dead every day that they are allowed to go unchecked. UT should have been massacred ala Hogan, not be allowed to dominate Brock and treat him like a little girl and avoid losing to him with a cop-out DQ ending. And HHH proves to be nothing but a heat-killing megalomaniac who will kill off anyone who is a threat to his spot as top guy.


Fuck you HHH and fuck you UT....

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Guest MrRant

I've only heard this oh....




in the past month. Please think up something new to discuss.

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Guest DJ Jeff

What happened involving HHH didn't really surprise. I knew that he would retain the World Title any way he could. Now, what happened with the Undertaker kind of surprised me. I thought he would have jobbed to Lesnar, even if it involved Heyman interfering in the match, and screwing the Undertaker out of winning the WWE Title.

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Guest cabbageboy

I could have excused the UT/Lesnar decision had it been in the spot where HHH/RVD was. I think RVD at least will get a feud with HHH out of it and eventually win the title. I think that Lesnar simply has no feasible opponent for the next PPV so they just did the DQ here and will have a crappy rematch. I'd say there Lesnar goes over clean....if not then count me in among the Taker bashers.

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Guest godthedog

nor have i. there was absolutely NO REASON AT ALL for taker to save any kind of face whatsoever. brock's the new monster heel, get the fuck over it & do the job. i didn't expect brock to go over clean, but i at least expected him to, you know, GO OVER. i don't give a shit how much he's working with the younger guys, he needs to start giving the rub to SOMEBODY soon.


i'll withhold judgment on trips till raw because the finish of that match at least lead somewhere and served a purpose. if rvd comes on looking all pissed off ready for a rematch, i'll forgive him & chalk it up to good booking. if he comes on all pissed off at flair, there is no hope for the world.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

In the immortal words of Billy Madison, "Any more brain-busters?"....welcome to the WWE, kid.

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Guest TakerGirlLA
:rolleyes: Say what you want to about Taker guys, but I was there and the bottom line is the crowd was with him the entire match. I know what you're all saying about him giving the rub to a younger guy, but reality is they've been working on this DQ angle in house shows since the match was announced. At least Lesnar still has the belt. Say what you will about me and say what you will about Taker, it doesn't matter because they put on a great show.

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Funny........what I heard from the crowd was pro-Brock and when the ending went down it sure sounded to me like the crowd was about to kill someone. Maybe we were listening to two different things?

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Guest TakerGirlLA

Maybe LaParka, but all I can go by is what I heard the people in the place saying.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I'm interested in seeing whether we see an RVD vs. Flair fued, leading into a match at No Mercy, or a contination of the RVD vs. HHH fued, leading into a rematch at No Mercy for the World Title.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

TakerGirlLA - were we watching the same show? Because what I saw was Taker refusing to job to Brock and killing the PPV. The crowd was not happy as you could tell and I seriously don't think many of us were either. Although to each his own but here is what I say to Unforgiven :throwup:

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Guest Phr33k

Who cares what the live crowd "thought"? All that matters is RATINGS, and the WWE's are going to fall.

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Guest Trivia247

Yea SCREW the Crowd Cheering for the Undertaker, Since their Not Taker Hating Smarks their Opinions Don't matter. Taker was just soooo Horrible fighting a 20 + Minute match with the 5 year old looking Roided up Freak. Boo Hoo....

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Guest Kamui

HHH wasn't in the wrong here- RVD's title hunt needs to be stretched out to more than a month.


Taker was, though. If they wanted a re-match so bad, a cheap win for Brock, at least a DQ win, could have kept the feud going just fine and at least would have left Brock with some steam (he really needed a squash or at least a clean win, though). But No Contest with Taker throwing Brock through the stage? That was deplorable and shows what a cancer Taker is.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Will HHH be in the wrong when RVD starts his feud with Flair and doesn't get around to that title chase until someone else puts him over for it?


Does HHH really deserve the benefit of the doubt?


From where I sit...only Kane remains.

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Guest Trivia247

geee I can imagine Mass Smark Suicides where everyone shaved their heads bald in protest and drank Poisoned Cool aide If the Undertaker actually beat him clean.

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Guest Kamui

If Taker won cleanly, some Smark would have probably went to his house and killed him.



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Guest Mazelmavin

I was there too... and I agree with TakerGirl.


The crowd was WAY into Taker. And from my perspective (and the Marks around me) it was more of a draw. The two fought it out, bumped the ref a few times and he called for the bell. Brock didn't hit the ref to get a DQ, he attacked the ref because he kept getting in the middle to break them up.


Although... The crowd was PISSED at the decision, but it seemed directed at the ref or management, not Brock.


This is not really that bad:

1- It extends the Brock Taker fued thus

2- Extending Brock's title rein thus

3- Making him look like the monster heel he is supposed to be

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"This is not really that bad:

1- It extends the Brock Taker fued thus

2- Extending Brock's title rein thus

3- Making him look like the monster heel he is supposed to be"


How the fuck is Brock supposed to look like a Monster Heel if he doesn't cleanly pin the Undertaker? How the fuck is Brock supposed to look like a Monster Heel if he NEVER goes over on the Undertaker?


Give it up Markboy.. The Undertaker showed his bitch side tonight and tried to sabotage Lesnar. Undertaker won't be wrestling in 10 years, Lesnar will. Undertaker is an egotisical motherfucker who should have jobbed hard tonight.


Unforgiven fits it's name. The WWE will die within three to five years at this rate. With all the egos and shitheads in the company.

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Guest RedJed
Say what you want to about Taker guys, but I was there and the bottom line is the crowd was with him the entire match.  I know what you're all saying about him giving the rub to a younger guy, but reality is they've been working on this DQ angle in house shows since the match was announced.  At least Lesnar still has the belt.  Say what you will about me and say what you will about Taker, it doesn't matter because they put on a great show.

First off, as the Hogan experiment proved, just because the fans are behind an aging veteran, it doesn't mean the guy should be pushed to the moon. The ratings nosedived when Hogan got the belt. Hell, then they threw it on Taker and did anything change in the fans jumping back on the WWF bandwagon? Nope. So now where is the logic in what happened tonight?!!


And if they have been working on this finish at house shows, thats even more reason to change it for the ppv. That insults any person who attended a house show with this match in it. Theres no way this was the planned finish, especially if they have been doing it at house shows. But if by chance it was and we all have Taker's ego wrong, then the booking committee should be shot for being so uncreative they can't come up with a better finish than what they have consistently done at the house shows.

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Guest Olympic Slam

And if they have been working on this finish at house shows, thats even more reason to change it for the ppv. That insults any person who attended a house show with this match in it. Theres no way this was the planned finish, especially if they have been doing it at house shows. But if by chance it was and we all have Taker's ego wrong, then the booking committee should be shot for being so uncreative they can't come up with a better finish than what they have consistently done at the house shows.

The scary thing is that IF they were doing that finish at house shows and the followed through and used it at Unforgiven, it was because that finish was getting a positive reaction at the house shows. Kind of scary when that was the best result out of all tested.

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Guest Mazelmavin
How the fuck is Brock supposed to look like a Monster Heel if he doesn't cleanly pin the Undertaker? How the fuck is Brock supposed to look like a Monster Heel if he NEVER goes over on the Undertaker?


Whats with all the anger?

You are right. Tonight did not make Brock look like a monster. However, it did make him look equal to Taker, which to you and me means little but to the casual fan (which out number "smart marks" by serveral factors) it means a lot that Undertaker didn't beat Brock. And remember that Brock didn't really lose either. Although crushing Taker would make him look better, drawing still works in Brock's favor.

Brock will go over Taker. Brock will win the feud. And to answer you question it makes Brock look like a monster not because he crushed someone but because in the end he wins, like HHH in 2000. As I said before it also elongates Brock's title rein, which is good for his and the title's image.


The Undertaker showed his bitch side tonight and tried to sabotage Lesnar. Undertaker is an egotisical motherfucker who should have jobbed hard tonight.

The only sabotage I saw tonight was Takers usual shitty work. 3 big boots just don't cut it in my mind. Do you really think that the Undertaker refused to job when he is going to lose the fued? This was all planned out to set up for a rematch, not some politcal scheme to further his career.


Give it up Markboy

Insulting me is entirely unneccessary, but I guess it makes you feel better.

What's funny to me is that somehow "Mark" is an insult. Is it because I enjoy the wrestling without constantly ranting online? Or because you perceive me to be not as elite as you? Perhaps you saw my pitifully small post count and assumed I was a newb? Calling me a "Markboy" is the equivalent of me putting you down for not knowing the name of Spock's parents. For you see I would then be the elitist Star Trek smart mark and you would be the dumb old mark. In reality, I would just be a geek... what makes a smart mark for wrestling different?


Of course this is most likely futile; such is the way of the internet. You will most likely just flame at me again. Which is why I have such a low post count.

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