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Guest Youth N Asia

Does JR add anything to a match anymore?

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Guest Youth N Asia

There was a time when I felt that Jim Ross was the best play by play man in the business.


While watching RAW last night I really realized that I would rather Jim Ross not call the match.


He gives away the ending to matches when he says shit like "The Rattlesnake's got this one in the bag...it's over!" (Royal Rumble 99...and COUNTLESS times after)...when JR more or less promises that someone's going to win they usually do not.


He is too over the top with his babyface bullshit.


Last night when Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Lita were attacking Billy Gunn ol JR didn't have a word to say about it...but when Chuck came in for the save JR yelled, "He wasn't the legal man! Dammit!"


He praised Chris Benoit for stealing Kurt Angle's metals and rested them on his dick...but he cursed Steve Austin to hell when he just took them.


And he didn't have a bad thing to say about Rocky when he attacked Hogan...but was all hate for the NWO when they returned the favor.


And he has a real short memory span on the people who have beaten him up in the past...he just can't get off of Austin or HHH's sack these days.


Now I understand the whole babyface/heel commentator...but Jim Ross is just annyoing to listen to these days.


I miss Paul E...at least he would keep the okie in line.


JR use to make me sit on the edge of my seat the way he could call a match...and now I would just rather mute the tv and enjoy the match.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Gorilla Monsoon was a face commentator too, but he at least remained somewhat impartial.

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Guest Tony149

JR has fallen over the years, but like Big McLagreHuge (I'll just spell it BMLH, next time) said, JR is a face. So that kind of stuff will happen. It does get annoying.

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Guest Risk

Heels and faces are one the biggest things wrong with wrestling.  It just makes wrestling seem more cartoonish and fake, which ISN'T what Vince wants.

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Guest dreamer420

JR is starting to get up there in years and he has lost a little over the years but Raw just wouldn't be the same without good old JR would it?  I know I would miss him.


JR get's bashed a little too much in my opinion but then again I don't always look for something to bitch at the WWF about.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The problem is that JR is better than anyone else right now.  What other options do we have?  Michael Cole?  Scott Hudson?  Kevin Kelly?  Tony Schiavone?

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Guest Homeless Kyle

A great commentator to add to your list would be Joey Styles, what about him, he would be great in the WWF, CZW has good announcers as well. They actually know what the moves are instead of just saying " he is using that inverted       (insert move here) again Damnit! for the longest time he called the lion tamer and inverted boston crab

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Guest Tony149

Styles turned down the WWF. He reportedly wanted more money than the WWF was offering.

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Guest dreamer420

Both Joey Styles and Cyrus in ECW were pretty good.  They always made a decent team and I'm sure if Cyrus hadn't been given that annoying Network gimmick it would have been even better.

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Guest netslob
JR is starting to get up there in years and he has lost a little over the years but Raw just wouldn't be the same without good old JR would it?


your right, it WOULDN'T be the same... but it may be BETTER.

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Guest dreamer420

How will it get better?  With Michael Cole as the Raw face announcer?  I seriously doubt that and with no one to replace JR in the WWF right now everyone might as well get used to the fact that he is the main guy.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think someone with JR's years of experience and backstage knowledge should be able to offer more than BAH GAWD to an occasion. Some interesting opinions or facts would add to a match much more.


He oversells the faces to a comic extent.

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Guest razazteca

True Good Ol JR gets excited whenever the Heels do something "illegal" but he works perfectly with The King.  And thats the only thing that matters, chemistry is everything.


It could be worst Michael Hayes or Coach could be the working with Jerry twice a week.


Too bad the ECW announcer crew don't work for the WWF

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

What's the big deal with Joey Styles? I think he sucks and my ears bleed anytime he screeches "OH MY GOD!"

Is it because he was in ECW? Is that what makes him good? I hate that f'n mentality. I see it everywhere. "He was in ECW so he rules!" People use this mentality with just about every wreslter that came out of ECW. Thinking they must be pushed to the moon because they were in ECW.


Sorry to all that like him because they think he's good. But to those that like him because he was in ECW....get off of it.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Some good things have come out of ECW.  The Radicalz, Jericho, Storm, for example.  I don't like Styles either.  Cyrus is ok, but Styles is even more annoying than JR.

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Guest X-Factor Corperation
Last night when Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Lita were attacking Billy Gunn ol JR didn't have a word to say about it...but when Chuck came in for the save JR yelled, "He wasn't the legal man! Dammit!"


And he didn't have a bad thing to say about Rocky when he attacked Hogan...but was all hate for the NWO when they returned the favor.


And he has a real short memory span on the people who have beaten him up in the past...he just can't get off of Austin or HHH's sack these days.

Yeah. I hate it when they do that.

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Guest razazteca



What is it that you do not like about Joey Styles?  Is it the fact that he calls every wrestling move?  Whats wrong with putting the wrestlers name in every move?  I can still hear it now:


Stevie Kick

Dreamer Driver

Dudley Death Drop

Reverse victory roll


OH MY gOD "I can't believe you made me pop on camera" Joey to Cryus at ECW PPV Anarchy Rules 99


Prof Mike Teney would be a good replacement for JR.

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Guest SmarkySmark

You were joking about Tenay right???  The most monotone announcer in wrestling!?  I can't stand Tenay.


Most people aren't saying they're good just because they came from ECW.  It's just that ECW had a lot of guys who put more effort into what they do than a lot of WWF wrestlers.  And when that talent gets to the wwf they get missused worse than a midcarder in the old WCW.


I agree that Joey Styles' OH MY GOD is annoying.  If Bobby Heenan didn't have throat cancer he'd be a shoe-in for heel commentator.  Lawler is a sad sad shell of his former self.  Lawler was better before the attitude era when he had to actually call a match instead of letting his dirty old man side out.  The chemistry between Lawler and Ross is practically gone.  Now it seems JR is carrying the commentary and trying to do his job while Lawler acts like a little kid.  


Damn that Kat, she wasn't that good looking, she didn't have that much skill, and because of her Lawler has digressed into a pathetic old man.

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Guest Some Guy

I think that JR is a fan of wrestling similar to the smarks.  He is phoning it in right now because he isn't liking the product.  He is just relying on his signature phrases to get through one shitty show after another.  When the product improves, so too will JR.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I think that JR is a fan of wrestling similar to the smarks."


i don't agree with this assessment. if he was a fan similar to us then we would see cruiser action. if he was like us, he wouldn't confuse jericho with benoit. if he was like us, him and king wouldn't have been so damn owen-like in their response to last weeks rock angle. jr is not like us. he's phoning it in because he has nothing original or creative to say and working with lawler doesn't help.

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Guest Tony149

JR uses a lot of is catch-phrases on Raw. Back in his NWA/WCW days, JR would call the action. He's still the best thing the WWF has though.

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Guest Redhawk

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The reason why all the alternatives to JR suck is because JR made it that way. That's the problem with having talent hiring talent, because it's a conflict of interest. Do you really think JR's going to hire any young, quality announcer when they may eventually take his job before he's ready? Hell no. The reason Cole and Coach are on TV is because JR hires these dipshits on purpose to protect his spot.

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Guest goodhelmet

redhawk, that makes perfect sense. it could also be applied to writers putting themselves on tv. they write around themselves.

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Guest Tony149

McMahon likes to hire announcers who have worked in the media. Maybe that's what JR does, but Vince has had a lot of shitty announcers in the WWF.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno I really just can't stand Styles. Especially with his "ECW rules and WWF/WCW sucks" cocky attitude. He sounded like a frickin ECW mark....I'm sure any ECW mark on this board could do the exact same thing he did. And that's why I don't like him.

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Guest razazteca

Can I be serious for a moment


the way I see it is that good ol JR is just like everybody else in the WWF, they became complacent.  It seems that they all are going through the motions without any emotion.


Here's the case for Mike Tenay....he basically made the Cruiserweight/Luchadore style fun to watch.  With his JR insight style interview of how Rey Jr and others were brought up and trained in Mexico.


Mike Tenay's moves:


Missile Drop Kick

Guilitine Leg Drop



Asai Moonsault


Please forgive Mike for trying to be a heel when he interview Big Poppa Pump.  Too much for tv my ............

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Guest Youth N Asia



I like Joey...and yes, I am a big time ECW mark. His whole thing with "ECW is #1 and everyone else sucks"...


What was Vince doing in 96?

What was WCW doing in 98-2001?


When you are not number 1 you have to sell yourself like you are number 1.


In 96 and 97 when WCW was kicking Vince's ass, Vince and the rest of the WWF ripped on WCW every chance they got...and WCW never replied.


In 1998 and till closing WCW ripped on WWF every chance they got...and the WWF never replied.


If you acknowledge the people ripping on you then you are only helping them by promoting their product...and it makes the people doing the ripping look "cutting edge"


Did that make any sense?


So Styles HAD to sell ECW as the #1 company...it's just the way things are done.


And he didn't always be a babyface play by play guy...he would call it more evenly then anyone else. The only time he would switch into full babyface mode is when the heel would do something completly drastic...like Dudley's breaking Beullah's neck...or Credible interupting the 10 bell salute for Tommy Dreamer's grandpa (GREAT STUFF!)


And Styles was perfect for ECW...ECW was the alternative wrestling show and that's how they sold their product.


And Styles did turn down the WWF because they money they were offering him did not equal up to the money he was already making with other businesses.


JR: Bad

Joey: Good

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