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Guest danielisthor

France sends troops to Ivory Coast

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Guest danielisthor





Nice to see that they were able to spare an extra 100 troops to reinforce the 600 they already have there. Must be hard to pull that many from all the important things the French military does all around the world.


Then again i guess i shouldn't bitch to much, they are actually doing something, however meager.

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Guest danielisthor


I didn't even know France had troops.

Probably reserves left over from WWII.

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Guest danielisthor

In all probability, they'll have a couple of shots fired at them by the rebel forces and they'll fold over like a tortilla and surrender.

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Guest danielisthor
Oh, be fair. You can't fault them for following their training.

That is true.


Actually if the Rebels form a military parade line and start goose stepping down the road, they might not even have to fire a shot.

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Guest Some Guy

Ever notice that the French flags easily folds into a white flag? Coincidence? I think not!

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Guest danielisthor
Ever notice that the French flags easily folds into a white flag? Coincidence? I think not!

never knew that, i shall have to check that out. thanks.

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Guest Some Guy



There you go, just fold in the sides and you're surrendering.


EDIT: Just looking at their flag makes me :throwup:


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Guest Kahran Ramsus

When was the last war in which the French didn't get stomped on? I was thinking the Crimean War, but then I remembered all the problems they had there as well. Napoleon rolled over Austria & Prussia, but when it came time for Russia he folded over like a cheap tent, and even he knew he couldn't stand a chance against Britain. Hell, he couldn't even take Portugal.


The American Revolution perhaps?

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Guest Cancer Marney

"I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them, oh, it's a bit cold, it's a bit cold..."

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Guest DrTom

That's why Hitler lost: he followed a French plan.


"Ive got a better idea, I've got a better idea... oh, it's the same idea, it's the same idea."

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Executive transvestites rule! Death or cake indeed.....


Of course, Hitler did kinda not follow through with the bombing of England (Why? I don't know.), but he did do that nice little counterfeit deal where he massed produced English pounds, seriously depreciating their value. Of course, then they just changed the pound. All that work gone to waste.....

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Guest Vern Gagne

Hey the French helped the U.S. beat the British


What have they done that last 225 years though.


Get whipped at Waterloo by Wellington.


Built the Maginot Line and get destroyed by the Blitzkreig and than have the U.S. and the other allies bail their asses out.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Ehh, I'm pretty hard on the French, but I usually don't really mean it. At least they took enough initiative to ban dwarf-tossing.


True, France isn't the military power that us, Britain, Russia, China, Germany, Israel, Pakistan, and India are, but they've got nuclear weapons at least. They don't need soldiers as long as they've got nukes, says I. Besides, France is only being kept in the prominence it is because of historical legacy of always being some kind of major player and culturally.


Unfortunately, culture alone doesn't mean you've got a great country.



French Ribber

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I think it's just that Americans are pretty much told all the time to never quit and always play to win, so when a country pretty much caves in and surrenders because they're wimps(our view), instead of surrendering before accepting more and more casualties in the face of an opponent it cannot defeat(my view), we think ill of that nation.



Always Looking at All Angles

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Guest danielisthor

I'm willing to bet that the 700 French troops that are there would have their asses handed to them by the 200+ special forces troops the US just sent over.

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The thing that always got me was the whole cowardly French thing.


While its true in WW2 that the French crumbled at the start of the attack, the longer it went on the stiffer the defense, it was hardly the mass capitulation that everyone thinks it was. The only reason the French stopped fighting was because of the loyalty to the Petain government.


The French citizens who did not agree with that formed the resistence and the Free French Army, hardly cowardly actions in my eyes.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Well, yeah. Special forces of any country could whip regulars. Their special forces could do it to us in that same proportion, believe it or not. European nations might not be as fearsome as they once were, but their special forces are still world class.



Wants to See British and American Special Forces Scrap

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