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Guest oldschoolwrestling

UnAmericans depush

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

The UnAmericans have some heat with Vince McMahon. As we reported last week, there was some concern about getting too much heat at MSG and then an issue with their hair length.


In addition to the hair, Vince actually wanted Test, Christian and Storm all to look the same from head to toe, including hair, tights and style.


Also, Test has some heat for getting electize cosmetic surgery on his pecs at a time during a big push.


Finally, there is talk that the UnAmericans don't wrestle enough as heels, getting in too much offense and only using punches and kicks.


It is said that William Regal was put with the group to be the group's leader, and as a way to depush them all a bit by lowering their status. There is no talk of breaking them up at this point.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest HartFan86

That's what you get for not doing what Vince wants you to do. What's the deal with the hair? I'd cut my hair in a second if Vince told me he wanted it a certain way.

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Guest AndrewTS
The UnAmericans have some heat with Vince McMahon. As we reported last week, there was some concern about getting too much heat at MSG and then an issue with their hair length.


In addition to the hair, Vince actually wanted Test, Christian and Storm all to look the same from head to toe, including hair, tights and style.


Also, Test has some heat for getting electize cosmetic surgery on his pecs at a time during a big push.


Finally, there is talk that the UnAmericans don't wrestle enough as heels, getting in too much offense and only using punches and kicks.


It is said that William Regal was put with the group to be the group's leader, and as a way to depush them all a bit by lowering their status. There is no talk of breaking them up at this point.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Too much offense? Bullshit. But too much punching and kicking definitely. And Storm should not be punching. EVER!


Why is it that when he's gotten the most airtime in his WWE career so far Storm is wrestling his worst. Blech...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Everyone knows what I think of the UnAmericans gimmick at this point so I think I'll just say "Oh thank God" and move on.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
In addition to the hair, Vince actually wanted Test, Christian and Storm all to look the same from head to toe, including hair, tights and style.

OK, a reasonable request.


Also, Test has some heat for getting electize cosmetic surgery on his pecs at a time during a big push.

So did Rock. And I wouldn't call it a "big push" when they looked pretty weak the whole time, not to mention Kane beating both Storm & Christian.


Finally, there is talk that the UnAmericans don't wrestle enough as heels, getting in too much offense and only using punches and kicks

Hell, the entire ME uses only punches & kicks! And isn't it job of the heels to control the offense to build sympathy for the face?

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Guest BionicRedneck
And isn't it job of the heels to control the offense to build sympathy for the face?


Yup, that's what I thought.


I can understand Vinnie wanting the UnAmericans to wear the same colours etc. but I don't see why they needed their haircutting.

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Guest Brian

I've come to care less for the three original member over the course of the last year, and Regal's not lighting things up.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, For Christ sakes. Regal is the only one KIND OF over, Test has been terrible, Regal has been boring, and Lance and Christian are quite possibly the most "blah" tag team champions I have ever seen. And you are COMPLAINING that they are being depushed? This angle is bombing.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I agree, Test is the fucking pits.


Storm/Christian are an OK team but they have been booked terribly. They are OK for WWF/E Tag Champs, I mean, they are miles better than Goodfather/Bull etc.

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Guest Anglesault
Storm/Christian are an OK team but they have been booked terribly. They are OK for WWF/E Tag Champs, I mean, they are miles better than Goodfather/Bull etc.

Before the tag match with Bubba and Spike, I'd never actually seen a team work my three least favorite spots in tag wrestling into one match.


The boring sequence leading to a false tag and then continue with an even more boring sequence.


The Ultra contrived "Get whipped into eachother in the corner"


And this is big in a Dudleyz match: One team has been sent outside, so the other team (The Dudleyz) start standing there and whatnot, so one guy from the other team (Strom) runs in and gets ABSOLUTELY nothing done. UGH

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Guest Goodear
You know how to get the UnAmericans over?


Put Trish with them. >=D

That would be getting the Unamericans a whole bunch of "Puppies" chants. It didn't work for Jeff Jarrett, it won't work for guys with even less charisma.


And I don't get RAW but from all reports, Lance and Christian have been dull as dirt as a tag team. A whole lot of bumping and weak ass brawling. Tell me again that Christian was the better wrestler of the E & C Connection?

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Guest Anglesault
Tell me again that Christian was the better wrestler of the E & C Connection?

He is. By far.



That would be getting the Unamericans a whole bunch of "Puppies" chants


And then someone will think Test is over.

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Christian has showed me in other matches that his skills, transition work, and ability to put together a match are somewhat above Edge.....in my opinion. Because he's being misused doesn't make him less talented.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Alot of people hate Edge, but he is better in the ring. Christian has never had a memorable singles match that I can recall. Christian matches are all the same (shitty pacing) with tons of restholds. He is however miles better on the mic.

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Guest Anglesault
Alot of people hate Edge, but he is better in the ring. Christian has never had a memorable singles match that I can recall. Christian matches are all the same (shitty pacing) with tons of restholds. He is however miles better on the mic.

Christian also hasn't been cleverly moved from one awesome worker to the next. After Edge destroyed his credibilty, Christian's motivation went down the hopper.



Christian has showed me in other matches that his skills, transition work, and ability to put together a match are somewhat above Edge..


And the mic skills. Not even in the same league.

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Are you sure......a lot of people are fawning over Christian vs. DDP from X8. Plus other than his matches with Edge and DDP what other singles matches has Christian had since E&C broke up? They haven't used him much.


I've just always found Christian's matches to flow better.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Christian is not that much 'better' than Edge is. His moveset is just as dull (or worse. Edge's Spear has nada on Christian's "every move from a reverse headlock position" bit) , and I never thought his mic skills were any more "stellar" than Edge's were.


That said..


They did NOTHING with the Canadians, except have them beaten up week after week, and look like they could never win without the help of Test. They were always made to be someone else's bitches..(Rikishi, then the Dudleys, Kane, Bradshaw..etc).


Can't the WWE think of a way to make guys heels without having them burn a flag? THEY are the morons here for this. Hell, I wouldn't want to do that either..not that close to Sept. 11. They should full well know that some of their fans are blatantly..well..fucking idiots, and would rush the ring if something like that happened.


It's not Storm/Christian's fault. They were given crap material to work with, and nothing better than "We hate America". In storyline terms, should they have to like the US? No. They're Canadian, obviously.


..and Ross' constant "Well get the hell out!" comments during their matches, putting them over as cowards, and downing them constantly didn't help their reputation at all.


I also -hate- the stupid tag spots that make the heels look like morons (incidental kick/punch, irish whipped into each other..etc)..and the fact they had the Canadians do them every match..ugh.

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Guest Anglesault
, and I never thought his mic skills were any more "stellar" than Edge's were.

Find Christian's "I get no respect" promo Then listen to Edge's "You wet the bed" response. Is that enough?


Find Christian's heel turn promo. Compare it to Edge's "Ha Ha, you're a DORK!" run with Angle.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Eh. I chalk that up to stupid writing, not necessarily promo ability.


As an example..Rocky had some seriously bad stuff in his promos recently, but that dosen't lessen his ability any. It's a bad promo.


Christian also seems to come off very whiny, every time he speaks since he's turned heel last summer. May be the character..but it gets as dull as Edge's constant "DORK!".

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Guest Anglesault
Christian also seems to come off very whiny, every time he speaks since he's turned heel last summer. May be the character..but it gets as dull as Edge's constant "DORK!".

Another great promo Edge killed: Regal's "Gamble with the Devil."


It gets to the point where you have to eventually realize, he sucks on the mic.


And Christian, as whiney as he is, ALWAYS gets some kind of point across. Edge just rambles and makes fun of his oponent.


I don't think Edge can cut any kind of a serious babyface promo. (Even his injury promo just came off as...insincere. I was waiting for him to rip the sling off.) Now, that wouldn't be as bad if his comedy promos were at all funny.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Edge never cuts a serious promo even when he is involved in a serious feud. For example: the Regal feud where Edge had broke his nose etc. but still treated it as a joke.

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Guest Angle-plex

If the Un-Americans are getting depushed, then I predict that Test will be moved out of the group in the near future.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He wanted them to all look the same and use the same style?


Someone forgot to tell Vince that Test is twice as big and 1000 times shittier than the other two.




Too much offense? I thought heels were supposed to dictate matches

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Guest Goodear
Tell me again that Christian was the better wrestler of the E & C Connection?

He is. By far.


Yeah, well excuse me while I take your Brock Lesnar "If I haven't seen it, it doesn't exist defense." Christian has yet to have a decent singles match or a truly memorable tag match with Storm. Edge has good matches all the time, ergo, Edge is the better worker.


And yeah, Edge has been facing better workers (although Christian hasn't done anything really good when against Booker or Goldust, who don't suck) but Edge has also had to team with Hogan and Rikishi, and has still been able to have good matches by playing face in peril.

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Guest Trivia247

THe UnAmericans might have gotten more heel heat if they had Tiger Ali in their group and he wasn't suing the WWE currently.

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Guest the pinjockey
And yeah, Edge has been facing better workers (although Christian hasn't done anything really good when against Booker or Goldust, who don't suck)

So are you actually comparing Kurt Angle and Eddy Guerrero two of the three best workers in NA to Booker T who has not been stellar in a while and Golddust.


I don't know in-ring wise. I used to be a big Christian backer but he has worked with nothing in a while so I will rank them about even. Christian still owns on the mic though. But Edge wins where it really counts. He has 4-6 inches on Christian that is why Edge is "the future of SD and the future is now".

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Guest Goodear
He wanted them to all look the same and use the same style?


Too much offense?  I thought heels were supposed to dictate matches

Woah there BPS, where did it say that The Unamericans should all wrestle alike?


In addition to the hair, Vince actually wanted Test, Christian and Storm all to look the same from head to toe, including hair, tights and style.


I don't think style in this context = wrestling style. More like, "all look like bikers/The Nation of Islam/Four Horsemen" kind of style. And that's a good freaking idea. Instead of them giving the appearence that they'll all be broken up in a week, that will make The UnAmericans look like an actual unit that would be around for a period of time.


As far as the offense thing...


Finally, there is talk that the UnAmericans don't wrestle enough as heels, getting in too much offense and only using punches and kicks.


Equates to them atually wrestling more and adopting the WWE punchy- kicky style less. This is a bad thing since when? Maybe if Lance and Christian actually wrestled more often, they'd look better than ... whatever they look like now.

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Guest the pinjockey

How are Storm and Christian supposed to wrestle though. They have been facing Booker T, Golddust, Kane and Bradshaw for much of their stretch Booker has not been anything special in the ring lately, Golddust is decent sometimes, and I seriously doubt that Kane or Bradshaw would sell anything if Storm tried to use wrestling holds on them.

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