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Guest starvenger

The Tuesday Comics and Comic-Related TV/Movies New

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Guest starvenger

I'm short on time this week, so I'll make this brief...


WTF?! of the week: A skateboard? You brought a fucking skateboard to an island, knowing full well that you're gonna get dumped on a beach?


Song of the Week: "Sometimes Wanna Die" by Joydrop. Because work is piling up and I'm getting frustrated by it.




- Superman: The 10 cent Adventure is a go, featuring work from writer Steven T. Seagle, penciler Scott McDaniel and inker Andy Owens.

- And speaking of Superman, one of the comics, The Man of Steel, is getting cancelled. I'm just as thrilled as you are. (Newsarama)

- ...and if you're thinking of writing a letter to the other Superman titles to complain about the cancellation, fuhgedaboudit. DC is getting rid of their letters pages, since they're getting high traffic on their message boards. Oh and EVERYONE has internet access. (Newsarama)



- Newsarama has information on a Marvel press conference about their miniseries The Truth.

- X-Men Unlimited #39 will feature a short story from Chris Claremont and Paul Smith which features Storm's transformation from wind rider to mohawked wind rider. Yes, 8-12 pages about a woman shaving herself bald. (Newsarama)



- CrossGen is starting a "Key Issue Program", where apparently the Key Issue for a title "will contain a complete story that fits into the current longer-term storyline, but with certain key elements and characters featured in such a way that new readers can come on-board easily without having to have read any previous issue of that title." Good idea, but I still really don't give a shit about CrossGen. (Newsarama)



- CHUD has some tidbits about a possible Wonder Twins movie


- Chicken Run writer Karey Kirkpatrick has been tapped to continue Douglas Adams' work in adapting The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy to the big screen (MPS/Hollywood Reporter)


- In case you somehow missed it in movies, Ain't it Cool News got their hands on a script for the new Superman Trilogy. I don't recommend that site (quote from JJ Abrams' agent "I tried reading the AICN analysis but couldn't get through it. Don't know what he's talking about."), but DO check out Coming Attractions for the full story (with links to various articles) on the saga of the Superman movie. (CHUD/Coming Attractions)


Places I normally get this shit from: C.H.U.D., Comics Continuum, Dark Horizons, IGN Filmforce, Movie Poop Shoot, Newsarama, Pulse, theForce.net


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Movie Poop Shoot's Title Bout appears every Wednesday.

CHUD hosts Sean Fahey's Weekly Comics Transmission

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Guest gthureson

Is the Superman 10cent Adventure part of the lead in to the big Fall of Luthor storyline I've heard talk of?


And someone, anyone, please tell me that this will *not* be a crossover with Batman....I do not want another long crossover in my Batman books, especially a x-over that goes into Superman books as well, which I have no intention of buying on a regular basis.


(Nothing personal to Superman fans, I just don't dig the big blue guy.)

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Guest starvenger

It's gonna be a lead in issue, but I couldn't tell you to what. I really don't care about what's happening in Superman - he's always seemed a bit too bland to me.

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