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Guest Shaved Bear

worse writer


30 members have voted

  1. 1. worse writer

    • Stephanic McMahon
    • Vince Russo

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Guest Shaved Bear

i mean one puts herself on tv to view some class-Q acting, and the other put he Fat Chick Thriller, and GI Bro on tv

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I have to go with Russo.  Although Stephanie is horrible, and her storylines don't make since, Russo was downright offensive.

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Guest HellSpawn


I love Steph, but she and her booking team, because you know, Heyman is booking too, sometime had a good idea.

The only Russo Idea I like, was nWo with Hart as World champ, JJJ as US champ and Outsiders as Tag champs.

C'mon, go an check WWF 1999 and WCW late 1999 tape reviews and see what kind of crap he wrote, and now look what Steph booked.

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Guest Tony149

I voted for Stephanie. At least Russo gave midcarders characters, angles and had balls to tell Vince McMahon something sucked. Steph may be good looking, but she's getting a free ride on her last name.

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Guest razazteca

I just don't want either on my tv ever again.


Old guys vs New Blood


Natural Born Thrillas

stupid sex jokes

celebrity champs.....David Arquette

a different angle every week leading up to a boring 5 minute match that still leaves loose ends

shoot interviews and inside jokes leading up to a PPV

Finger Poke of DOOM

Jeff Jarrets push


I just dislike them all

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Guest Tony149

You got the FINGERPOKE OF DOOM~! wrong. That happened when Bischoff was in charge of WCW.

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Guest Risk

Come on..at least Russo knew what a "shoot" meant.  IMO Bischoff and Stephanie are FAR below Russo.  I'm still going for the theory that McMahon sent Russo to destroy WCW.  I like shoot angles, so I liked SOME of Russo's stuff.  If Taylor could have controlled his ideas and mixed them with wrestling he could have been great.  


Plus, it is not like WCW could have been saved by anyone at that time, Time Warner hurt WCW more than Russo.  He AT LEAST respected our intelligence MORE than the WWF currently does.

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Guest Rabies

It depends on what you're comparing. Russo when he was writing for the WWF? WCW? or just in general? If you're comparing when he was working for VKM, then Steph is worse by a f'n longshot. Imagine if Steph had complete control. That would be the end of the world. In fact, they are not in the same league. Nepotism sucks, Bro.

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Guest Some Guy

I webt with Steph because Russo was successful for 3 years and Steph hasn't been successful yet.  Russo's booking was successful yet counter productive in the long run and Steph's is just counter productive.  Steph's writing to me seems to be a hybred of Russo, Bischoff, Vince, and Heyman's bad side.  Burying people because of who they used to work for, aborting angles left and right, hot shoting, bait and switch, pushing the wrong people ot the top.  

What I want to know is who was booking from RR 2000 to Summerslam 2000 and can we have them back? Please.  With the exception of KOTR, that 8 month period was a perfect mix of Sports Entertainment and in ring work.  And you know what?  It drew money, ratings, and buyrates.  I know Benoit, Eddy, and others who were around to keep up the workrate in 2000 are gone currently, but right now but they have enough talent to balance the scales again.  And for whatever reason they refuse too.

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Guest goodhelmet

i hate russo's booking but he actually paid attention to the midcard. steph is writing a man's show and has no business in the WWF arena except for giving it up to HHH.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
I webt with Steph because Russo was successful for 3 years and Steph hasn't been successful yet.  Russo's booking was successful yet counter productive in the long run and Steph's is just counter productive.  Steph's writing to me seems to be a hybred of Russo, Bischoff, Vince, and Heyman's bad side.  Burying people because of who they used to work for, aborting angles left and right, hot shoting, bait and switch, pushing the wrong people ot the top.  

What I want to know is who was booking from RR 2000 to Summerslam 2000 and can we have them back? Please.  With the exception of KOTR, that 8 month period was a perfect mix of Sports Entertainment and in ring work.  And you know what?  It drew money, ratings, and buyrates.  I know Benoit, Eddy, and others who were around to keep up the workrate in 2000 are gone currently, but right now but they have enough talent to balance the scales again.  And for whatever reason they refuse too.

I webt with Steph because Russo was successful for 3 years and Steph hasn't been successful yet.  Russo's booking was successful yet counter productive in the long run and Steph's is just counter productive.  Steph's writing to me seems to be a hybred of Russo, Bischoff, Vince, and Heyman's bad side.  Burying people because of who they used to work for, aborting angles left and right, hot shoting, bait and switch, pushing the wrong people ot the top.  

What I want to know is who was booking from RR 2000 to Summerslam 2000 and can we have them back? Please.  With the exception of KOTR, that 8 month period was a perfect mix of Sports Entertainment and in ring work.  And you know what?  It drew money, ratings, and buyrates.  I know Benoit, Eddy, and others who were around to keep up the workrate in 2000 are gone currently, but right now but they have enough talent to balance the scales again.  And for whatever reason they refuse too.


I have to go with Steph too.


Is it just me or did Steph know about the Scott Levy/Vince McMahon "not seeing eye-to-eye" incident in early 1995 and when Raven was on WWF TV, he was being made to look weak most of the time and stayed in the low mid-card area because he used to be a top star in ECW in his first stint and that the McMahons are jealous of that success?


Aborting angles left and right is what the WWF creative team seems to be good at doing.  Some potentially good feuds have been dropped by Steph as well.  You also have the fact that once a heel or heel stable makes a big impact in the WWF, they lose their flare in a few weeks because of not being made to look like a threat like they were before.  EX: "Psycho" Christian to "Crybaby" Christian, in which he went on a losing streak and "threw temper tantrums" during his matches and lost because of them.  This shows how much continuity the WWF REALLY has with certain things. *sarcasm*


On Raw, I thought we were going to see Jericho show the video of him beating HHH for the WWF title(the match that saw him hold the belt for five minutes) to prove that he has beaten him and add more to the feud.  Instead, we had so many dick and breast jokes in the whole promo and it was a letdown.  Then again, whenever Steph's in any promo, you have to know it's going to somehow suck.


Steph is just that awful at booking.

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Guest goodhelmet

""Psycho" Christian to "Crybaby" Christian, in which he went on a losing streak and "threw temper tantrums" during his matches and lost because of them. "


dude, that's how good the WWF is at killing off a person's heat. Right after his new music (Now you're on your own!!!!) he joins the Alliance?!?! WTF! And this is only one example.


They show positive page vignettes for weeks only to get killed by Big Show and Kane? Why waste our time?


What was the point of the whole Booker-Austin supermarket fiasco? Where's the payoff?


Let me re-emphasize this point: Steph SUCKS!!!!!

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Guest Tony149

I think the WWF had some guy (From Hollywood) booking the WWF from Jan.-Aug. 2000. Steph took over in Sep. 2000.

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Guest areacode212
i hate russo's booking but he actually paid attention to the midcard. steph is writing a man's show and has no business in the WWF arena except for giving it up to HHH.

As I understand it, the majority of the writing is done by males. Steph is just a "head writer" in title only, for the most part.


Anyway, I'm voting for Russo, just because his stuff, though successful and occassionally entertaining, has done a lot to hurt the business. All of his insanely frequent title changes have made the title belts practically worthless. And don't get me started on the way he introduced the "invisible camera" backstage segments. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT.

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Guest goodhelmet

i can see your point about Russo completely areacode but if Steph has any control of the skits and the product and doesn't realize it sucks then she should be released. For every segment that captures our imagination or is entertaining, there are thirty that are flat out stupid. Russo is the same way but he's gone and Steph gets the heat right now.

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Guest Tony149

I guarntee you, if Stephanie's last name wasn't McMahon...she would of be released long ago. At least Russo understood he was writing for a mostly male crowd.

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Guest Sakura

Do we really know if Steph is in charge and which angles she's come up with? I've read Heyman and that Geweritz guy have a lot of say, but I've yet to see anyone bash Heyman.



The poll is obvious. The current team sucks most of the time, but it's nothing compared to Ru. David Arquette as World Champ for christs sake!


steph is writing a man's show and has no business in the WWF arena except for giving it up to HHH.


That's just sexist. Shame on you.

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Guest Tony149
Do we really know if Steph is in charge and which angles she's come up with?

Dave Meltzer and 1wrestling have said Steph was the "Head TV writer" with Vince having final say. Hell, Stephanie herself said she was "The Director of TV writing" on an entertainment news show.

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Guest whatever

Stephanie, while Russo would bust out some cool stuff, stephanie just keeps it at a medium pace.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd question how much say that Heyman has at this point.


He was able to create interesting storylines around Tommy Freakin Dreamer.


And yet they can't come up with 2 good ideas for Hogan, Hall and Nash...

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Guest Tony149

I'm pretty sure the WWF writing team is Steph, Heyman, Gertwiz (Sp?), Pat Patterson & HHH probably join in once and a while.

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Guest Brian

The writing team is more likely Vince and those five supporting writers. I'd question how much say Steph, HHH, and Heyman actually have at this point.

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Guest areacode212

Supposedly, Heyman does have a good deal of input. J.R. also has a say. And FYI, it's spelled "Gewirtz" (at least his father's network ID is spelled that way)

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Guest reekazoid

I'm probably wrong, but I think it was Vince and Shane and some pro writer guy that did the Royal Rumble 2000 to SummerSlam 2000 booking run.

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