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Guest Creepy Crawl

I got a cable modem now what ?

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Guest Creepy Crawl

Well I finally made in to the high speed world of internet service and got me a cable modem . Now that I have it what are some things that I can do with it that I couldnt do with my old 56K ? I know that I can download stuff a hell of a lot faster but I dont really know of any good sites to go to for the good stuff like games and cool programs and such . Any suggestions , or does anyone have any links that you might could share with me to help me get started on my new and improved internet capabilities ? Thanks for ya'lls help on this it is very much appreciated .



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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Dude, I would just plain be happy that sites load up 50 million times faster.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

What Rant said.


Oh, and download material from the following people: Kylie Minogue, Sophie Ellis Bextor, John Digweed, Ministry of Sound, Clinic, The Avalanches, Daft Punk, Modjo, Playgroup, Polaris, Louie DeVito, Gigi D'Agostino, Dance Dance Revolution, any and all Dixieland Jazz groups, Big Band/Swing groups, any New Wave early 80s stuff, the music from Akira, Azar Habib, Utada Hikaru, and N-Trance.


I left off anything I figured you already had(Radiohead, for example), as well as rap music, which I wasn't sure if you were a fan of or not, but assumed you weren't since you seem to be one of these rock people.


If you want an idea of individual songs to get from anyone I listed, just ask!


Fo sheez,


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Guest eiker_ir

your next step is clearly porn, lots of porn


i say download Kazaa Lite for music and misc stuff


and download Hotline for 'rassling goodness




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Guest treble charged

I'm hating the 1 gig cap used by my provider. I'm sure I've already gone over, as I used up about half of it on the first night after I got the high speed stuff set up.


So, basically, I have a fast internet connection, but can't use it to it's full potential.

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Guest The Electrifyer

You can get full games off Kazaa. The games off Kazaa are usually quick to get, but they are the "cheepened" version, cuz they usually leave out cut-scenes and game intros to save space.


If you want a completely FULL game, I recommend mIRC, where you download CD images of the full games, but this takes a very long time to finish a download.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I'm hating the 1 gig cap used by my provider.

Yea I have a one-gig-a-day bandwidth limit here at the University too. Although seeing as how the IRC server disconnects me before those damn XDCC bots can send me the "Dazed and Confused" DivX I'd been waiting in the queue for 3 hours for, I guess its not that big of a problem yet. I'd love to get hooked up with some FTPs... I'm thinking of trying Hotline next, then maybe I could rip some of my b-movie ish and spread that around as well.

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Guest treble charged

Where can you download Hotline from? I'm interested in trying it out.



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