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Guest NitroJMS

Anyone think Steph and HHH are in cahoots?

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Guest NitroJMS

I've just been thinking lately.  HHH hasn't really been the game since his return.  No mind games, no swerves, no nothing.  I just have an odd feeling that they are gonna do one of those "classic" McMahon screwjobs at WrestleMania where Steph has just been playing Jericho for the fool this whole time and we'll see her help her estranged husband win the belt.  I know it wouldn't be beyond Steph to do an angle like this.


What do you guys think?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If they were going to do a double turn...Canada would be the place to do it.

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Guest Tony149

Canada would be a good place to do it, but it would make no sense. Then again, this is wrestling.

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Guest Rabies

Yeah, Nitro, that was the first thing that popped into my head from the moment Jericho and Steph formed an alliance. A double-turn doesn't seem so bad if you think about it. Jericho isn't monsterly over as a heel that much. He gets a few boos here and there but nothing to the extreme or anything compared to HHH back in '99-01. And HHH does get descent, but everyone knows he best as a heel naturally. Austin and Rock are the two babyfaces that really carry the company. I believe the fans will give HHH much more heel heat if he does turn at WM.


Just a theory. But again, IN THEORY, communism works.

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Guest goodhelmet

i wouldn't doubt it but I think it depends on when and if the split occurs. If they hold off the split, he'll probably stay face. If the split occurs soon, then we will all be caught up in a swerve that noone wants to see. Face it. If they reunite, she will never leave our tv screen. What a camera whore!

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Guest Some Guy

"HHH hasn't really been the game since his return.  No mind games, no swerves, no nothing"


WWF has a tendecy to water down thier wrestlers after a face turn.  They did it with Austin in 98, Rock in 99-00, and now with HHH.  

As far as a big swerve with HHH and Steph, I really hope not.  The fans would shit on it and Jericho would be left completly out of the picture.

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Guest LooseCannon

I have mixed feelings about a HHH heel turn.  While he plays a much better heel than face, there are too many heels already, and I think it would be a case of turning a guy back and forth too quickly.


The fact that they aren't going in the direction of Jericho and Steph being romantically involved or whatever, leaves the option open that its a set-up.  If Jericho and Steph do have some sort of trsyt, I would find it very hard to believe that HHH would let Jericho sleep with his wife, just to pull off the swerve and get the title at Wrestlemania.

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Guest Ripper

I have been thinking it would happen since they "broke up".  I was expecting her to turn on Angle and give HHH the win at No Way Out....Now I am expecting her to do the turn on Jerhico.....

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Guest joshicho

I know this sounds a bit strange but I really think that there should not be any turns at all for at least the next 6 months. I know people turn to become fresher but there was too many turns in 2001 that turning has become devalued (Angle being no1 face and hated rival of Austin then going back to tag with him like 3 months later. That's just dumb). Instead they should concentrate on developing strong characters so when a turn DOES happen, it will be effective.

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Guest Ripper

Man, that Angle turn made so much sence......they just didn't go into detail.  I mean think about it....from day one of the Invasion angle was all "I'll fight em off Vince...you can count on me!"  And Vince ignored him and tried to make Austin the leader.  Then Angle was like "Told you he wasn't a leader but i'll get him back" and vince was like whatever, I need the Rock.  Then Angle gets in the fued with Austin....he get piledrove on concrete and no WWF guy helped him... He had the match against Austin and the Alliance ran in....no WWF guys helped him. During his match against RVD for Austin to get the rematch, the WHOLE DAMN ALLIANCE ran in and still...no help from the WWF guys and he lost the match.  Right about then....I would have been pissed too.  It made sense if you looked at all the backstage stuff and little things that had gone on during the austin angle fued.

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Guest hunger4unger

I am 100 % convinced that HHH will come out of Mania heel. I'm not sure if it would be wise to have Jericho work face again though, I think it would hurt his character if he changed again. I think that if the company run two promotions (as apparently planned) the WWF and WCW title belts will have to be seperated. Perhaps this will happen somehow with HHH winning the WCW title and Jericho retaining the WWF title at Mania...

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Guest mR. x Da SpOoKy SeCrEt MaN

iT iS A SwErVe!!!!


JeRiCho Is WiTh StEpHaNiE To GeT tO LinDa, WhO HhH iS noW AfTeR!!!


ThIs LeAds To A TaG MaIn EvEnT At BaCklAsH fOr ThE WwF TitLe, Y2j & LinDa vs. VinCe n B000000bIeS wHeRe Boooobies PiNs JeRiChO aFtEr LinDa TurNs CaUsE StEph HelD DoWn ThE InvAsIoN aNd It WaS All A SwErVe!!!

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Mr X's booking actually makes more sense than a HHH heel turn at WM. He is a terrible face but if they turn him now it makes the last 2 months of storylines pointless and the Jericho push will be over, and only really stupid writers would do that.



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Guest Brian

That would be awesome if Steph turned with HHH but Jericho still retained, becoming a face. Of course it's still too short in Jericho's heel run, but that would be great.

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Guest Loss4Words

If they're smart, Jericho v HHH plays out over the course of the year. The Steph swerve would be a suitable ending to the feud, but it's too early in the feud. I just hope they do more in the next two weeks to put just as much heat on HHH v JERICHO as they have HHH v STEPH.  Jericho needs to get at least one beatdown in on HHH going into Mania, preferably more, but HHH squashes him every time they have a confrontation. Maybe it's leading to Jericho retaining, I dunno, but I'm tired of the parity approach to booking since no one is exactly benefitting from it.

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Guest dreamer420

HHH and Stephanie's relationship is over as far as the storylines are concerned I think.  Jericho is finally doing something different and good with his character and I like Stephanie teaming with him.  I think Jericho and Steph should stick together, well past Wrestlemania and let HHH stay as a face and fight the nWo after they screw him out of the title at WM.

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