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Guest RevEvil

WWF attitude adustment

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Guest RevEvil

WM XIV- this card is unchanged except that Kane beat Taker


Raw 3-30-98


Vince presents Austin with the new WWF belt. He tries to get Austin to do things the easy way and gets the stunner


LOD2K {with Sunny} d. Los Boricuas [Jesus y Jose] when Hawk pins Jesus


Vince has Austin arrested


Chainz d. Kurrigan {Jackyl}


JJ {Tennesee Lee} d. Aguila


Blackman attacks Jeff afterwards


Vince {Slaughter and Brisco} explains that he gave Austin a cooling off period


Rock praises Faarooq and says that the NOD will be stronger than ever after tonight


Shamrock and Blackman d. Faarooq and Rock. Shamrock pins Faarooq after Rock deserts his partner


Rock and Faarooq fight, then the nation turns on the latter


DX fires HBK, hires Sean Waltman who shoots on his former employers


Taka d. Mero by dq after Kaientai [Funaki and Togo] attacks Taka


Luna challenges Sable to an evening gown match. Mero forbids his wife from accepting the challenge


New Midnight Express d. Headbangers for the NWA tag titles with Dan Severn's help. Bart pins Thrasher.


Austin promises to be at Raw next week


Paul Bearer {Kane} brags about defeating the taker. He says that Kane's not finished. Then the lights go out, as Taker's voice is heard promising payback


New Age Outlaws d. C Jack and C Charlie for the held-up tag titles in a cage with DX assistance. Road Dogg pins C Jack. The Outlaws join DX



Raw 4-6-98


Vince says that he has made Austin a corporate champ


Severn d. Flash Funk


DX causes trouble backstage


Blackman d. Brian Christopher


Jarrett smacks Steve with a guitar


DX pisses on DOA's bikes


Cactus Jack quits due to fan apathy


The nation attacks Faarooq as he arrives earlier today


Owen Hart d. IC champ Rock by dq when Chyna nails Owen with a bat


Vince brings out a corporate Austin, who reveals that he had lied to the boss


DOA challenges DX


Luna {TafkaGoldust} d. Matt Knowles


Mero throws out Sable


Shamrock d. Mero by dq when the nation runs in


Taker challenges Kane to a casket match and promises that we won't see a repeat of the rumble match


DX d. DOA. HHH pins Chainz. LOD2K saves him from a beating



Raw 4-13-98


Austin gives Vince a title shot


Brisco & Patterson try to get Vince to accept, while Shane doesn't


Terry Funk lashes out at Jack for quitting, and introduces 2 Cold Scorpio as his partner


Funk and Scopio d. the Quebeccers, when Scorpio pins Jacques


Vince accepts


LHW champ Taka d. Aguila


Kaientai attacks Taka and Aguila when he tries to help


Double J {Tennesee Lee} d. Chainz


Faarooq challenges the nation to a match at unforgiven, and brings out Blackman and Shamrock as his partners


Luna calls out Sable, gets Sabledust, real sable comes out and catfight ensues


New Midnight Express {Cornette and Severn} d. Shamrock and Blackman when Bob pinned Blackman, who was distracted by Jarrett


Owen Hart {LOD2k} d. Billy Gunn {DX}


WWF champ SCSA vs. Vince is interrupted by Dude Love, who attacks both participants



Raw 4-20


Dude Love hosts the "Love Shack". Vince comes out & fines the Dude for interfering in his business. Dude says he came to the ring last week to bring peace, but was sneak-attacked by Austin. He'll give Austin a chance to back out of a match with him tonight.


Faarooq d. Kama in a street fight


DX sprays the crowd with squirtguns until Owen and LoD fight them


Severn {Cornette} d. Mosh {Trasher}


Taker comes out and Chokeslams the headbangers, while Severn and Cornette escape through the crowd. UT wants an answer from Kane about the match at the ppv. Kane and Bearer come out, and Paul gives a long boring speech that basically accepts. Then the brothers brawl but Bearer breaks it up by pulling Kane away


Dick Togo { Funaki} d. Aguila {Taka} via Funaki cheating


SCSA promises to do bad things to Vince and Dude


Funk & Scorpio d. New Midnight Express {Severn and Cornette} by dq after the beast destroys 2 cold


Luna badmouths Sable


Bradshaw d. TafkaGoldust


HHH & Outlaws {Chyna and X-pac} d. Owen & LOD {Sunny} when Gunn pins Animal


Sable responds to Luna


Dude Love d. Blackman via the timekeeper's ringing of the bell. Blackman attacks the timekeeper, while Austin attacks Vince. Dude Love saves the boss, but the stooges get stunnered.



Unforgiven 4-26-98


Funaki and Dick Togo d. Taka and Aguila when Men's Teioh debuted, allowing Funaki to pin Taka


Faarooq, Shamrock, & Blackman d. Rock, D-lo, & Henry when Faarooq pinned Rocky


Owen Hart d. European Champ HHH {with Chyna in a cage} when Hart hits Hunter with a fire extinguisher that X-pac brought into the ring


NWA tag champs New Midnight Express {Cornette} d. Funk U [Terry Funk and Scorpio] when Bob Holly pinned Funk


Luna d. Sable to win evening-gown match when Mero distracted Sable


Tag champs New Age Outlaws d. LOD2000 {Sunny} when Road Dogg pinned Animal


Undertaker d. Kane {Paul Bearer} in a casket match with a little help from Vader


Dude Love d. WWF champ Steve Austin by dq, when Steve stunners Vince



Raw 4-27-98


DX showed up at the Nitro tapings earlier today, declaring war on WCW


Shamrock is ambushed by the nation, forcing him out of action


Funk U d. Headbangers when Sorpio pinned Trasher


On the Love Shack, Dude Love badmouths Austin for keeping the belt in a cowardly fashion


Double J {Tennesee Lee} d. Pantera. Afterwards he complains about not being on the ppv


Vince makes Austin defend the title against TafkaGoldust with Brisco as the ref.


Rock promises that a certain long-haired white wrestler that you could call "Shawn M" will join the nation


IC champ Rock {Mark Henry} d. Bradshaw. Afterwards, Faarooq and Blackman fight the nation


Dude Love is unhappy about Tafkag getting a title shot, and tells Vince not to screw him


HHH calls Owen a cheater and plans to get his title back.


DOA {Chainz, Sunny & LOD} d. NAO {DX} when the twins switch behind Billy's back


Taker d. Windam {Cornette}


kane and Bearer come out and let him know that this feud isn't over.


Dude Love attacks Tafkag as he gives an interview


Mero yells at Sable for embarrasing him last night. She challenges him to a match in 2 weeks


WWF Champ Austin fought TafkaGoldust to a no-contest


Raw 5-4-98


Love Shack: Foley complains about his recent treatment by Vince, his match against Funk, and refuses to be Dude Love anymore. Vince convinces him to follow the game plan. Austin destroys the LS set.


Owen Hart d. Savio Vega {con los boricuas} by dq. when DX gang-attacked Hart. They beatdown the Boricuas 'cause they can


The Outlaws were to face DOA for the straps tonight, but LoD2k got the match changed to a 8 man tag match.


Severn {Cornette} d. Blackman when JJ intefered


Men's Teioh {Kaientai} d. Aguila {Taka}


Mero d. Scorpio


HHH, Chyna , NAO d. LOD2k & DOA when Gunn pinned Hawk


DOA turns on LOD


Kane {Bearer} d. TAFKAGoldust by dq when Vader went after Kane


Mick Foley d. Terry Funk in a hardcore match


Mick becomes Dude Love again

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Raw 5-11-98


Vince puts over Dude Love and makes himself the ref at the Austin-Dude ppv match.


DX visits the WCW offices in Atlanta throughout the show


AL Snow & Head get lost looking for their seats


Vader d. Barry Windham {Cornette} in a squash


Skull{DoA} d. Hawk{LOD2k] by cheating


Edge vignette


Faarooq {Steve Blackman} d. Double J {Tenness Lee} by dq, when Kama & Mark Henry run in


Austin demands in vain that Vince tell him who the other competetors in tonight's tag match are.


Marc Mero tries to get an apology from Sable, but gets a kick in the balls instead.


An Undertaker interview with Lawler is interupted by Bearer, who will prove that Kane is his son. Taker takes his anger out on the King.


Al Snow tries to take over commentary duties, but is thrown out instead.


Kaientai {Yamaguchi San} d. Funk U in a handicapped match via cheating


The New Midnight Express {Cornette} challenge the Outlaws to a match at Over the Edge


Dustin Runnels blames Vince for ruining his life and burns his Goldust clothing


Austin & Vince fought Rock & D-Lo to a no contest when Vince and the stooges attack Stone Cold. Dude Love, Mark Henry, Kama, Dustin Runnels, & Faarooq all run in

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Vince bars Austin from the arena. He places Dude Love and Dustin Runnels in a #1contender match with Dustin's monthly salary at stake.


Sho Funaki d. Pantera. Afterwards, Taka & Bradshaw run in


Austin shows up anyway, gets a match with the stooges


Owen Hart d. The Godfather by dq. when DX ran in, giving Hart a beating


Sable attempts to get an amicable split but Mero pulls out a contract that basically states he owns her.


Terry Funk d. Marc Mero when Sable distracts the ref when Mero goes for a pin.


Chainz and Skull d. LOD2k when 8-ball runs in. LOD challenges DOA to a 6-man tag next week


Lawler introduces Al Snow, who will "protect" him in exchange for a meeting with McMahon.


Dude Love d. Dustin Runnels


Austin is arrested


The New Midnight Express {Cornette} d. the Headbangers. The Outlaws attack the winners


Austin is released


A doctor reveals that Bearer is indeed Kane's father. Taker runs out, followed by Vader


Austin fought the stooges, referee Sgt. Slaughter, & Vince

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RAW 5-25-98


Austin gets Vince arrested


LOD & Puke d. DOA & Chainz


Edge promo


Vader d. Double J [Lee]. Kane and Bearer attack Vader while Blackman deals with Jarrett.


Vince has to allow Austin to have someone in his corner to make sure Vince is a fair ref at the ppv, in order to get released. However, he then books SCSA to face the Taker


Dan Severn & The New Midnight Express [Cornette] d. DX [Chyna]


Al Snow is mad at Lawler for not getting his meeting.


Sho Funaki [Yamaguchi] d. Taka in a non-title match. Bradshaw helps clear the ring of Kaientai.


Scorpio d. Mero when Sable distracts the ref again. afterwards, Mero states that if a wrestler of Sable's choosing can beat him at the ppv, she's free from her contract. if not, then she has to leave the WWF forever.


Faarooq & Terry Funk d. Rock & Mark Henry [D-lo].


Undertaker attacks Vince before the main event starts. Kane, Dude Love, and the stooges attack UT & SCSA

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Over the Edge 5-31-98


LOD2k {Sunny & Puke} d. DOA {Chainz}


LHW championship: Taka {Bradshaw} d. Funaki {Yamaguchi San}


Double J {Lee} d. Steve Blackman


Euro championship: Owen Hart d. HHH in a submission match


Marc Mero d. Sable in 5 seconds


IC championship: Rock{Mark Henry} d. Faarooq when a debuting Shawn Morley interferes


Tag championship: New Age Outlaws {X-Pac} d. New Midnight Express {Cornette & Severn}


Kane {Bearer} d. Vader in a mask vs mask match


WWF championship: Steve Austin d. Dude Love in a no-dq match with UT as special enforcer

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RAW 6-1-98


Vince fires Dude Love


LOD2k/ DOA streetfight interupted by Undertaker


Taka & The Headbangers d. Kaientai by dq.


Undertaker complains about the way Vince has treated him. Vince puts him in a match with Kane to determine the #1-contender.


KOTR qualifier: Marc Mero {Jacqueline} d. Steve Blackman by cheating


Edge promo


IC championship: Rock [Morley] d. Faarooq [shamrock] by cheating. Afterwards, Dan Severn attacks Shamrock


KOTR qualifier: Double J {Lee} d. Scorpio {Funk} via cheating


KOTR qualifier: HHH {Chyna} d. D-LO Brown.


KOTR qualifier: Mark Henry d. Terry Funk {Scorpio}


Kane d. Undertaker with Mankind's help.



RAW 6-8-98


Vince brags about his upcoming "Humanitarian of the Year" award ceremony.


KOTR qualifier: Shamrock d. Godfather. Afterwards, D- LO & Severn attack Shamrock, with Faarooq making the save.


Funk U d. Mero {Jacqueline} & Double J {Lee}


KOTR qualifier: Dan Severn {Cornette} d. Vader


DX "invades" NY


Chainz d. Droz. Taker then takes out both men


KOTR: The Rock d. X-Pac


Slaughter books the NAO to defend against LOD and DOA


KOTR: Owen Hart d. Faarooq. Afterwards, The Nation attacks Faarooq


tag championship: Outlaws d. LOd2k & DOA when Gunn pins Road Dogg


Austin interrupts Vince's ceremony, then get's attacked by Kane and Mankind

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RAW 6-15-98


Vince brings back Sable, Vince tries to convince Austin that Taker is untrustworthy, Bearer challenges SCSA & UT to a cage match with Kane & Mankind.


Droz d. Double J {Lee} when Mero does a run in.


Edge vignette


Dustin Runnels d. Marc Mero {Jacqueline} when Jarrett runs in


Al Snow dresses up as Avatar, fights Lawler


Rock accuses HHH of intentionally injuring D-Lo last week, and promises that Henry will take care of him at KOTR.


HHH & X-Pac d. Rock & Mark Henry by dq.


Taker can't trust Austin, but Austin can trust him


tag team battle royale - Winners are # 1 contenders


LOD 2k {Sunny}

New Midnight Express {Cornette}


DOA {Chainz}

Too Much

Faarooq & Steve Blackman

Taka & Bradshaw

Funk U

Teioh & Togo {Yamaguchi San}

Shawn Morley & Godfather


winners: Morley & Godfather


Austin/Taker brawl with Kane/Mankind to a no contest

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RAW 6-22-98


Vince makes the KOTR main event a first-blood match. Then he gets Kane to promise to set himself on fire if he loses.


X-pac {Chyna} d. Dustin Runnels


Dick Togo & Teioh d. Taka & Bradshaw via cheating


Shawn Morley {Godfather} d. Road Dogg {Billy Gunn} via cheating


Undertaker attacks Paul Bearer in his own house


Edge - Jose Estrada ends in double countout


Mark Henry cheap shots HHH backstage


Ken Shamrock & Dan Severn {Cornette} battles Owen Hart & the Rock to a no-contest


Billy Gunn {Road Dogg} d. Godfather {Morley}


Austin hits the ring to cut a promo. Kane comes out and has "blood" fall from the roof.

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King of The Ring 6-28-98




Ken Shamrock d. Dan Severn {Cornette} by dq.


Double J {Lee} d. Marc Mero {Jacqueline}


The Rock {Morley} d. Owen Hart by cheating


HHH {Chyna} d. Mark Henry {Godfather}


Hell in a cell: The Undertaker d. Mankind


Semifinals: Ken Shamrock d. Double J {Lee}


the Rock {Mark Henry} d. HHH {Chyna} with Nation help


LHW Title: Dick Togo {Yamaguchi San} d. Taka with Kaientai help


KOTR Final: Ken Shamrock {Faarooq} d. The Rock {Mark Henry}


WWF Title (First blood): Steve Austin d. Kane

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