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Guest Redhawk

How would you book the midcard?

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Guest Redhawk

I think most people on this board would agree that the WWF's midcard is in shambles. The storylines are either non-existent, forgotten week-to-week, or just ridiculous. Feuds are short, pointless, and lead to nothing significant. It's hard to even remember who the champions are right now.


So what would you do to fix it? Imagine that you've got the book, and from after Wrestlemania until Judgment Day to get things in order. Some preliminary ideas of mine:


-- Put the new Intercontinental champion, Rob Van Dam, in a feud with Booker T.

-- Put the European champion, Diamond Dallas Page, in a feud with William Regal.

-- Have Edge feud with Val Venis.

-- Turn the Hardy Boyz heel, and the Dudleys face.

-- Have Jazz feud with Lita, who is still a babyface after the Hardys turn on her for stealing their spotlight.

-- Push Lance Storm and Test as a credible heel tag team. Have them feud with the Dudleys.

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Guest Tony149

Here's what I would do.


I agree about giving the IC Title to RVD and have him feud Booker T.


DDP gets in a feud with Raven (I would reform The Flock with Raven as leader)


A heel Hardy Boyz (Part of Raven's Flock with darker look) vs. Rey Mistero Jr. & Juvi (If they're signed)


The Dudley Boyz & Spike are sent to HWA or OVW for a few months and come back as faces with a new look (Probably their ECW tie-dye look)


Lita (Who the Hardy's attack to turn heel) vs. Jazz (Who's also apart of Raven's Flock)


Mr. Perfect vs. Kurt Angle - Yeah, it's heel vs. heel, but Angle plays the role of a tweener for this feud.

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Guest RSK

Before you can really Build your new Mid card you need to Realize who is going to be considered a MId-card Wrestler int he WWF.


1. RVD - Ashame Really

2. Booker T - Another Upper card guy with no Push

3. DDP - Ok, He could be considered the thrid with no Push

4. Test - I'm saying anything about him

5. Rikishi - Remember when he first came back!!!!

6. Big Show - Ok, he shouldn't even be here with these guys

7. Christian - Without Edge he will Flounder around

8. Edge - Without Christian the same as 7

9. Lance Storm - One of the hardest workers out there

10. Hardy boyz - Need something new

11. Dudley Boyz - eye candy aside, they need a new Look

12. Tazz - He should be dominating this series with Suplexes

           - They are allowing Angle to, why not Tazz.

13. APA - should be a more deserving team

14. Billy/Chuck - Ok No one realy likes this gimick

                   - Change the Gimick

15. Raven - Needs to make an Impact and a Flock

16. Dreamer - Can be a big deal here at this level

17. Saturn - New military gimmick could be what's needed

18. Kanyon - Bring in as Part of Raven's Flock

               - Make Raven and Him a Tag Team

19. Regal - Will hold onto the IC Belt at Mania.

20. Credible - Will show what an Impact player is all about.


I"ll Work with those 20 people/teams from here to show you how I would make the Mid-card.


Regal retains as Raven and Kanon now called te flock attack RVD only to be helped by the Returning Dreamer, as the Flock Beat down insues.


DDP retains the Euro belt via a DQ win over Edge as Edge shows his colors as a Bad egg and Christian returns to his Side to Reform E&C


APA and Billy/Chuck have ther match trown out as Hardyz and Dudleyz attack both teams. As the four teams fight up the Ramp E&C attack with Chairs and Destroy all four teams.


Tazz Destroys Test with the use of his Suplexes. he proclaims that he will run through the all and that the Path of destruction is on.


Rikishi and Booker T Fight to a Time Limit Draw as rikishi flips and turns heel as he can't hit Booker with a Stink Face. The Two Leave together and a New Heat team is Formed.



After Mania.


APA, Chuck/Billy, A Dark Hardz team, Dudleyz, E&C, & R&BT - go after each other and the Tag Team Titles on a Regular basis.


Storm beats Regal for the IC strap. only to get into a Major Rivalry with Tazz


Regal starts Program with DDP over the Euro Belt Saturn is pulled into this Battle as He Pins Regal Cleanly.


Flock battles the RVD & dreamer as the Hardyz and Dudleyz are pulled from the Tag scene into this Battle.



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Guest Loss4Words

At the risk of sounding like a Jericho fanboy, I think it's quite obvious right now that he was the glue that held the entire midcard together for two years and now that he's elevated, there is no one left behind who's over enough AND can do the promos AND can wrestle that can take his place. It's a shame. RVD's the most promising of the bunch, but as over as he is, *really* compare his heat to Jericho's in May of 2000. Jericho blew him away. Edge shows possibility but he's not exactly setting the world on fire with his promos. Christian shows the most POTENTIAL of everyone but he has no credibility. It's an ugly situation.

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Guest Redhawk

Take Albert out of his team with Scotty 2 Hotty, by havng Albert turn on Scotty. They can have a short feud, which will pretty much consist of Albert destroying Scotty until Scotty teams up with Rikishi to even the score. Albert then moves on to feud with a legitimate babyface, like Kane or Edge.


Rikishi and Scotty move up the ranks as a tag team, eventually feuding with Chuck and Billy. The quasi-homo team wins this feud, retains the tag belts and moves on to feud with the Dudley Boyz. Rikishi and Scotty feud with the heel Hardys.


Keep the Big Show in the tweener role he is now, and just have him destroy everyone he faces until the fans pick a side. Once he gets a definied face or heel role (most likely face), have him feud with Regal.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

RVD (IC champ) to feud with Angle. I know Angle's not really a midcarder but the matches would be great, and he's facing Kane at WM so RVD would be a step up from that really. Could easily have a three PPV series of matches.


DDP (Euro champ) to feud with Booker. These guys would have main evented a WCW PPV and would be entertaining together.


Tag titles...er...I really don't care about a single regular team in the WWF right now. Turn the Hardyz and Dudleyz just for a change, stick Raven/Saturn back together, push Storm/Christian, Kidman/Helms (not hurricane).


Hardcore - keep it on Maven, I don't see anyone who would need or want the belt. Let him defend against random people and use the matches to start feuds with all the interference.

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Guest Loss4Words

"Don't forget Benoit, Angle, and Eddie."


Chris Benoit - Had great matches, but aside from Jericho, never really had a hot feud. He and Chris Jericho had the distinct honor of elevating every fly-by-night Vince wanted to push above them in 2000. He did add a lot of match possibilities to the midcard, but his promos just didn't make him as complete a package of Jericho, even if he did blow him away in the ring. By the way, I'm REALLY wanting to see Benoit v Jericho again now seeing how far Jericho has evolved as a worker in the past six months.


Kurt Angle - Great on the stick, great in the ring. I think he was a midcarder until about May of 2000, during which he had a pretty hot feud with Benoit and Jericho, but was also being groomed to main event against HHH. I don't consider him as much of a midcard stalwart as I did Jericho or Benoit just because he never spent very much time there.


Eddy Guerrero - Eddy's WWF tenure saddened me because it had the potential to be so awesome. The bookers and Vince wanted to back him in the worst way, but between drugs and injuries, they just couldn't rally all the way behind Eddy as much as his talent and heat dictated. Eddy never had that one breakout match like his contemporaries did, and it's a shame since he should have by all rights been a main eventer when he entered the company, only because he should have been established as such in 1997 in WCW.

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Guest nwawildsidemark

I would make RVD the IC champ with his top challengers being Test,Booker T,Tajiri,Christian,Edge,Rhyno.  I'd take Regal out of the ring and make him either a manager or commentator since his style of work is not appreciated by today's WWF fans.  I'd also give a Euro title shot to any of these men:DDP,Lance Storm,jeff and matt hardy.  The main eventers would be HHH,Rock,Austin,Angle,Jericho,Benoit,Hogan.  I'd release Hall+Nash and use that money to sign a bunch of young talent.

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Guest dreamer420

I'm pretty sure RVD is a lock to walk away with the IC title at Wrestlemania.  After that I would mind seeing him in feuds with guys like Mr. Perfect, another match with Goldust, Rhyno, Christian, and maybe even Test.


Keep the Europeon title on DDP because I don't see too much happen with him or that title lately.  We'll probably see him defend it on Heat regularly.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Take Justin Credible out of the mix and add in Mike Awesome.  Make him a monster heel or team him w/ Lance Storm.  I'd make Kanyon an IC contender as well.

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Guest Brian

But all four were really good for matches which helped hold the midcard together. Fans started to get interested in wrestling, and Benoit brought something different from anyone else in terms of style (except maybe Eddie).

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

remake the crusierweight divison by giving dean malenko the booking power for it.


bring back the flock

make rvd ic champ with edge strong heel oppanant

turn ddp straight face

elimante women's divison

when benoit returns have heyman manage him

longer matches, that aren't just spotfests and have ring psychology.

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Guest The Electrifyer

Here's my solution to the problem(with WWF current roster):


Lightheavyweight/Cruiserweight Title: Take Tajiri, Kidman, Jeff Hardy, Hurricane, Chavo Guerrero and even X-Pac and make them just go all out for the title(s). They could just have an everyman for themselves feud, cuz all these guys in the ring at once all against each other could make a hell of a match, even X-Pac could pull of a couple good moves.


Tag Titles: Create some new Tag-Teams. I've heard of Dreamer & Richards tagging. They could also have Raven & Saturn and some other new combos could kick ass in this division. They should also involve the current ones like the APA, Dudleys, Billy & Chuck(ugh) in the feud.


European Title: They should keep DDP in there, and also add Christian because he was a hilarious Euro Champ & Regal for some more wrestling skills. Also, Mr. Perfect could be thrown into the mix to make the Euro Title worth something and well, face it, there too many people wrestling for the IC Title.


IC Title: Have RVD take a turn with the title. I really wished Edge would have held the title for a longer time. Other opponents he could face for this title could be Test, Goldust. If RVD had this title for a good time and successful reign, the IC Title could be brought back to some of the value it once possessed.

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Guest Shaved Bear


reunite Edge and Christian have them fued with a team of Lance Storm and well someone


reunite the flock and have them fued with ddp, and i dont know, test and billy and chuck


but then again, im an idiot

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Guest ColdStonedBlakeHickman

I think RVD should bring some stability to the always shuffling IC title by holding it for an extendend period of time like he did the ECW tv title. Putting undercard wrestlers against him would cause elevation, and occasionally to make RVD more credible he could even feud with people in the upper card.

and the idea of recreating the flock rules!

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Guest The Fett

IC Title Division:

Have Angle unify the IC and Euro titles and let the Euro title just fade away. Pair up Brock Lesner with him and have Lesner play the bodyguard for Kurt. Give Angle a lengthy title reign and feud him with RVD. Let RVD finally take the belt in their blowoff match(ladder match). RVD can then proceed to feud with guys like Scott Hall, Kanyon, Rhyno and Christian.


Tag Title Division:

The tag division will probably take a lot of time to develop. They need to create new teams and keep the teams together for a long period of time. I'm sick of them just sticking 2 singles wrestlers together and then breaking them up a few weeks later.

Possible Teams:

Tajiri & Low-Ki

Hurricane & Kane

Tazz & Saturn

D'Lo & Mark Henry


Cruiserweight Division:

Let them wrestle their high flying style of wrestling and don't limit what their allowed to do. Have them wrestle at the beginning of shows to get the crowd pumped up. I would have a big tournament to determine the Cruiserweight champ to give the division a fresh start.

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Guest Sykotic2002

I'd give RVD at least a 6 month reign as the IC Champion.  It will bring credibility to the belt.  Booker T, Test, Goldust, Mr. Perfect, Beniot(when he returns), and Angle could all be in the chase for it.  Angle isn't a mid carder, but I don't really see him doing alot of main eventing with the nWo around.


The tag team division defintally need help.  I'd put Edge/Christian back together since they don't seem to be doing anything important anymore.  The tag division would consist of Edge/Christian, Hardyz, Dudleyz, Impact Players, APA, Chucky/Billy, Raven/Saturn.


I'd put the flock back together with Raven, Saturn, Kanyon, Mike Awesome, and Kidman.  I'd have them fued with DDP, Dreamer, and Stevie Richards.  Dreamer is a natural for the flock to feud with,  DDP since that seemed to be Raven's manin feud in WCW, and Stevie because I['d habe him say that he's sick of being under Raven's control form the past and he wants to stand up for himself.


I'd let the Cruiserweights go out and do their own style without any restrictions.  I'd have Malenko book the division and have it consist of Tajiri, Kidman, X-Pac, Taka, Funaki, Crash, Spike, Jamie Knoble, Hurricane, Shanon Moore, and if Mysterio gets signed through him in their to.


I'd have the European Title go Tazz.  Could have Regal, Goldust, Albert, and some of the developemental talents coming up.


Don't really care what happens with the Hardcore Title.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I,ve decided on the best way to utilize RVD (who is easily the most over person in the midcard).


After winning the IC title at Mania...he should hold it for a LONG time.  Meanwhile his challengers whould range from everyone from Tajiri to Hurricane to Test to Goldust.


When he held the TV title in ECW...it was viewed as more important than the world title.


Why was Jerry Lynn a "star"?  Because he gave RVD his "toughest tests"


RVD was able to get him over just by beating him all the time.


If they won't elavate the midcard...then the midcard belt HAS TO BE MEANINGFUL.


A long RVD reign will allow him to be a star...whoever his "Toughest challenger" is to be a star...Whoever is challenging him can draw some heat off of him...and Whoever beats him for it could be a huge star.

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Guest goodhelmet

i like the idea bps but if RVD is so popular with the IC belt then he needs to start feuding in the main even sooner. If not, you get what happened in ECW where the world belt was a joke. I mean Justin Credible for chrissakes? and Heyman wonders why he is bankrupt.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The problem I have with RVD as a Main Eventer is that he's more likely to get lost in that shuffle.


The thing that was so great about his ECW run...is that no matter what was going on he stayed clean.


With the NWO at the top...I'd like to see RVD stay clean.


That way if it bombs...RVD will still be over, and in a very good position to be "the next big star"

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Guest Brian

"The thing that was so great about his ECW run...is that no matter what was going on he stayed clean."



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Guest mastermind

This is a good topic. I should get paid for this, but I really want the wwf to get exciting. I'm going to state my suggestions for improvement with the idea that the wwf is splitting. For the midcard to really get noticed I think a split is necessary. As for right now, the fans are too conditioned since probably 1999 about the upper card storylines and matches due to Austin/Mcmahon etc.


Here it is. I've seen people say the days of long title reigns are over. I disagree. The champion is only good as his contender list. When Hogan was reigning in the mid 80's the wwf had a big list of contenders ranging from the main event like Roddy Piper to Paul Orndorff to King Kong Bundy to Ted Dibase to Bob Orton to Greg Valentine etc. The I-C titlist faced pretty much the same contenders with the lower end contender's on the heavyweight scene being the top challengers for the I-C title such as Jake The Snake.


The wwf needs to adapt this philosophy again. It would help push the midcard easier. Now the split would help put the titles on a higher status instead of the wwf undisputed title...............then the other titles. The wwf has done so well in making the world title hard to attain in the last two years which has carried the show. Why don't they do that with the other titles?


Many of you are right RVD should hold the I-C title for at least six months. I say around Survivor Series and then push him toward the main event scene for around next year this time. If it was up to me Regal would lose the title before WreslteMania with RVD carrying it. You need to display the I-C title as the second most important title at Mania. RVD vs. one of the greatest I-C titlists ever(Mr. Perfect) at WM would help both men and the title and the division. The house show has already hinted at it. Take the damn title away from Regal NOW. He stunk up the I-C title match last year and will do it again this year.


The Intercontinental Title Division should consist of former great champions who are on a mission to bring back the "glory" of the title. RVD stepping up to the plate to defeat the "old guard" of former champions is a start to make the current title seem as presitigous as it was in the past. GoldDust should be on a mission showing video clips of when he was champion. Mr. Perfect is another one. Booker T gunning for the I-C title would also be some solid stuff.


Chris Benoit although I know some feel he should be in the main event mix. He can be one of the division's top guys who gets shots at the world title. It doesn't matter if he is face or not really. Most likely would be a heel though. Kurt Angle is another top I-C contender who would get world title shots. This way it elevates the importance of the title and its champion. Test is another guy who should be contending. Edge should be another contender. Christian as well. Scott Hall should be another former great champion. And to round out the ten wrestlers mixing it amongst themselves for this title is Raven. Raven would be bumped down after Rhyno returns. This would have 10 contender's for RVD's title which can actually battle each other in pursuit of the title. Just add in separate storylines for each battle. It all leads to the big match for the title with RVD.


European Championship Title

As stated above the lower end guys from I-C division should be the top contenders here. DDP is alright as champion, but I feel Lance Storm should be crowned the champion at WrestleMania in Toronto. Christian can contend in this division. Raven another contender. Kanyon another contender.

Put Albert into this division and take him out of that horrible tag team with Scotty 2 Hotty. Saturn should be in this division. Mike Awesome. D' Lo. Mark Henry. Val Venis. Again, use the formula mentioned above by pitting storylines with all these guys. All leading somehow with each person getting their shot at the title.


Hardcore Title

Maven and put the other young guys coming up. It can help them get their rookie mistakes covered with the hardcore element. Put Tommy Dreamer in here for some time. The title can always have people from all divisions contending since hardcore matches range from bottom to top. You need to bring back Hardcore Holly in this division. Al Snow vs. Maven down the line.


Cruiserweight Title(this could be a REAL WICKED division)

X-Pac. Kidman. Tajiri. Scotty 2 Hotty. Matt Hardy. Jeff Hardy(the tag team has shown they aren't ready for the upper titles). Tazz(for all those who feel he should get his character of ECW this is the only division that it would actually work in. Crash. Funaki. Taka. Spike Dudley. Shannon Moore. Hurricane Helms. Stevie Richards. Justin Credible. Chavo Guerrero.  You need the contedner list to be stacked since it's basically sold on its workrate. Let these people go simple as that.


World Tag Team Title

The Champions should be Scott Hall and Kevin Nash RIGHT NOW! This is the only way to quickly get the titles recognition as anything, but being the flavour of the week joke it is now with people like Spike and Tazz wearing the straps.

This division needs the MOST work. Build it slowly with ALL teams failing in the beginning to dethrone Hall and Nash. This should let it seem like Hall and Nash have no competition. This makes the tag teams fight amongst themselves for not taking out the NWO from the perch.


Turn the Hardys heel by both taking out Lita and let Lita go her separate way into the woman's division. To replace the missing element of Lita let them have some kind of old school heel tactic that ticks off fans like WEARING MASKS. They got the same body structure and would help them cheat. It also hides their pretty boy faces for the girls not to scream. Dudleys turn face because the tables spot is the only thing the fans get into this team for. Maybe change back to their original ECW gear, but keep Stacy. BillyandChuck could stay as they are and just need to improve or something. APA could still be the ass kickers in the division is short matches because that's all their good for. Edge and Christian UNITE in Toronto bringing the storyline to a close because it started in Toronto. Notice they can still be in the singles hunt. I think playing off each other is the only way they will get heat at the current time. They are lost without the other. Funaki and Taka. Impact Players.

D Lo and Mark Henry. The Flock. Some team from the farm system.


Woman's Title Division

Jazz champion. Trish Stratus (the both of them should have somewhat of a Steamboat/Flair series). Lita who should be getting big face pops with the Hardys turning on her. Jackie should get a shot. Victoria. Midian with the Maven push, but doesn't get the title. Stephanie Mcmahon. Stacy Kiebler. the other divas.


Might as well put the world title scene.

Champion Chris Jericho. Hogan. Hall. Nash. Big Show. Kane.(Austin. Triple H. Rock. Angle. Benoit. Booker T. Mr. Perfect) notice that group can actually help the workrate?

Now work all these guys against each other in seek of the world title. If two titles than add the top 5 contenders from the I-C division to make it 10. Create the storylines to fit divisions and this way everyone gets tv time. When a wrestler starts to catch fire move him up the ladder.


This is also important. Ric Flair and Vince Mcmahon should be the only two persons to actually make matches. They should also have very little influence on match outcomes.

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