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Guest Necron

I have returned!

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Guest Necron

Yes, it's me Necron! You may remember me from my two brief troll runs at this board. You may also remember me as The Ruthless Aggressor, otherwise known as "that guy who liked Michael Cole". You probably haven't noticed, but I haven't been around lately. I got pretty bored of the forum, and deicded to take a break from posting for awhile, but don't worry, I've still been lurking a bit, and some of you guys did some fine work at DDT wrestling. I've enjoyed all the DJ Jeff hatred recently, too. Some of that stuff was gold. So, you're probably wondering why I'm using the Necron name? Well probably not, but still, I'll tell you all anyway. I was getting really sick of my previous gimmick as a huge Cole mark, the gimmick was getting really stale, and I felt like a change. I've always quite liked the Necron name, so I'm going to stick with this as my new board handle.


I would like to apologise to all of those that were offended by Tha N3C in the past, I personally thought the gimmick was funny, I mean a ghetto thug alien bird thing that looks like a giant stick...THAT'S GOLD! But unfortunatley no one liked it, and you bastards treated Tha N3C as if he was DJ Jeff's father! But anyways, this is just to say that I am back at TSM! Hopefully one of the great mods at this board will kindly give me all of my posts from the Ruthless Aggressor name, and in the mean time, you can all welcome me back and pretend that me returning to the board means something.



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Guest T®ITEC

I actually did wonder where you went... I missed you in the post-whoring threads.



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Guest The Czech Republic

I think I may've been like "Hmm, the Cole fag is gone." Bring back the Shockmaster, I say.

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Guest DrTom
Hopefully one of the great mods at this board will kindly give me all of my posts from the Ruthless Aggressor name

So you admit to being both a gimmick poster and a troll in the past, then you ask the mods who had to deal with your crap to do you a favor? You're barking up the wrong tree, sonny-boy. Start over, and earn whatever respect you get here the old-fashioned way.

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Guest T®ITEC

Eh. I don't really know... I just wanted to get to 1000 so I could have "Vince McMahon" or whatever I wanted under my avatar.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

People think bigger = better, and that post-counts mean they are veterans of the board and their opinions matter.


When in reality, its what in a post that matters

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Guest Flyboy
People think bigger = better, and that post-counts mean they are veterans of the board and their opinions matter.

Not anyone thinks that, but hell.. I hardly post here anymore, anyways.

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Guest Retro Rob

I've been too busy to post here now that school started. It looks like now you'll mostly be seeing me primarily on weekends.

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Guest Incandenza

...so RA admits to being a previously banned troll in the past, so why hasn't he been banned now?

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Guest Marshall

More importantly, why is WJM's Babe Of The Week a small child?


I guess I'll never know or really care.


EDIT: says the guy with SuperHarryKnowles in his sig.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I remember Ruthless Aggressor... I actually did wonder what happened to you. What's all this talk about DDT recently? I haven't been back there in a while because I wasn't feeling it, so can someone catch me up?

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Guest Incandenza
I remember Ruthless Aggressor... I actually did wonder what happened to you. What's all this talk about DDT recently? I haven't been back there in a while because I wasn't feeling it, so can someone catch me up?

Check the DJ Jeff's Banners thread in NHB.

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Guest Kinetic

I'm quoted in two different sigs in this thread, as many as Gustave Flaubert and H.L. Mencken COMBINED. Just so you all know...I'm very quotable.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yes, it's me Necron! You may remember me from my two brief troll runs at this board. You may also remember me as The Ruthless Aggressor, otherwise known as "that guy who liked Michael Cole". You probably haven't noticed, but I haven't been around lately. I got pretty bored of the forum, and deicded to take a break from posting for awhile, but don't worry, I've still been lurking a bit, and some of you guys did some fine work at DDT wrestling. I've enjoyed all the DJ Jeff hatred recently, too. Some of that stuff was gold. So, you're probably wondering why I'm using the Necron name? Well probably not, but still, I'll tell you all anyway. I was getting really sick of my previous gimmick as a huge Cole mark, the gimmick was getting really stale, and I felt like a change. I've always quite liked the Necron name, so I'm going to stick with this as my new board handle.


I would like to apologise to all of those that were offended by Tha N3C in the past, I personally thought the gimmick was funny, I mean a ghetto thug alien bird thing that looks like a giant stick...THAT'S GOLD! But unfortunatley no one liked it, and you bastards treated Tha N3C as if he was DJ Jeff's father! But anyways, this is just to say that I am back at TSM! Hopefully one of the great mods at this board will kindly give me all of my posts from the Ruthless Aggressor name, and in the mean time, you can all welcome me back and pretend that me returning to the board means something.



Go Away...please.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I'm quoted in two different sigs in this thread, as many as Gustave Flaubert and H.L. Mencken COMBINED. Just so you all know...I'm very quotable.

Whose is the second? And who's Gaustave Flaubert anyway?

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Guest Cancer Marney

Flaubert was a 19th century French realist. He wrote Madame Bovary and L'Education Sentimentale, as well as my favourite, Le Tentation de Saint Antoine.


Mencken is in Tom's signature. I don't know who quotes Flaubert, because I rarely have signature viewing on.

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Guest crandamaniac

I'm the second Kinetic Quoter in this thread, as I took his post in the CWM neighbor war thread and used it for my *unofficial* quote of the week in my sig

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Justsoyouknow quotes me. No one else that I know of does though.


I quote Spaceman Spiff, because he made a great term up.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

Smelltheratings!!! quoted me briefly. He's since changed it to something or another and his stock on this board has dropped accordingly. Let this be a lesson to all of you.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

At 1 point, I showed up in 3 sigs (only 1 was an actual quote, though), but I believe I'm down to only Kotz's sig.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

So he wants all of his posts back, of which maybe 10% were useful somehow?


New Rule: If you were nominated on the Most Useless Poster poll, you can't get your posts back with a new name.


Fo sheez,


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Alf has quoted me a few times. Once for a DJ Jeff joke, and the other was at V.M. when I dissed being a Super Mod at...well here.

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Guest evenflowDDT
At 1 point, I showed up in 3 sigs (only 1 was an actual quote, though), but I believe I'm down to only Kotz's sig.

Hey I still give you credit for the Evenflow single pic! :)


Have I ever been quoted? I doubt it.

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