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Guest Cancer Marney

Biblical tilde-bangs don't work, it seems.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Marney: I love Daniel.

DrTom: Why?

Marney: Why? What do you mean, why? Don't you?

DrTom: If you're referring to Danielisthor, I think he's a good poster.

Marney: Uh... I was referring to the book. <g>

DrTom: Oh. <g> Which book?

Marney: Oh, for...

Marney: "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."

Marney: Y'know, the scripture?

DrTom: Oh. ok.

DrTom: Since "Daniel" is a generic name, it could refer to a lot of books. :-P

Marney: But then I would specify. :P

DrTom: Fair enough.

Marney: It's just so full of hope and the writing's so beautiful. And there are apocalyptic verses~! - and strange beasts like unto leopards~! as well.

Marney: I mark for strange beasts like unto leopards.

DrTom: The tilde-bang loses emphasis when used with small letters like that. <g>


Marney: Better?

DrTom: Much better. <g> Though only UNTO LEOPARDS would need the emphasis in the second part.

Marney: But the STRANGE BEASTS~! are what make it good.

Marney: The whole point is that they're STRANGE BEASTS~! They can be like unto BEARS WHICH ARISE AND DEVOUR MUCH FLESH~! as well. It doesn't really matter.

DrTom: Then de-emphasize the "like."

Marney: If I must.

DrTom: You're like Spock in Star Trek IV. <g>

Marney: Why do you say that?

DrTom: "Spock... about those colorful metaphors?"

DrTom: "What about them?"

DrTom: "Well... I just don't think you should use them. You don't really have the hang of it."

Marney: Fine, fine. <g>




...and my attempts to, like, jive with the lingo are shot down yet again.

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Guest Incandenza

"~!" only works when the word or phrase being tilde-banged is either so mundane or so extreme that it is too absurd to be overly emphasized.

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Guest DrTom

As an aside, Josh, please stop using threads as your personal PM system. If you want to remind Flyboy about Heat, then there is the PM system, AIM, and email, but putting something like that in the middle of a thread just kills the flow. Ditto the "check your PMs" reminder I've seen you do before. Stop, please.

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Guest Flyboy

.. Whoa..


That really came out of left field.


But, isn't that being sort of hypocritical when you could have PMed him and told him the same thing?


Just saying..

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Guest DrTom
But, isn't that being sort of hypocritical when you could have PMed him and tell him the same thing?

No, this way other people can see that using threads as your own PM system is "officially" frowned upon. I don't want that to become a habit, and if this discourages other from doing it, too, then so much the better.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I guess here it served as a PSA.


So, back on topic. Incandenza, are you saying that strange beasts like unto leopards aren't extreme enough?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Hey, religion could be much more appealing with the "Tildex" as my friend and I call it.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Incandenza
I guess here it served as a PSA.


So, back on topic. Incandenza, are you saying that strange beasts like unto leopards aren't extreme enough?

Hmm. Actually, it works rather well. As Kotz alluded to, much of the Bible lends itself to ~!.

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Guest Flyboy

Hell, just typing 'Bible~!' makes me want to go read it....



Well, not really... but still!

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Guest Cancer Marney

I always wanted to see an Ebonics translation of the Bible.


"Ah am the Lord yo' God. Ah am all that! Thou shalt have no other sorry-ass gods befo' me. Foo."

(That one's Tom's)


"Yo, don't you never diss yo' peeps, 'less they bust a cap in thine ass."


"Covet not thine neighbour's ass... 'less she be fine."

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Oh shit, the Bible in Ebonics AND with the tildexes? I'll immediately embrace religion if that happens!


But like we say about WWE oh-so-often, that means it won't happen.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Agent of Oblivion

That would definitely lighten my views a bit. I still wouldn't convert, because if I walk into a church, I will burst into flames.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I dunno, if I had a guy in there with a deep voice saying god was INTENSE~! and said NO POBO!! to evil, I'd be all boutit-boutit.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Flyboy
I dunno, if I had a guy in there with a deep voice saying god was INTENSE~!

Oh God..


That would be fucking hilarious. :lol:

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