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Guest Trivia247

Sunday Card results

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Guest Trivia247

Match 1

Doink The Clown defeated Hugh Morris by disqualification in 0:04:57.

Rating: *


My view: Matt Borne as Doink keeps the match with classic wrestling mixed in with Doink like hilarity. my ratings stays the same



Match 2

El Gigante pinned The Berzerker with the Choke Slam in 0:11:38.

Rating: -*** 1/2



-*** 1/2



Bill Wiles and C.W. Anderson defeated The Rockers when Anderson pinned

Shawn Michaels after a spinebuster slam in 0:06:34.

Rating: DUD


My View: Dangerous Alliance ECW version 2 goes over the Rockers? Is the sky falling? aw well..Because of the Rockers appearance even hitting at least one spot I'll pump it up to



Match 4

Tiger Mask IV pinned Billy Kidman after a rana in 0:06:41.

Rating: ** 1/2


myview: great Cruiserweight match from two experts. though it being a 7 minute match i'd pump it up to



Match 5

Kronik defeated The Acolytes when B. Adams pinned Faarooq after a piledriver in


Rating: *


My View: Lame Hosses vs the Hosses I'll downgrade this too...



Match 6

Tarzan Goto pinned Rick Rude with the Facebuster in 0:02:48.

Rating: 3/4*


My View: 3 minute time filler, Rude trying too salvage something out of Goto but, the ratings stay the same



Match 7

Kaz Hayashi pinned Jeff Hardy after a rana in 0:11:15.

Rating: ***


My View: MOTN Potential. Great back and forth by these two stars for 10 + minutes. End came that a Powerbomb turned into a Rana and the pin.

I'll pump this up slightly



Match 8

The Killer Bees defeated Conquistador #1 and Conquistador #2 when Brunzell

pinned #2 after the Double Dropkick in 0:08:53.

Rating: -*** 1/2


My View: Even the Bees need jobbers to get over by. And here they do with the Conquistadors. The bees don't deserve a negative ratings soo.....




Match 9

Ulf Hermann pinned Rick Martel after a tilt-a-whirl suplex in 0:13:00.

Rating: -1/2*

(Ulf Hermann retained the European Championship.)


My View: Rick Martel took Ulf too the limits in this match, even getting him in the Boston Crab. But the Lance Wright FLunky manage to power out and Nail his Tilt a Whirl Plex. Just for Rick's involvement ina 13 minute match i'll pump it up to




Match 10

Reno defeated Harley Race by disqualification in 0:13:06.

Rating: *

(Harley Race retained the United States Championship.)


My View: Reno completely out wresltes the aging Old Schooler. Reno is quicker and stronger. Harley does come back with his brand of 70's-80's Wrestling style which Reno Respects for 7 minutes then makes his come back, Heenan comes in and causes the DQ

my ratings stays the same


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