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Guest Insanityman

Catcher in the Rye, anyone?

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Guest Insanityman

I JUST got done reading it. While it had a lacker-luster ending to me, I love that book. I share a few of his views and over-all it ranks next to my favorite. Your thoughts?

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Guest Choken One

I've said it about 27452 times, The greatest novella of all time. It far surprasses The Bible in terms of impact.


NOTHING can compare.

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Guest El Satanico

Yes, it's a very good book and i liked it alot. It's a big deal when i like a book alot since i'm not a big book reader.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Ever notice how this seems to be the only book that gets any discussion in the Literature folder?


I love it personally, and it deserves any superlative laid upon it.


Fo sheez,


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Guest redbaron51

i have yet to read it, but i'm in no hurry since i'll be reading that in my english class in Novemeber

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Guest Youth N Asia

We've had a couple lengthy threads on this before.


Greatest novel of all time? Nah, I'll give that to "A Stone For Danny Fisher"...excelent book though.

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Guest Sassquatch

"Catcher in the Rye" is probably one of my Top 10 favorite books of all time.


"Is this guy for real or is he just crazy?"


I thought that Holden was just a bitter little man after reading about 1/4 of the book and I was about to stop reading it. But as I continued reading it, I soon realized that Holden was much more than the judgement I had made earlier about him and the book.

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Guest BA_Baracus

I had the choice of reading it, or Lord of the Flies in school.


I picked Lord of the Flies instead.


I've never read it since...probably because it has the stigma of being a "school book" for me. I'll probably pick it up eventually.

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Guest BA_Baracus



I was in grade 9 and didn't know about either book.


I liked Lord of the Flies myself.

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Guest Choken One

Lord of The Flies was horrible...I read that for school in the 7th grade and it was too atrocious...I re-read it a a couple years later thinking my youth prevented me from understanding it...nope...hated it even more.

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